
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

chapter 40 Battle against the Demonic Flame Emperor Dragon

In the deepest part of Yancheng Forest, Lin Yuan looked up at the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon flying in the air with an expressionless face. The energy in his body surged quietly, and the sword energy poured into his right hand like a tide, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

On the other hand, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon's expression was still calm. Even though he was filled with rage, dealing with a human would not make him lose his composure.

As a powerful demon beast, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon possesses extremely high intelligence. He can express his emotions normally and can also perceive the emotions of others.

He could sense that the human in front of him was a tough opponent with great strength, but he remained calm and confident that the other party was no match for him. This was his pride.

"Humph, you're quite arrogant. Let me show you how powerful I am!"

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, and the sword energy condensed at his fingertips. Then he slashed out three sword lights in succession, all flying towards the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

These three sword lights were different from the previous ones. They were mixed with pure Yuan power, and their power was increased several times.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon could naturally sense the danger from the three sword lights. He vibrated his wings and a strong wind blew up. The three sword lights encountered great resistance under the strong wind and could not move forward. Finally, they dissipated in mid-air.

Easily blocking Lin Yuan's sword energy, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon opened its mouth wide, and a fireball shot out of its mouth, flying towards Lin Yuan with unusual heat.

This fireball was not fiery red in color, but dark purple like the flames covering the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. Its temperature was also higher than that of ordinary flames, and its speed was extremely fast. Even with Lin Yuan's speed, he was not confident enough to avoid it.


Since he couldn't avoid it, he could only choose to confront it head-on. Lin Yuan looked at the fireball coming at him at high speed, and without any hesitation, he swung his right hand and punched it.


! !

His right hand, mixed with Yuanli and sword energy, burst out with a powerful force, directly smashing the fireball into pieces. Lin Yuan was knocked back several meters by the exploding airflow before he stopped.

"What a powerful flame."

Lin Yuan looked down at his burned right hand, his expression becoming even more solemn.

In order to avoid being burned by the flames, he had used the purest energy to wrap his arms, but he was still burned. It seemed that the power of the flames was even greater than he had imagined.

"I want to see how many of my swords you can take."

Lin Yuan slashed out dozens of sword lights in succession, and the attack direction of each sword light was different, and they all flew towards the vital points of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

Faced with such dense sword light, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon used his wings with black and purple flames to cover his entire body. All the sword light cut on his wings, but it still seemed that no scars were caused.

"Fuck, it's so hard."

Looking at the unharmed Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, Lin Yuan couldn't help but swear. The scales of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon were too hard, so hard that Lin Yuan felt helpless.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon opened his wings, revealing his figure. At this moment, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon's eyes were no longer as calm as before, but were full of anger. Although the sword light just now did not cause any scars to him, it really hurt him, which made him very angry.


A roar echoed throughout the forest. All of a sudden, all the birds flew away and the wild beasts fled in all directions, not daring to stay.

"It's pretty scary."

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes, not daring to relax his gaze for a moment. After all, the strength of this monster was indeed beyond his expectations.

In the eyes of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, Lin Yuan's reaction was a provocation and even an insult.

As a powerful monster with dragon blood, how could he allow this human to provoke and insult him like this?

Then, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon roared again, with purple-black flames all over his body. He raised his bloody claws, descended from the sky, and pounced on Lin Yuan.

"bring it on."

Lin Yuan accepted all the attacks and integrated all the sword energy into his right fist. Then he jumped up and collided fiercely with the bloody claws of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon in the air.

When the claws and fists collided, an extremely strong fluctuation of energy was instantly generated, like a gust of wind, uprooting the surrounding trees, and even appeared several cracks on the ground.

After a few seconds, both of them let go and retreated dozens of steps.

"Roar, roar..." After competing in strength with a human and ending up in a draw, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon became even more angry and spewed out a fireball, shooting it at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had already seen the power of the flame, so he didn't dare to take it head-on. He dodged quickly and at the same time slashed out several sword lights, aiming at the eyes of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon didn't even look at the sword lights. He just placed one of his wings horizontally in front of him and let it down easily.


! !

At this moment, the fireball fell to the ground and exploded directly. Sparks splashed everywhere, instantly igniting the woods on the nearby mountains, forming a sea of ​​fire.

"Damn it, never mind. I'm not going to hide today. I'm going to fight you to the end."

Lin Yuan was also enraged by the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. His face turned ashen. He gathered all his energy and sword intent in his hands, then rushed forward regardless of everything.

Faced with Lin Yuan's reckless behavior, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon was not afraid at all. He spewed out a breath of flame directly towards Lin Yuan's face.


Lin Yuan shouted and punched the flames that were coming towards him.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and Lin Yuan was engulfed by flames, disappearing from the sight of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.


Suddenly, a subtle sound was heard, and the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon stared at the sea of ​​fire. He saw a figure quickly jumping out of the sea of ​​fire and then swinging his fist.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon reacted quickly, vibrating its wings and retreating.

How could Lin Yuan let the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon escape so easily? He looked at the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon that was gradually moving away and punched into the void. A sword light burst into a dazzling blue glow, and then turned into a ray of light, just like a thrown javelin, not only was the speed extremely fast, the power was even more ferocious, and in an instant, it arrived in front of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.


The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon had no time to dodge and was instantly knocked away for several miles, breaking hundreds of trees along the way, and finally crashing into a large hole before stopping.

"Huff~" Lin Yuan gasped. The burning pain from his hands made him feel so painful that he couldn't help but tremble.

On the other side, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon slowly stood up, and the flames attached to his body burned more fiercely, which meant that his anger had also reached its peak.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon slowly opened his mouth, and in an instant, a huge and terrifying force of fire madly condensed in his mouth, and the energy of heaven and earth also poured into his mouth.

"not good!"

Sensing this unusual aura, Lin Yuan's face suddenly changed, the energy in his body surged wildly, and all the sword intent was concentrated on his fingertips.

At this moment, a huge flame shot out from the mouth of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, rushing towards Lin Yuan like an overwhelming force, and the obstacles along the way were almost instantly burned into nothingness!