
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 39 Demonic Beast Demon Flame Emperor Dragon

In a forest near Yancheng, Lin Yuan sat on the edge of a river, chewing the barbecue in his hand, with a hint of frustration in his eyes.

Lin Yuan has been in this forest for ten days. His use of sword energy has indeed improved a lot, but it still hasn't achieved the effect he expected, and he is a little frustrated.

In ten days, Lin Yuan killed countless wild beasts, and the murderous aura on his body became stronger and stronger. Sometimes he didn't even need to make a move, and just a look was enough to scare some wild beasts.

"Let's go a little further."

Gazing into the distance, Lin Yuan pondered for a long time, and finally decided to look forward to see if he could encounter some stronger beasts.

"By the way, I already have a system, why not use it?"

Just before Lin Yuan was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that he could use the system's detection system to locate the location, so he didn't have to waste so much time searching by himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't wait to open the system and turn on the detection function.


Looking at the colorful dots on the panel, Lin Yuan slapped himself hard, blaming himself for being like a fool and wasting ten days wandering around in this forest.

"From the looks of it, there don't seem to be any powerful beasts around here."

Glancing casually at the panel, Lin Yuan didn't see any dark-colored beasts, most of the dots were green, and many were even gray.

The detection function has the ability to detect within a radius of thirty miles. Lin Yuan decided to directly expand the detection to thirty kilometers, his eyes full of anticipation.

But the result disappointed him again. No powerful beast appeared on the panel, only some dots darker than green.

"Is this panel really useful?"

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at the panel in front of him, his eyes full of doubt.

The range of thirty miles is already very large, but we still can't find a powerful beast. This is so unreasonable.

At this moment, a blood-red dot suddenly appeared on the panel, and then suddenly disappeared.


Although the blood-red dot only appeared for a short time, it was still discovered by Lin Yuan who had been paying attention to the panel. A hint of joy appeared between his brows, and he quickly ran towards the place where the blood-red dot appeared.

However, after running for more than ten miles, the blood-red dot kept appearing and disappearing, which made Lin Yuan realize that the beast should have been moving quickly, and the distance from him was always fluctuating around thirty miles.

"I don't believe you can keep running like this."

After finally finding a relatively powerful beast, Lin Yuan was not going to give up so easily. He secretly vowed to find it and kill it!

Time passed quickly and soon it was dusk. The blood-red dot on the screen finally reappeared and stopped moving. Lin Yuan smiled excitedly. He knew that the other party must be tired and needed a rest, so he was like this. Now he would take this opportunity to see what kind of monster this beast was that could feel tired after running for a whole day.

Thirty miles is a relatively long distance for ordinary people, but for Lin Yuan, who has already reached the Yuandan realm, it is very easy. In less than a cup of tea, Lin Yuan has approached the blood-red dot.

The system's positioning had errors, so even though the point was found, Lin Yuan had not yet seen the beast.

Looking around, Lin Yuan suddenly felt a strong breath. His eyes focused slightly and he moved closer to there step by step.

After walking about a hundred steps and crossing dozens of trees, Lin Yuan finally saw the true face of the beast and his face changed drastically.

Because what appeared in front of Lin Yuan was not a wild beast, but a being one level higher than a wild beast, a demon beast!

What appeared in front of Lin Yuan was a powerful monster!

"The demon beast, the Flame Emperor Dragon!"

Looking at the monster in front of him, Lin Yuan slowly said his name.

This is a very rare demon beast. An adult Demon Flame Emperor Dragon even possesses the strength of the Nirvana realm. However, the demon beast that now appears in front of Lin Yuan obviously does not have such a powerful strength, so he is just a juvenile Demon Flame Emperor Dragon and only possesses the strength of the Yuandan realm. But this is enough to make Lin Yuan pay attention.

Since ancient times, all wild beasts or monsters related to dragons are extremely powerful beings. They are not real dragons, but because they possess a trace of dragon blood power, they possess terrifying strength that seems to be able to crush those of the same level.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon is not a true dragon, but it has relatively strong dragon blood. It exudes a noble aura, which makes ordinary wild beasts or monsters dare not resist, and even fear it.

"Such an opponent is just right."

Lin Yuan showed an excited smile, and all the aura of a Yuandan powerhouse was released. Unparalleled sword energy surged out like a tide, and surrounded his right arm, emitting a faint green light.

The sudden appearance of the breath completely awakened the sleeping Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. He opened his eyes as big as apples, slowly raised his huge head, and immediately discovered Lin Yuan's presence.

"Devil Flame Emperor Dragon, let me see your power."

Lin Yuan smiled evilly, swung his right hand into the air, and a flash of sword light rushed straight towards the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

Facing this sword light, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon did not even move his body. He easily blocked the sword light with just the wings on his back.


Lin Yuan was somewhat surprised that the sword light was blocked so easily. His unparalleled sword energy had never been so easily blocked by anyone or beast until he met the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. Now that he encountered the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, he did not expect that it was only blocked by one of his wings, and it did not leave any trace. This was enough to show how hard the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon's body was.


! ! "

Being attacked by a human, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon was a little annoyed. He slowly stood up with his huge body, spread out his huge wings, and swung them up and down. A hurricane blew towards Lin Yuan, and even the dust on the ground was blown up.

After a while, the hurricane weakened and Lin Yuan opened his eyes, but his gaze was looking up into the sky.

At this moment, the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon was already suspended in the air, its emotionless eyes fixed on Lin Yuan below. A dark purple flame suddenly appeared on its scales, and even its wings were covered by the dark purple flame.

At the same time, a powerful aura gradually emanated from the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon. This aura was like a mountain, pressing directly towards Lin Yuan.

Faced with this pressure, Lin Yuan's expression was particularly solemn, the energy in his body was running wildly, and his unparalleled sword intent was exerted to the extreme, which offset the momentum of the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.