
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 58 Entering the Tomb

The quiet mountain became riotous the moment the seal was broken, and the crowds of people who stayed there rushed to the top of the mountain frantically, trying to be the first to try it out.

Compared to this group of people who had already gone crazy, Lin Yuan was obviously much calmer and slower.

By the time he reached the top of the mountain, many people had already rushed into the tomb.

When Lin Yuan first entered the tomb, he felt a sense of oppression, probably because the power of the powerful man in the Nirvana realm was still there.

"You are just Nirvana, and you want to suppress me? You are not worthy!"

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, and a domineering pure energy gushed out of his body, spreading in all directions. The surrounding stone walls could not help but tremble slightly, and some dust fell off.

As the Yuan force spread, the oppressive feeling gradually disappeared.

Looking up, I saw that in the vast hall, there were dozens of passages leading to the depths, and many people were entering in separately.

Recalling the path chosen by Lin Dong in the original story, Lin Yuan walked towards the fifth path on the left without hesitation.

Along the way, many people looked around greedily, searching for rare items, but Lin Yuan didn't even look at them and walked straight to the innermost part.

After about dozens of minutes, Lin Yuan stopped and glanced at several stone chambers. There were still faint fluctuations of energy in the air, but there was nothing there. It was obvious that they had been visited by someone.

"That's pretty fast."

Lin Yuan curled his lips, didn't linger, and continued walking forward.

After walking for a while, he finally saw a stone chamber that was frequented by people. Without any nonsense, he punched the light curtain covering the stone chamber into pieces and slowly walked in.

When he first entered the stone chamber, he saw numerous elixirs and spiritual herbs. Without saying anything more, Lin Yuan packed up all the things in the stone chamber, put them into his Qiankun bag, and then prepared to leave.


Two men suddenly rushed into the stone chamber and blocked Lin Yuan's way. They looked at Lin Yuan with ill intentions and gave gloomy smiles, with greed in their eyes undisguised.

"Little ghost, take out all the things you just found."

The two men kept approaching Lin Yuan, their faces full of ferocity, and they exuded the aura of a small Yuandan perfection.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes, and his figure moved. The two of them only saw a green light passing by, and then he lost his life and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Yuan easily dealt with the two Yuandan minor perfect masters, looted all their belongings, and slowly left.

"Otherwise, I'll just rob these people directly."

Lin Yuan carefully checked the Qiankun bags of the two men and found more than 20,000 pure Yuan stones, thousands of pure Yuan pills, and some spiritual herbs.

Such a huge amount of things made Lin Yuan very tempted, and his eyes turned to the person who was searching nearby.

Those people noticed Lin Yuan's malicious gaze, became alert, and retreated silently. If Lin Yuan made any unusual movements, they would just run away.

"Very alert."

Lin Yuan chuckled, shook his head, and continued walking.

The ancient tomb was huge, with dozens of passages. The further Lin Yuan went in, the fewer people he saw. During this time, he emptied out a dozen stone chambers and obtained more than 100,000 pure Yuan Dan and countless demon crystals and spiritual herbs.

After a while, Lin Yuan arrived at the main hall and saw quite a few people, most of whom were from the four major families.

However, at this moment, they obviously did not notice Lin Dong's arrival. Everyone in the field was putting all their strength into launching powerful attacks, bombarding a piece of light shield in the air above the hall. The combined attack of so many people also caused ripples to continuously appear on the light shield.

Lin Yuan's eyes swept across the light shield, and then solidified on several light shadows flying inside the light shield. Through the thin light, he could vaguely see that the light shadows seemed to be in the shape of knives, arrows, shields, armor, etc.

Before Lingbao Lin Yuan could say anything, he heard a cry of surprise from behind. He turned his head and saw Lin Dong riding a monster beast and walking in.

"You're here too?"

When Lin Yuan discovered Lin Dong, Lin Dong also discovered Lin Yuan. He walked towards Lin Yuan and said with a smile.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, turned his gaze to the six lights and shadows, and said, "Want it?"

Lin Dong was slightly stunned when he heard this. These were six spiritual treasures, and they looked to be of high quality. Who wouldn't want them?

"It's so easy if you want it."

Lin Yuan sneered and slowly stretched out his right hand. Green sword energy emerged and surrounded his palm. A sharp sword force gradually spread at this time.

Feeling this extremely terrifying sword force, Lin Dong looked at the girl in front of him and shouted, "Lin Ke'er, get out of the way!"

Lin Dong's shout attracted everyone in front of him. They looked back and saw a green light shooting towards them!

"Get out of the way!"

The sudden attack made everyone's face change slightly. They no longer cared about anything else and quickly dodged to the side.


A thunder-like explosion sounded, and the light curtain shattered, revealing six spiritual treasures.

"Grab it!"

Everyone rushed towards the six spiritual treasures regardless of everything, wanting to grab one of them.

"It's mine!"

A man from the Wang family looked at the spiritual treasure in front of him, a hint of excitement appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his body speeded up involuntarily, wanting to put the spiritual treasure he valued into his Qiankun bag.

However, at this moment, a sword flashed, as fast as lightning, and the man had no time to dodge and was killed instantly!

"What do you mean?"

Everyone turned their eyes behind them, stared at Lin Yuan fiercely, and asked in a cold voice.

"You are not worthy of these six spiritual treasures. They are all mine."

Lin Yuan sneered and said domineeringly.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

A Wang family disciple who had reached the Yuandan Great Perfection realm had a murderous intent flash in his eyes. He took out the long sword hanging at his waist and slashed at Lin Yuan fiercely.


Lin Yuan uttered two words and slashed at the Wang family disciple who was rushing towards him.

In an instant, the sharp and domineering sword light directly cut the long sword and the body of the Wang family disciple into two halves, shocking everyone!

With one move, a powerful Yuandan Great Perfection realm expert was killed instantly, causing everyone's face to change, and they looked at Lin Yuan with fear in their eyes.

Lin Yuan didn't care about their thoughts. He came directly to the six magic treasures, took a casual look at them, and threw one of them to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong took the magic treasure, surprise flashing in his eyes.

"This is in line with the development of the story."

Lin Yuan smiled in his heart, and then unceremoniously put the remaining five spiritual treasures into his Qiankun bag.

The rest of the people stared at Lin Yuan's every move, with fear and a hint of coldness in their eyes.