
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 44 Destruction

Above the Wild Wolf Gang's headquarters, a man and a beast stayed quietly in the air, looking down at the members of the Wild Wolf Gang with cold eyes, without any emotion.

"It's that Yuan Dan expert, go and report to Mr. Huang!"

Chen Long recognized at a glance the man with the ghost mask standing on the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. His face was pale and his tone was disordered.

Not only Chen Long recognized Lin Yuan, but the people who were with Chen Long during the day also recognized Lin Yuan. Their faces were particularly terrified, and without waiting for Chen Long to finish speaking, they quickly ran towards Mr. Huang's residence.

Lin Yuan did not stop nor continue to attack, but just waited silently for Mr. Huang to arrive.

Chen Long heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Yuan did not continue to attack. He secretly made a note of this matter and would report it later.

After a while, Mr. Huang appeared in Lin Yuan's eyes, surrounded by several Wild Wolf Gang disciples.


Mr. Huang showed a hint of surprise, and his eyes were all focused on the monster under Lin Yuan's feet.

"Devil Flame Emperor Dragon!

It's still a juvenile Demon Flame Emperor Dragon!"

Mr. Huang was secretly shocked, then shifted his gaze to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was covered in a black robe and his face was hidden by a ghost mask, but Mr. Huang could still see that this man was extraordinary, especially his eyes that looked down on the world, which made Mr. Huang feel a little pressured.

"Sir, why are the Wild Wolf Gang acting so recklessly?"

After calming himself down a little, Mr. Huang asked in a cold voice.

Lin Yuan glanced at Mr. Huang with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"You must be the Yuan Dan expert from the Wild Wolf Gang. You are even weaker than I thought."

Being ridiculed in front of others, Mr. Huang's face turned completely gloomy and he said nothing.

"Mr. Huang, he is the Yuan Dan expert behind Li Quan!"

Seeing Mr. Huang's gloomy face, Chen Long sneered in his heart and spoke loudly.


Lin Yuan stretched out a finger, and a ray of green sword intent shot out from his fingertips, pointing directly at Chen Long's brow.

"Mr. Huang, save...

..." Before he could finish his words, the sword intent pierced Chen Long's forehead, leaving only a tiny bloody hole.

Chen Long fell to the ground with his eyes open, blood slowly flowing out of the bloody hole...

Lin Yuan's move shocked everyone present. Even Mr. Huang was shocked by Lin Yuan's sudden move and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"You killed Chen Long in front of me, which was too much."

When Old Huang came back to his senses, his expression became even uglier. He knew that if he didn't take action, the remaining Wild Wolf Gang disciples would no longer be of use to him in the future.

So, Mr. Huang no longer concealed his aura and released it with all his strength.

"Is it a small perfection of Yuandan?

What a waste. "

Lin Yuan sneered, Xiao Zi understood his meaning, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of flame, shooting towards Mr. Huang.

Old Huang's face changed slightly, and his hands were not idle. He made a complicated hand seal, and rays of azure light gathered in his palms.

As soon as the "Ice Chi Palm" was thrown out, a chilling chill spread out from the palm of his hand, heading towards the purple-black flame.

Although fire restrains water, Mr. Huang is still not afraid. After all, his Ice Palm is a fourth-grade martial art with enormous power.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Xiao Zi's flame. Facing the scorching fireball, he could only barely resist with his almost full-strength palm strike. In a short while, his old face was covered with sweat.

In the end, Mr. Huang still held on, with most of his energy exhausted. He was panting and his face was slightly pale.

"Your Yuan Dan realm doesn't seem to live up to its name. It's so weak?"

Lin Yuan was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect that this old man who had reached the minor perfection of Yuandan could hardly block Xiao Zi's fireball. Was he really a Yuandan powerhouse? He fell into doubt.

In fact, Mr. Huang is indeed a genuine Yuandan powerhouse, but his Yuandan is the lowest grade first-class Yuandan, so in terms of strength, it is far inferior to Lin Yuan. Even though he has entered the small perfection of Yuandan at this moment, he is still very weak.

"I originally wanted to have some fun with you, but it seems that there is no need for that. You will be buried here with all the members of the Wild Wolf Gang."

After he finished speaking, Lin Yuan raised his right hand and extended two fingers. Green sword energy rushed in all directions like a hurricane. The energy of heaven and earth gradually merged into the sword energy. In a flash, the entire Wild Wolf Gang headquarters was shrouded in Lin Yuan's sword energy, and no one could escape.

For a moment, the members of the Wild Wolf Gang were in a panic and wanted to escape. However, Lin Yuan's sword energy had already surrounded the place, so how could they leave?

"Get out of the way and watch me."

A high-ranking member of the Wild Wolf Gang was not convinced and wanted to forcibly break through the sword energy, so he punched the sword energy. However, not only did he fail to break the sword energy's defense, but the sword energy directly counterattacked him and turned him into pieces!

Huang Lao looked at this scene, his face turned pale, and he quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Please spare my life, sir. I am willing to give all my savings, a total of 150,000 pure Yuan stones!"

When these words were spoken, not only Lin Yuan was shocked, but everyone in the Wild Wolf Gang was also shocked.

Although all the pure Yuan stones and elixirs collected by the Wild Wolf Gang in the past few years were given to Mr. Huang, no one knew the exact number. Only after hearing Mr. Huang's words did they realize that in just a few years, they had collected so many pure Yuan stones!

At the same time as they were shocked, the members of the Wild Wolf Gang also felt hatred, resenting that Old Huang was so useless that he could not even beat an early Yuan Dan cultivator, forcing them to kneel down and beg for mercy, hoping that Lin Yuan would spare their lives.

Lin Yuan looked down at the members of the Wild Wolf Gang who were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, with even more disdain in his eyes.

"What I hate most in my life is spineless people, so you all must die!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuan waved his right arm dozens of times. Hundreds of sword lights appeared in the dark sky, instantly illuminating the sky.

"Sizzling Ice Palm!"

There was no way Huang Lao would sit and wait for death. Since Lin Yuan didn't want him to live, he would fight to the death. Maybe he would have a chance to escape.

"You're courting death!"

Lin Yuan smiled sarcastically, and his figure moved instantly and disappeared on Xiao Zi's back.

Huang was shocked by the instant disappearance of Lin Yuan. He looked around in panic, but did not see Lin Yuan.

When he turned around, a sharp sword energy had already arrived. Before Mr. Huang could even use the Ice Palm, the sword energy pierced his throat and he fell to the ground.

The death of Mr. Huang made the members of the Wild Wolf Gang even more terrified. They fled in all directions around the sword energy, but no one could escape.

"Xiao Zi, send them on their way."

Lin Yuan looked at the fleeing people with pity, shook his head slightly, and spoke to Xiao Zi indifferently.

Xiao Zi spit out another fireball and shot it towards the crowd.


! !

An explosion accompanied by countless miserable screams rang out in the silent night...