
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 66 Crisis

Dahe County, a county under the jurisdiction of the Great Yan Dynasty, was not particularly famous in this dynasty. It had existed since the founding of the Great Yan Dynasty, but unfortunately, until now, Dahe County was still a county ranked low in the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

To the west of Dahe County is the only passage to Tiandu County. It has existed for hundreds of years and is therefore called the Dahe Ancient Road by the people of Dahe County.

Near dusk, a group of people appeared on the Dahe Ancient Road. There were about five horse-drawn carriages. One of the carriages was particularly luxurious and was the most heavily guarded by guards riding on fine horses.

These guards were all dressed in black robes, had cold expressions, and exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Sitting in a simple carriage at the front was a man wearing a ghost mask and covered in a black cloak, so his appearance could not be seen clearly.

This person is Lin Yuan.

After the trip to the ancient tomb palace, he returned to Yancheng. After discussing with Li Quan, he joined the convoy under the latter's arrangement.

After entering the convoy, Lin Yuan keenly realized that this convoy was unusual.

Generally speaking, the number of people in a car team is not particularly large, only about 20 to 30 people, and their strengths vary.

This team is not only well-trained, but each member's strength has reached the Tianyuan realm, and its leader is a genuine Yuandan realm powerhouse.

With such a powerful lineup, even the three top forces in Yancheng dare not confront it.

What made Lin Yuan even more curious was that these people seemed to be very respectful to the person in the luxurious carriage, as if they were the other party's subordinates.

"It's interesting."

Based on Lin Yuan's ten years of experience reading novels in his previous life, the person in the carriage at the rear must be of extraordinary status and should be a big shot in Dahe County.

And the fact that such an important figure, equipped with such powerful guards, still showed such caution and strictness made him realize that the journey would probably not be peaceful.

"It seems that Li Quan wants me to protect the owner of this carriage."

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan guessed Li Quan's intention of letting him join the team.

Most likely they wanted him to protect the people in that luxurious carriage.

"It's interesting."

Lin Yuan didn't take Li Quan's thoughts to heart. Instead, he was curious about who would be so bold as to attack them at all costs.

In a blink of an eye, the sky gradually darkened. The convoy stopped moving, set up camp on the spot, and started a fire to cook.

The shape of the camp was centered on the most luxuriously decorated carriage in the convoy, spreading out in all directions to form a circle, tightly protecting the luxurious carriage inside to prevent sneak attacks at night.

Lin Yuan's carriage was at the front of the luxurious carriage.

He specifically asked people to do this so that they could protect the people in the luxurious carriage as soon as possible.

"Madam, we will probably be able to reach Tianshui City at noon tomorrow."

The leader of the convoy took big strides, stood beside the carriage with a respectful look, and spoke loudly.

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, sir."

A gentle and pleasant voice came from the luxurious carriage.

"Madam, you are joking. It is my honor to escort you here."

The gentle and pleasant voice made the commander's eyes flash with excitement, but his expression remained calm.

"I will remember this kindness, Commander."

After a few seconds of silence, the gentle voice came again.

When the commander heard this, the excitement in his eyes became even stronger.

He could see that his future would be bright!

After getting what he wanted, the commander tactfully left the luxurious carriage.

After the commander left, no sound came from the luxurious carriage and it fell into silence.

"Zizi, I don't know who this woman is. She can actually make a Yuandan Great Perfection expert show such a flattering expression."

Lin Yuan used his spiritual sense to easily hear the conversation between the two.

From the gentle and pleasant voice, he could tell that the woman in the luxurious carriage must be a beautiful young woman with a very high status, otherwise a powerful Yuandan Great Perfection realm master would not be willing to be her subordinate.

Just as he was lost in thought, a guard came to the carriage where Lin Yuan was and said expressionlessly: "Here is your dinner."

After saying that, he turned and left without waiting for Lin Yuan's response.

To these people, except for the people in the luxurious carriage, everyone else is dispensable, so there is no need for them to speak to them respectfully.

The driver was indignant at the guards' indifference.

"If I didn't have a mission, I wouldn't go on this trip with you guys."

As he spoke, he handed a lunch box into the carriage and whispered, "Sir, your dinner is ready."

Lin Yuan took the lunch box without hesitation and handed it out in a moment. The lunch box was empty without a single grain of rice left.


The driver was slightly stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously asked: "Sir, what's interesting?"


Lin Yuan smiled faintly and looked at the panel that appeared in front of him. Countless densely packed dots appeared on the panel, some of which were particularly dazzling red dots.

"The speed is quite fast. I don't know if this group of people can stop it..." Looking at the red dot on the panel gradually approaching, Lin Yuan showed a confident and calm smile on his face.

Things turned out just as he expected. Those assassins hiding in the dark finally showed up!

Using the system's exploration capabilities, Lin Yuan easily discovered the hiding place of these assassins, which was less than twenty miles away from here.

Judging from the depth of the red dots on the panel, at least three of them are strong men in the Yuandan realm, and there may even be a strong man in the Zaohua realm!

"Yancheng is really too small. Compared to the outside world, it's just like a mountain valley."

Lin Yuan sighed softly and looked through the car window at the night sky.

At some point, the sky was covered with dark clouds, leaving no trace of light.

"It's really a good day for killing."

Lin Yuan showed an intriguing smile, slowly closed his eyes, and quietly waited for the arrival of the assassins.

In about the time it takes to drink a bowl of tea, hundreds of figures appeared around the camp in the darkness and moved forward slowly!

The quality of the black shadow is even superior to that of the guards in the convoy, both in speed and reaction.

The most important thing is that this group of people seemed to have completely blended into the darkness. Hundreds of people moved at the same time, but there was not even a trace of fluctuation!