
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 60 Green Light Sword

The inner hall of the tomb.

Lin Yuan's right hand gently grasped an ancient long sword, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How long has this sword existed?"

Lin Yuan stared intently at the ancient sword in his hand and asked softly.

"I don't know. I also found it in a cave."

The old man shook his head, thinking back to the past, with some regret in his tone.

When Lin Yuan heard this, his eyes paused for a moment, then returned to normal.

The ancient sword in his hand had been around for who knows how long. From the hilt to the tip of the sword, it exuded the breath of time.

"Is there a sword cultivator like me in the past?"

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yuan had such a guess in his mind.

The material used for this ancient sword is not ordinary material. Especially after experiencing the baptism of countless years, the ancient sword still has such a luster and is extremely sharp.

A man who can forge this supreme sword with his own blood must have great swordsmanship. His swordsmanship can even be very high, so high that Lin Yuan has to look up to him.

"It seems that I still underestimated this world."

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Yuan sighed and felt a little disappointed.

Immediately, he turned his gaze towards the old man, his face full of seriousness.

"Thank you for your gift. I like this sword very much."

The old man smiled in silence, but said: "Perhaps this is God's will. Somehow, God let me bring this sword to you."

"Yes, I also think that it was God who asked you to bring this sword to me, so that I could understand that there are always people better than you."

When Lin Yuan pulled out the green sword, a long-standing ancient spirit spread out, followed by a sharp and domineering sword energy. Even the elegant man looked more solemn when he felt this sword energy.

This sword energy contained a destructive force that seemed to be able to easily destroy everything, making people afraid.

At this moment, the ball of light behind the elegant man suddenly produced slight fluctuations.

"You should go now. After all, there will be some scenes that are not suitable for children."

The old man turned his head, glanced at the ball of light, and said with a smile.

Lin Yuan nodded slowly and then left.

"I hope you can fulfill your wish."

Looking at the gradually disappearing Young man, the old man's words showed a hint of expectation.

Then, the hall fell into silence.

The silence of the stone hall lasted for a long time, and was finally broken by a slight cracking sound. Then, cracks quickly spread on the ball of light.


The cracks spread rapidly, and within just a few breaths, they exploded with a loud bang!

As the ball of light exploded into light spots all over the sky, two figures flashed out from it like lightning.

The young man landed on the ground nimbly, and his clothes had been neatly put on in mid-air. As soon as he landed on the ground, without any pause or nonsense, he kicked off with his toes and turned into a blurry figure and rushed towards the bronze gate.

However, at the moment the young man left, a graceful figure appeared like a ghost, with murderous intent on her face. Without any nonsense, she raised her slender jade hand, and a sharp green light flashed, and she rushed away violently.

A green light filled with murderous intent shot out, and Lin Dong was slightly frightened. He tapped the ground with his toes and retreated again. With a thought, his mental power condensed into a defense in front of him.

However, the mental defense did not achieve a very obvious effect. The green light tore it apart almost instantly, and then continued to rush straight to Lin Dong's throat.

At the critical moment, Lin Dong took out the magic treasure given to him by Lin Yuan, and held it in front of him to resist the green light.



The powerful force forced Lin Dong to retreat dozens of steps before he stopped, with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"You lecher, I will take your life today!"

Ling Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong, her voice was clear and pleasant, but cold to the bone.

"You can't blame me for this. It was that guy who did it!"

Looking at Ling Qingzhu who was like a piece of black ice, Lin Dong's scalp felt a little numb. He swept his eyes around the stone hall, but did not see any trace of the elegant man. He could not help but curse in his heart.

"You will always have to pay the price for insulting my innocence."

Ling Qingzhu's eyes were cold. Although she knew who the culprit was, this was definitely not a reason to let Lin Dong off easily!

She is aloof and arrogant. She has met countless young talents, but no one can move her heart.

Now, in this shabby place, how could she accept giving her innocence to such an ordinary person?

"If I kill you, I will erect a monument for you."

The green lotus under Ling Qingzhu's feet slowly blossomed with green light, and then there was a flash of light, and her figure mysteriously disappeared.

"Miss Qingzhu?"

At this moment, three figures appeared in front of the two of them, looking puzzled.

"Miss Qingzhu, what are you doing?"

Lin Langtian couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, just a fight with this young master."

At this moment, the murderous intent and coldness in Ling Qingzhu's eyes disappeared almost in an instant, and then she returned to her previous tone, which seemed gentle but actually carried a deep and distant tone.

Hearing this, the three of them naturally did not believe it. After looking at Lin Dong with scrutinizing eyes, they felt relieved and stopped paying attention.

"Miss Qingzhu, looking at this state, I'm afraid that the Nirvana Heart here has already found an owner, right?"

Lin Langtian glanced at the empty stone hall, then smiled gently.

"You three are a step late."

Ling Qingzhu blinked and said softly.

"Bad luck!"

Hearing this, Wang Yan felt helpless, and then laughed generously, "But Miss Qingzhu is able to obtain it, which is also a talent. Although this Nirvana Heart can give people the potential to enter the Nirvana Realm, the three of us don't care. Even without it, it is only a matter of time to enter the Nirvana Realm."

"Then thank you, Master Wang Yan."

Ling Qingzhu smiled slightly. Although covered by a veil, her beauty was still stunning, which made Wang Yan's eyes even hotter.

"Well, since Nirvana Heart already has a master, I will take my leave first."

Seeing Ling Qingzhu chatting and laughing with these top figures of the younger generation of the Great Yan Dynasty, Lin Dong felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and immediately said something and planned to retreat.


Ling Qingzhu couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

This light shout startled the three of them, and then their eyes gradually turned cold.

The three of them are not fools. Judging from Ling Qingzhu's reaction, something must have happened just now, but they just don't know it.

"Tell me, what did you just do?"

Wang Yan stared at Lin Dong coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes!

Lin Dong could naturally sense this murderous intent, but he remained calm and said expressionlessly: "I didn't do anything."


The murderous intent in Wang Yan's eyes became stronger and stronger, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

"Wait a moment!"