
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 46 Auction

Wanbao Pavilion is going to hold a grand auction.

Somehow, this news spread quickly, and all the major forces within a hundred miles around Yancheng received invitations, even the top three forces in Yancheng received invitations.

No one knows the origin of Wanbao Pavilion, this mysterious shop. All they know is that its owner is a man named Li Quan from Qingyang Town. Nothing else is known.

In response to this invitation, all the powerful forces with some status decided to send people to explore the background of this shop.

Because of this, Yancheng has been very lively these days. No matter which street it is, it is crowded with people, and you can't see the end at a glance.

In order to maintain order, the City Lord's Mansion dispatched all the soldiers to patrol every street day and night to ensure that there would be no chaos in Yancheng.

"Damn it, if there's nothing good in Wanbao Pavilion, I'll beat up the people from Wanbao Pavilion the next time I see them."

A man who couldn't find a hostel and had to sleep on the street was so angry that he almost started cursing.

Not only him, many independent people were also attracted by the affairs of Wanbao Pavilion and suffered a lot, but were unwilling to leave like this, so they could only spend the night in Yancheng.

The time indicated on the invitation letter soon arrived, and everyone came to the Wanbao Pavilion branch, the Wanbao Pavilion Auction House.

Li Quan attached great importance to the Wanbao Pavilion Auction House and spent a lot of effort to make it magnificent and upscale. It was in no way inferior to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and was even better in some aspects.

It was obvious that the moment everyone saw the Wanbao Pavilion auction house, there was more satisfaction and expectation in their eyes.

The interior of the auction hall is cylindrical in shape and is divided into six floors, each floor is different.

The first and second floors are for retail investors who don't have much money. Each floor can accommodate three thousand people. Starting from the third floor, members of the member auction house need to pay sufficient fees to enter.

As for the sixth floor, that is a place that can only be entered by those with the purple gold card granted by the Wanbao Pavilion. It is said that even the City Lord's Mansion of Yancheng, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and the Blood Wolf Gang are not qualified to enter.

"Yes, yes, it really surprised me."

On the sixth floor, Lin Yuan looked down at the crowd below with a satisfied look on his face.

"That's not all. I'm going to open a bigger and more luxurious auction house in Kyoto in the future!"

Li Quan laughed loudly and declared his goal with a proud look on his face.

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and didn't say much.

About half an hour had passed, and everyone had entered. A charming woman, dressed in red, walked slowly to the auction table with sexy steps. She smiled and glanced at everyone, then said in a voice mixed with Yuanli: "Welcome everyone to our Wanbao Pavilion auction. I believe that I will never make you regret coming here today."

"Stop talking nonsense and get started!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, someone couldn't contain his excitement and started yelling.

The woman was not angry, and still said with a smile on her face: "Then I will not waste any more of your time, the auction officially begins!"

As these words came out, everyone held their breath and turned their eyes towards the center of the field.

In a luxurious box on the fourth floor, a handsome young man did not look at the center of the venue, but looked at two figures on the sixth floor, with a sinister gleam in his eyes.

"Tell me, who is the person who asked Li Quan to accompany him?"

The young man asked the man beside him in a cold voice.

"I'm not sure, but he should be from a big family, otherwise he wouldn't ignore the people from the three major forces."

The man said slowly.

At today's auction, Li Quan did not receive the representatives of the three major forces, and he didn't even meet them in person. This made the two disciples of the Blood Wolf Gang a little dissatisfied.

"It would be fine if there is something I'm interested in today, but if not, I won't leave so easily!"

The young man snorted and said in a cold voice.

The man remained silent about the young man's words, because it was not something he could control.

Unlike the young man, the representative of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce seemed very peaceful, even indifferent.

"Ling'er, what do you think of this Wanbao Pavilion?"

The person who spoke was Mina, the representative of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. She elegantly picked up the cup of fragrant tea in her hand and asked lightly.

The woman named Ling'er is actually her maid and also her good friend.

Hearing Mina's question, Ling'er answered respectfully: "He is very ambitious. At least the three major forces in Yancheng are not in the eyes of this shopkeeper Li Quan."

Mina nodded slightly. She felt the same way. The boss of Wanbao Pavilion didn't seem to take the three major forces of Yancheng seriously at all. He just let them sit on the fourth floor instead of the sixth floor. This showed Li Quan's attitude towards the three major forces.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Mina smiled slightly, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"Everyone, our first auction item today is a fifth-grade upper-level martial arts book with wind attributes."

The red-robed woman announced the first auction item of the day with a smile.

These words shocked everyone in the audience.

The fifth-grade upper-level martial arts is one of the most powerful martial arts even in Yancheng, but in the auction of Wanbao Pavilion, it is just an appetizer. It is difficult to imagine what kind of items this last auction item is.

The red-robed woman ignored the shock of the crowd and continued, "Now the starting price of the first auction item is 10,000 Pure Yuan Stones or items of equivalent value. Each bid increase must not be less than 1,000 Pure Yuan Stones!"

As soon as the red-robed woman finished speaking, many people began to bid frantically. They looked at the fifth-grade upper-level martial arts book with fiery eyes.

On the fourth floor, the young man from the Blood Wolf Gang was quite interested in this martial arts book, but unfortunately it was not suitable for him, so he had to give up.

Mina from Wanjin Chamber of Commerce was quite interested in this, but she did not choose to bid. Instead, she remained silent and watched the people below grabbing items frantically with a smile.

Eventually, this martial art was won by a large family in Yancheng for 94,000 pure Yuan stones.

"The first lot is a fifth-grade upper-level martial art. Where did you get so many good things?"

Lin Yuan had not anticipated Li Quan's move, and the surprise in his eyes was hard to conceal.

Li Quan smiled mysteriously and said with regret: "Sorry, I can't tell you about this. I promised its owner that I must not tell anyone, not even my relatives."

Lin Yuan agreed deeply and became more and more interested in the next items to be auctioned.

At this moment, the maid slowly placed the second item in the center of the table.