
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 53 Ancient Tomb

After returning to Yancheng, Lin Yuan did not go looking for Lin Dong and the others, but chose to practice in seclusion.

Knowing the future well, he understood that it would not be long before the ancient tomb of Nirvana would be discovered. By that time, the four major families of the Great Yan Dynasty would send people over.

Even more, that woman, the woman named Ling Qingzhu, will greatly influence Lin Dong's life.

Of course, Lin Yuan had no good feelings towards Ling Qingzhu, and even felt a little disgusted with her.

Although Ling Qingzhu had a profound influence on Lin Dong, she never gave anything for him from beginning to end. She was like poison, making Lin Dong willing to give up everything just to get her affirmation and love.

For Lin Dong's future, Lin Yuan would not interfere in their affairs for the time being, but there was one thing he had to confirm, or test.

Lin Langtian!

This is the most terrifying and also the most impressive villain that Lin Dong has ever faced.

Like Lin Dong, he also has the soul of a strong man to help him grow, so Lin Yuan wants to try, who is stronger, him or Lin Langtian!

Time flies, and one day, Li Quan came to Lin Yuan's residence.

"You are a rare guest."

When Lin Yuan saw Li Quan, he smiled and said something jokingly.

"I can't help it. Wanbao Pavilion is still in its growth stage, and I need to worry about everything."

Li Quan sighed, looking tired.

As Wanbao Pavilion gradually developed, the things to be dealt with also gradually increased. Li Quan couldn't find anyone to share the burden for a while, so he could only deal with them day and night. It was not until today that he had time to come out and take a breath.

"You have to lose something if you gain something.

You won't regret your efforts today."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and said calmly.

Li Quan naturally understood this truth, so he did not complain about anything. Instead, he sat down and said, "I heard a piece of news recently. Do you want to know?"

"what news?"

Lin Yuan calmly took a sip of tea and asked casually.

Li Quanyang said mysteriously, "Do you know the mountain range where Yancheng meets several nearby cities?"

"Tianyan Mountains?

Is there something going on there?"

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he asked in a calm voice.

"Someone discovered a tomb in the Tianyan Mountains."

"Tomb Mansion?"

Hearing this familiar place, the corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was very happy.

"That ancient tomb is quite old, but it is said to have been left by a powerful person who entered the Nirvana realm." Li Quan glanced around and said in a low voice.


Lin Yuan put down the teacup in his hand, his eyes changed slightly, and his body unconsciously exuded a sharp aura, like a sharp blade, which made Li Quan's heart tremble.

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Yuan came back to his senses and saw that Li Quan's face was pale and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. There was a flash of doubt in his eyes, and he asked.

"No… I'm fine."

Li Quan forced a smile and shook his head.

"The tomb of a Nirvana Realm expert must have caused quite a stir."

Lin Yuan returned to his previous casual demeanor and asked with a faint smile.

"Yes, this disturbance is not limited to Yancheng. The entire Tiandu County and even the four major families of the Great Yan Dynasty have sent people here."

Li Quan nodded and said.

"Zizizi, it is worthy of being the tomb of a powerful Nirvana master. Even the four major families cannot ignore it."

Lin Yuan sighed with a half-smile.

"If you are interested, you can go and have a look. If you are lucky, you might even be able to obtain the inheritance of that Nirvana Realm expert. Tsk tsk, then, it will be like a real carp leaping over the dragon gate."

Li Quan chuckled.

"Of course I will."

Lin Yuan said without hesitation.

"Then I will be able to see the best of the younger generation in the entire Great Yan Dynasty. I really want to fight with them."

"It is said that even the strong ones in the Creation Realm will take action this time, so you'd better be careful."

Li Quan naturally hoped that Lin Yuan could benefit from this trip to the tomb, but when he thought of the four major families, he couldn't help but show some worry.

The four major families of the Great Yan Dynasty are not comparable to the Blood Wolf Gang of Yancheng.

Yue Shan, leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, has only the strength of the Great Perfection of Yuan Dan, and this level of strength is only considered average among the younger generation of the four major families, not to mention the strong men of the older generation.

"The realm of creation?"

Lin Yuan sneered. He knew of course that he would meet a strong man in the Creation Realm during this trip to the tomb. After all, Lin Langtian was a strong man in the Qi Creation Realm among the three realms of Creation.

If it were half a year ago, Lin Yuan would indeed be a little afraid, but now, he is absolutely sure that he can kill Lin Langtian!

The power of the peerless supreme body is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and even Lin Yuan himself is shocked by the benefits it brings.

Since the beginning of his retreat, he found that his cultivation speed was several times faster than before. He broke through to the Creation Realm with almost no effort, and even his comprehension of the swordsmanship was improving by leaps and bounds.

In addition to these, Lin Yuan was surprised to find that his state of mind seemed to have changed greatly as well. He became very calm, even indifferent, as if nothing that happened could leave any trace in his heart.

Lin Yuan had a feeling that from this moment on, his road to invincibility would truly begin.

Neither Lin Dong nor Lin Langtian could stop him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan stood up and said, "Li Quan, you should start working on some things.

Otherwise, the opportunity will be missed."


Li Quan was stunned when he heard this and asked subconsciously.

"I have a feeling that I should leave Yancheng soon."

Lin Yuan looked into the distance and said lightly.

"Leaving again?

Where are you going?

Li Quan had expected Lin Yuan's words. He was a little surprised that he was leaving again after just over half a year.

"Half a year is a long time.

After all, something is within reach."

Lin Yuan was referring to Lin Langtian and others, but Li Quan mistakenly thought it was the Lin family's clan competition.

The Lin family competition is a meeting that Lin Zhentian attaches great importance to, because if he is in the top ten, he can enter the inner clan of the Lin family, so Lin Yuan must participate to compete for the top ten spots for the Lin family.

"Then we'll see you then."

Li Quan smiled knowingly and said generously.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.