
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 54 Tianyan Mountains

Ever since the conversation between Lin Yuan and Li Quan, news about the ancient tomb palace spread at a terrifying speed, which also caused Yancheng, a city close to the Tianyan Mountains, to become increasingly tense. Many people flocked to this city, reorganized themselves a little, and then headed towards the Tianyan Mountains in groups.

The tomb of a powerful Nirvana master has great appeal to anyone.

Everyone understands that even if you are a waste, if you are lucky enough to obtain the Nirvana Heart, you will have the potential to step into the three realms of creation. For many people, this is something that can change their destiny.

As long as one can enter the three realms of creation, even the most incompetent person can become a powerful force. After all, looking at how powerful the Blood Wolf Gang and the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce are, they have never produced a strong man in the realm of creation. This makes people understand how difficult it is to enter the so-called "three realms of creation".

...Tianyan Mountains are located at the junction of Yancheng and the two nearby cities. This mountain range is extremely vast, spanning almost half of Tiandu County. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first mountain range in Tiandu County.

The Tianyan Mountains are vast, and there are countless ferocious monsters in them. It is said that if you go too deep, even a strong man who has entered the third realm of creation will find it extremely difficult to escape if you are not careful. Therefore, under normal circumstances, except for some professional adventure teams that hunt monsters, few people will go deep into the Tianyan Mountains.

However, after the news of the ancient tomb palace spread, it was easily broken.

The so-called danger had long been forgotten under the huge threat of the tomb of the strong man in the Nirvana realm.

Therefore, the Tianyan Mountains, which originally seemed quite peaceful, almost became a tourist destination in less than half a month. Human figures could be seen from time to time in the mountains.

With this terrifying influx of people, no one knows how many unlucky people have become fertilizer in the mountains and forests, but everyone understands that if you want to cross the Tianyan Mountains and successfully reach the ancient tomb, if you don't have some skills, even if you can escape from the monster's mouth, you may be killed by a cold arrow from the dark in the next moment.

Anyway, the journey to Tianyan Mountains is full of dangers. It is very normal to lose your life if you are not careful.

…Yancheng is far and dangerous from Tianyan Mountains, but with Xiao Zi's help, Lin Yuan was able to avoid most of the trouble. Occasionally, there were a few short-sighted people who took the opportunity to attack, but they were burned to ashes by Xiao Zi's fireball.

"There are so many people."

The closer they got to the ancient tomb, the more people appeared. This made Lin Yuan, who always liked to be alone, feel a little uncomfortable.

"How long will it take?"

Behind Lin Yuan, Qin Xue looked at the endless forest and asked.

"It's almost there," Lin Yuan also looked over, his eyes sharp, and he said softly.

At this moment, the sound of fighting came into Lin Yuan's ears.

"There sounded like a fight."

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the voice and saw several figures fighting each other.

"It's Lin Dong!"

Qin Xue had sharp eyes and immediately spotted Lin Dong who was confronting the enemy.

Lin Yuan also discovered Lin Dong and wanted to leave, but his plan was interrupted by Qin Xue.

"Lin Dong!"

Qin Xue's loud shout made the group of people in confrontation look back.

"Sister Qin Xue!

Lin Yuan!

Looking at the two people appearing, a hint of surprise flashed in Lin Dong's eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect to meet the person he least wanted to see here.

"They are..." A young girl looked at the two people on Xiao Zi's back with surprise on her face, because she had already recognized Xiao Zi as the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

Not only him, everyone present recognized the monster. Their faces changed and they became secretly alert.

At Lin Yuan's instruction, Xiao Zi flew in front of Lin Dong and then jumped off Xiao Zi's body.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time."

Lin Yuan glanced at the people present and unexpectedly found an old acquaintance, that was Yue Shan, the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang.

"Boy, this is a matter between us and the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. Leave quickly."

A man who had reached the Great Perfection of Yuan Dan said in a cold voice with a sullen face.

Lingo glanced at the man, a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"you wanna die!"

The man noticed the contempt in Lin Yuan's eyes, a cloud of gloom appeared on his face, his body suddenly jumped, he raised the knife in his hand, and chopped at Lin Yuan without mercy!


The sudden attack caused Lin Dong and his group to change their expressions slightly and they quickly spoke out.

Lin Dong did not speak like the others, but just stared at Lingo intently, wanting to see how he would respond.

Just now, the moment he saw Lin Yuan, he felt a dangerous aura and secretly guessed that he might have entered the third realm of creation.

"It's just a trick."

Lin Yuan was calm and composed. He gently stretched out two fingers and easily blocked the man's knife.


Lin Yuan's move shocked everyone.

You have to know that the man is a powerful Yuandan Great Perfection Realm expert. Even Lin Dong didn't dare to respond so casually to his angry slash just now. But the result was that Lin Yuan casually stretched out two fingers and easily caught the man's slash.

"Damn it!"

The man tried his best to pull the knife out from between Lin Yuan's two fingers, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't pull it out, and his face became more and more ugly.


With a contemptuous remark, Lin Yuan quickly loosened the fingers that were holding the enemy's broadsword, and then a green light burst out from between his two fingers and hit the man's chest hard.

The man didn't have time to react before he was knocked several meters away by a powerful force. He crashed into three large trees before landing on the ground.

"Big Boss!"

The man's men saw the man being knocked away, their faces filled with horror, and they quickly ran towards him to see how he was doing.

"What an amazing guy! This kid must have reached the Qi-making stage of the third level of creation."

There was a stone talisman in Lin Dong's arms, and the voice just now came from the stone talisman.

"Qi-Creating Realm!"

Lin Dong showed a hint of shock when he heard this.

How old is Lin Yuan?

He is less than sixteen years old, but he still possesses the strength of the Qi Creation Realm. His talent is truly terrifying. Even Lin Dong has to admit that without the stone talisman, he would never be able to surpass Lin Yuan.

"I don't know what level of strength Lin Langtian has reached."

Unconsciously, Lin Dong suddenly remembered a man, a man he had hated in his heart for many years.