
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 41 Wild Wolf Gang

As the flames surged, Lin Yuan became calmer. The sword light at his fingertips, which condensed all the sword intent and energy, was like a javelin. Its speed and power had reached a certain limit and could kill all enemies!


! !

The explosion was like a thunder, not only loud but also powerful. Almost instantly, the trees within miles around were reduced to ashes, and even a huge hole was blown out in the ground.

After a while, a man and a beast appeared in the pit. Although they were covered with wounds, they did not fall down.


! ! "

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon roared angrily and wanted to spit out a fireball again to burn Lin Yuan to death, but he was too seriously injured and could not spit out any fireball. He could only roar weakly.

On the other side, Lin Yuan was also seriously injured. His body was as heavy as a block of lead and was about to fall down at any time, but he was still so strong.

The two men stared at each other fiercely. Neither of them could move a step. They could only hold their bodies straight and try not to fall down.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yuan's body recovered a little. He stiffly took out a dark green pill from his Qiankun bag and swallowed it without even looking at it. After a while, the scars on his body were recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon looked at Lin Yuan who was gradually recovering, a hint of unwillingness appeared in his eyes, and then turned into despair.

He already knew his fate, which was to be killed by this strange human.

But he didn't want to die, at least not like this.

Lin Yuan was less than ten feet away from the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. He could see clearly all the emotions displayed by the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It was beyond his expectation that a monster could have such rich emotions.

"I never thought that such a beast could have such high intelligence. It's really amazing."

Lin Yuan walked towards the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon step by step, looking at the struggling Demon Flame Emperor Dragon calmly. A faint sword energy condensed on his right hand, emitting a faint glow.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon looked at Lin Yuan who was gradually approaching. His huge body trembled slightly, but his eyes revealed a stubbornness and a unwillingness to admit defeat.

Lin Yuan looked at the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon with an unconvinced look, and felt uneasy. He really couldn't imagine that a demon beast in the Yuandan realm could have emotions that were almost as complex and changeable as those of humans.

"Haha..." Lin Yuan couldn't help but let out a light laugh, then retracted the sword energy.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon looked at Lin Yuan's actions with a hint of confusion in his eyes. He didn't understand why this human who was about to kill him suddenly stopped.

"Devil Flame Emperor Dragon, to some extent, you are no different from humans. It is a pity to kill you like this."

As he spoke, Lin Yuan took out another dark green pill from his Qiankun bag, slowly held it in front of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, and continued: "This is called the Life-Sustaining Pill. It is made by refining and condensing fifth-grade spiritual medicine with hundreds of spiritual medicines. It took me three years to make two, and I have never been willing to use them."

"You know, I have encountered several crises before, and almost every time I brushed shoulders with death, but I still didn't use it. But this time I used it, and I plan to use it all."

Having said that, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon already understood that the human in front of him wanted him to take the pill and recover from his injuries.

Indeed, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon was in a very bad condition at the moment and needed treatment, but he had his own pride. At the moment, Lin Yuan's behavior seemed to him to be an insult and a contempt, which made him very angry. He tried his best and let out a roar that resounded through the sky. This roar was accompanied by a dragon's roar, forcing Lin Yuan to use his energy to resist.

"It's already like this, and you're still holding on. What's the point?"

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. He had roughly understood the mentality of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon at this moment, and a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

"Do you think I'm insulting you?"

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon said nothing and continued to stare at him angrily.

"I'm not insulting you, I just want you to be my partner, okay?"

Lin Yuan's right hand was still stretched out, and he looked calmly at the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

At first, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon did not believe what Lin Yuan said, but the moment he looked at Lin Yuan, his heart trembled, and his original hostility gradually dissipated at this moment. He could not help but slowly opened his mouth and slowly swallowed the life-extending pill into his stomach.

At this moment, Lin Yuan smiled happily. His smile was bright and innocent, just like a child who got the toy he wanted most.







In a luxurious building east of Yancheng, two extremely sturdy men sat facing each other, looking respectfully at a feminine old man in front of them, without saying a word.

"Where's what I want?"

The old man just glanced coldly at the burly man in the middle and asked in a calm voice.

Hearing the old man's question, the sturdy man's face changed slightly, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed down his face unconsciously. He quickly said: "Mr. Huang, it's not that my Wild Wolf Gang didn't try its best, but the things you need are too many, and we can't gather them all at this time."

The burly man is the Wild Wolf Gang leader, Chen Long, and standing on his left and right are several deputy leaders of the Wild Wolf Gang.

"Chen Long, my patience is limited. If you can't get what I want, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless."

When the old man heard Chen Long's words, a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly and ruthlessly.

Hearing this, Chen Long's whole body began to tremble. He couldn't help but kneel down and said hurriedly: "Mr. Huang, don't worry. Recently, a wealthy businessman appeared in our territory. As long as we rob all his financial resources, we can definitely complete your task."

"Rich businessman?


Hearing this, the old man frowned slightly and asked in a cold voice.

"He is a businessman from Qingyang Town named Li Quan. He has some rare and exotic elixirs and treasures and has made a lot of money. He came to Yancheng this time to do business here."

Chen Long returned.

Hearing that he came from Qingyang Town, the old man felt relieved.

Now is a critical moment for him to achieve his goal, and no accidents can happen, otherwise he may never be able to make a breakthrough again in his life, so he must act cautiously and not make any mistakes.

"Tomorrow, go find that man named Li Quan and tell him that he must either hand over all his property or die!"

The old man said this very calmly, as if he had done it many times before, with no change in his expression, as if everything was a matter of course.


Chen Long didn't dare to object and nodded quickly.