
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 37 Sword Qi Enhancement

After leaving the Lin family, Lin Yuan set out on the journey to Yancheng.

Although Yancheng is the closest city to Qingyang Town, the distance between the two places is very far. Even Lin Yuan took more than an hour to arrive.

It was already afternoon when Lin Yuan first arrived at Yancheng. He did not rush into the city, but came to the forest near Yancheng. As soon as he entered the edge of the forest, he sensed a bloodthirsty and dangerous aura.

That was the energy emitted by a ferocious beast. At this moment, the beast stared at Lin Yuan with murderous intent in its eyes.

The beast was not huge, but rather very thin. Its claws were extremely sharp and had bright red blood on them, and it was obvious that it had just fought with other beasts.

"As expected of Yancheng, even if it's just a beast, it can't be compared to the beasts in Qingyang Town."

Lin Yuan smacked his lips, a gleam in his eyes.

Before facing the Wild Wolf Gang head-on, Lin Yuan needed to increase the power of his sword energy, so he decided to take a walk in the forest near Yancheng. However, he did not expect to encounter a powerful beast so soon.

"Roar..." Lin Yuan's calm appearance completely enraged the ferocious beast. He roared, and his body suddenly burst out with extremely strong power. With a whoosh, he instantly crossed a distance of dozens of meters and rushed straight towards Lin Yuan.


The instantaneous speed really surprised Lin Yuan a little, but he did not panic. He flashed his body slightly, gathered his energy on his feet, jumped up, then stepped hard on the beast's back and jumped to the ground.

The beast was depleted by Lin Yuan's kick and fell to the ground, howling.


Being toyed with by a human being like this, the ferocious beast was completely enraged. The roar it made seemed to have a penetrating power that could directly affect Lin Yuan's mind.

"This beast..." After being affected for a few breaths, Lin Yuan returned to normal and felt a little surprised.

He was very sure that this beast was not a monster, but the roar could affect his mind, which was indeed an incredible phenomenon.

However, before he could think too much, the beast pounced on him again, this time even faster than before. With a gust of wind, the beast was already in front of him.

This time, Lin Yuan did not choose to dodge, but condensed the sword energy in his palm, then clenched it, turned it into a punch, and punched at the beast that was rushing towards him.

When the two collided, Lin Yuan only felt a ferocious force constantly devouring his arms, as if it was determined to tear him apart completely.

This was the first time that Lin Yuan used himself as a weapon and utilized sword energy to fight, but the effect was not as good as he had imagined. At this moment, he was suffering from great pain. The fierce force coming from his arm made him feel like dying, but he could not let go.

Once a swordsman draws out his sword, there is no reason to take it back. Even if the sword breaks or the man dies, his beliefs as a swordsman will never allow him to take a step back.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Lin Yuan went from being in excruciating pain at the beginning to being numb now, as if it had been centuries.

At this moment, he no longer felt any pain in his arm. He only felt that his arm had really become an unstoppable sword. No matter how hard the beast tried, it could not move any further.


Lin Yuan let out a low roar, and the sword energy condensed in his fist suddenly began to flicker, transforming into a sword light. With a powerful sword energy, it directly knocked the ferocious beast several meters away, crashing into five or six large trees before it fell to the ground, dying.

"Hu~" After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Yuan touched the unconscious hand with his other hand. A light flashed in his eyes and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It still requires more practice."

Lin Yuan looked up at the beast lying on the ground, dying, and then went into the forest.

At that moment just now, he seemed to have realized something, but he was not able to fully comprehend it and needed more practice.

Unfortunately, for a long time after that, he encountered wild beasts of relatively weak strength, which were not as ferocious and terrifying as the one he encountered when he first entered the forest.

Just like this, three days passed. Lin Yuan stayed in the forest for three days and killed countless wild beasts. His sword energy also improved greatly, but the power did not reach the level when he defeated the beast at the beginning. This made Lin Yuan a little dissatisfied. He needed more and stronger beasts to fight him.


Having just dealt with a weak beast, Lin Yuan suddenly heard a terrible roar. His eyes lit up and he quickly ran towards the source of the sound.

From the roar, Lin Yuan could judge that this beast was not weak, so it was a good opportunity to try his hand on it.

…"Brother, run!"

Just a few miles away from Lin Yuan, a wild beast with a rhinoceros head and a lion's body looked furiously at the man and woman in front of it, letting out bursts of angry roars.

"As long as we kill this bull lion, we can get the exotic fruit. Why are we running away?"

The man's name is Sun Ze. He is the son of a powerful family in Yancheng. Today, he came to the forest to train with his cousin. He unexpectedly encountered a fourth-grade elixir and a rare fruit. Just as he was about to take it, he saw an extremely terrifying beast, a bull lion, which was staring at them viciously, as if ready to attack at any time.

"But with our current strength in the Earth Realm, can we really defeat the bull lion in front of us?"

The person who spoke was Sun Ze's cousin Sun Yan. At the moment, her face was somewhat pale and she looked a little uneasy.

The bull-lion is a rare beast, famous for its strength. The owner can have strength comparable to that of the peak of the Earthly Origin Realm. The skin all over the body is as hard as iron, especially the pitch-black horn on the forehead, which is even more terrifying and can easily penetrate the hard rock wall. Even the strong men in the Heavenly Origin Realm dare not take it head-on.

"How can we know if we don't try? Besides, I still have the Water Spirit Spear, which is a weapon of the lower grade spiritual treasure."

Sun Ze seemed very confident. He took out a long spear with a faint blue glow from his Qiankun bag, waved it in the air a few times, pointed it at the bull lion, and said proudly: "Come on, you evil beast, watch me take you in!"

The bull lion had apparently gained some intelligence. Although he could not understand what Sun Ze said, he probably understood that he was provoking him. His anger erupted again and he let out bursts of roars.

"Boom boom!


The bull-lion was seen running so fast that the whole earth began to shake. The bull-lion jumped up and kicked Sun Ze's head hard with its hoof!

"Falling Spirit Spear Technique!"

Facing the powerful attack, Sun Ze did not dare to be careless. He poured his energy into the spear, and the tip of the spear emitted an intense blue light, and then he rushed forward!