
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 64 Farewell

At the top of the mountain, four figures rushed out from the tomb, each with a different expression.

"Lin Langtian!"

Looking at the four familiar figures, Lin Dong's anger was ignited again, but he still chose to endure it.


The four of them sensed a powerful aura and couldn't help but look down.

He was a thin young man who had been humiliated by Lin Langtian not long ago.

But now, he has broken through to the Great Perfection of Yuan Dan and advanced to the Formation Realm.

Such speed shocked the four people.

"Qin Xue!"

Qin Shi's attention was gradually drawn to Qin Xue beside Lin Yuan, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Qin Xue knew that she had been recognized by Qin Shi, so she didn't respond much and just nodded coldly.

"Qin Shi, she is...

? "

Wang Yan glanced at Qin Xue, a light flashed in his eyes, and asked curiously.

"My cousin left home a year ago because she was dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by her family. She has not returned yet. I didn't expect to meet her today."

Qin Shi smiled faintly and explained slightly.

"Sure enough, it's still this kind of bloody plot."

Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly and couldn't help but complain a few words in his heart.

"Qin Xue, you have been willful for so long, it's time to go back."

Qin Shi said this with a smile, his tone containing an unquestionable command.

Faced with Qin Shi's commanding words, Qin Xue bit her lip and remained silent.

"Are you going to keep running away like this forever?

Don't forget, you are a member of the Qin family, and you have to consider the future of the Qin family."

Qin Shi frowned slightly, his face expressionless and he spoke coldly.

"Do I have to sacrifice my happiness for the Qin family?"

Qin Xue raised her head stubbornly, with a sense of unwillingness in her words.

"This is the fate you must face if you are born into a big family. You have no choice."

Qin Xue's rebuttal made Qin Shi even angrier and his tone became even harsher.

Qin Xue wanted to continue to refute after hearing this, but was interrupted by Lin Yuan.

"He's right. As a child of a big family, this is the fate you must face."

Lin Yuan looked at Qin Xue and said in agreement.

"Lin Yuan, you..." Qin Xue couldn't believe that these words would come out of Lin Yuan's mouth. She opened her big eyes wide and stared at Lin Yuan.

"Everyone has the right to choose freely, but freedom of choice also comes with serious consequences, which few people can bear. Can you bear it?"

Lin Yuan looked at Qin Xue calmly and asked lightly.

"I..." This question made Qin Xue choke and she didn't know how to answer.

"But luckily, you have me."

Lin Yuan broke through and chuckled, and continued: "I can give you other options, but the premise is that you need to make the choice."

"Lin Xing, I advise you not to interfere in the Qin family's affairs. After all, you are just an outsider."

Qin Shi sneered in his heart as he listened to Lin Yuan's words.

An ignorant boy of fifteen or sixteen years old wants to save Qin Xue's destined fate. This is simply wishful thinking!

"If you don't want to go back now, I can help you.

As long as I am here, no one can take you back."

Lin Yuan ignored Qin Shi, and there was unparalleled confidence in his calm words.

"Are you demonstrating to my Qin family?"

When Qin Shi heard Lin Yuan's domineering and rude words, his face turned cold and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe..." Lin Yuan laughed for no apparent reason, then pointed his sword at Qin Shi and said coldly, "So what if we're protesting?"

Qin Shi's face suddenly turned ugly. He really wanted to kill the little devil in front of him, but he also knew that he was no match for him. For a moment, he remained silent.

Beside Qin Shi, Wang Yan was watching silently with an air of enjoying the show, while Lin Langtian also wanted to use the Qin family to destroy Lin Yuan, so he also chose not to take action.

As for Ling Qingzhu, she was not familiar with Qin Shi and others, so she did not intend to take any action.

For a moment, a depressing atmosphere filled the air.

"Tell me, do you want to go back or stay?"

Lin Yuan ignored everyone and looked at Qin Xue again, quietly waiting for her answer.

Qin Xue looked at Lin Yuan in front of her and hesitated.

Deep down, she didn't want to go back, but things had developed to this point, and the Qin family might do something bad to Lin Yuan, which was something she didn't want to see.

"I...choose to go back."

After thinking for a moment, Qin Xue finally made a decision.

This answer was expected by everyone, including Lin Yuan.

If you're asking how Lin Yuan knew that, it's because that's what's written in the novel.

Lin Yuan took back the ancient sword, his eyes still as calm as if he was an outsider.

"Let's go."

Qin Shi glanced at Lin Yuan coldly and said in a calm voice.

"Lin Yuan..., will we have a chance to meet again in the future?"

Qin Xue's eyes were full of anticipation, and her bright big eyes stared at Lin Yuan without blinking, waiting for his answer.


Lin Yuan smiled faintly and nodded.

He had to go to the Lin Family Meeting. After all, if he wanted to move to a higher stage, he had to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Conference.

The Hundred Dynasties Conference is the biggest event in the Dongxuan Region where Lin Yuan is. By that time, all the young and powerful people from all dynasties will participate in this event, and his goal is to get the first place and be famous in the entire Dongxuan Region!

"That's good."

Hearing this answer, Qin Xue smiled sweetly, like a blooming flower, which made people obsessed.

"this is for you."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yuan took out a Qiankun bag from his waist, handed it to Qin Xue, and said, "In this world where the strong prey on the weak, your own strength is the most important. When you go back, practice well. If you can break through the third realm of creation one day, then you may be able to gain true freedom."

When Qin Xue heard these caring words, tears welled up in her eyes.

For the first time, someone cared about her like this. A warm feeling flowed through Qin Xue's heart and she couldn't let it go for a long time.

At this moment, Qin Xue had an idea, a bold idea.

"Lin Yuan, can you close your eyes?

I have something for you."

When Qin Xue said this, her face turned slightly red and she looked a little nervous.


"Does she want to kiss me?"

"Do you want to agree?"

For a moment, Lin Yuan became a little nervous, because this was the first time in his life.

"Don't you want it?"

Seeing that Lin Yuan was reluctant to close his eyes, Qin Xue said angrily.

Helplessly, Lin Yuan had to close his eyes. Before he could say anything, he suddenly felt a fragrance coming at him, and a hint of warmth and softness appeared on his lips, which then disappeared.

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, with mixed emotions, and looked at Qin Xue silently without saying a word.

Next comes the trivial plot, after all, it is still a bit far from the plot of Dahuang County.