
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 36 Planning

"I don't have any idea about this matter now. Give me some time, and I will tell you when the time comes."

Li Quan thought for a moment, but still couldn't come up with a name that met Lin Yuan's requirements. He had to give up and think about it carefully after returning home.

"That's fine."

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry about the name issue. After all, he still had to do something before that to pave the way for Li Quan's development.

"By the way, you haven't said where your current business has encountered obstacles."

Lin Yuan suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to know where Li Quan's business had problems, so he asked.


Li Quan answered without thinking.

Yancheng is the closest city to Qingyang Town. There are countless forces in the city. Every day, many forces will perish, but at the same time, many new forces will rise. It can be said that it is extremely fierce.

Among these forces, only three forces have survived, and with the passage of time, they have grown stronger and stronger, and gradually become the three most powerful forces in Yancheng. They are the City Lord's Mansion, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and the Blood Wolf Gang.

Among the three major forces, the City Lord's Mansion is the most powerful, not only because it is backed by the Great Yan Dynasty, but more importantly, the City Lord of Yancheng is the strongest person in Yancheng, and his strength has reached the peak of Yuandan Great Perfection, which is only one step away from the realm of creation.

Below it is the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, which is not known for its military strength, but relies on its amazing financial resources.

As the saying goes, money makes the devil work. Relying on huge financial resources, the owner of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce hired many powerful practitioners as their guests to protect everything in the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

The third is the Blood Wolf Gang, which is a similar existence to a gang. They survive by collecting protection fees from each household in the area under their jurisdiction. The people in the gang are bloodthirsty and powerful, especially the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, whose strength has reached the peak of Yuandan Great Perfection, which is only one step away from the City Lord. It can be said that he is extremely powerful and no one dares to provoke him.

"Which force in Yancheng is hindering you?"

When Lin Yuan heard this familiar name, his brows were frowned and he asked carefully.

Yancheng is not Qingyang Town. There are many Yuandan realm masters, especially the three major forces. There are countless Yuandan realm masters, and even Lin Yuan doesn't want to provoke them easily.

"The three major forces won't embarrass a small businessman like me. The real trouble is a force called the Wild Wolf Gang."

Li Quan shook his head gently and said.

"This Wild Wolf Gang is greedy and cruel. The protection fee they charge is much higher than that of the three major forces, and they even want to occupy my shop."

When mentioning the Wild Wolf Gang, Li Quan seemed very indignant, but he could do nothing about it.

"Wild Wolf Gang? How strong are they?"

Lin Yuan had never heard of this gang, but they were able to conquer a piece of territory in Yancheng, and even be so unscrupulous. At least there must be a Yuandan realm master in the gang.

"The strength of this Wild Wolf Gang was not that strong before, and its leader was just a strong man at the peak of the Tianyuan realm. But in recent months, they got a guest official, and their strength has skyrocketed. While they began to gradually invade other forces, their desires have also gradually expanded. The merchants under their jurisdiction are suffering." Li Quan sighed and said.

"They are so arrogant just because they got one person? Could it be a strong man who has reached the great perfection of Yuandan?"

Lin Yuan suddenly felt a pressure in his heart. After all, with his current strength, it is relatively easy to fight against a strong man at the small perfection of Yuandan, but it is not certain that he can win against a strong man at the great perfection of Yuandan.

"What realm of strength does their guest official have? Could it be a great perfection of Yuandan?"

Lin Yuan asked with a serious face.

"How is that possible? That guest is just a Yuan Dan realm expert." Li Quan shook his head and said, "Don't think that there are many Yuan Dan experts in Yancheng. In fact, most of the Yuan Dan experts in the city belong to the three major forces. Only a small number do not belong to the three major forces, but they are not many."

As for Yancheng, Lin Yuan has never been there. He just heard Lin Zhentian's brief description that there are countless Yuan Dan experts in Yancheng and the fighting is fierce, but he never thought it would be like this. "

In that case, let's start with the Wild Wolf Gang."

After figuring out who the enemy is and how strong it is, Lin Yuan no longer worries about other things. He smiles and his eyes are full of confidence.

"You want to start with the Wild Wolf Gang?"

Li Quan was slightly surprised and shouted.

"Yes, and not only that. It is meaningless to just take down the Wild Wolf Gang. I need to deter all the forces in the entire Yancheng, so that your business will be safe." Lin Yuan nodded gently and said in a light voice.

"Although you are also a Yuandan strongman, that guest has been in the Yuandan realm for more than ten years. Now with the help of the Wild Wolf Gang, his strength is definitely very strong. Can you really beat him?"

Li Quan knew that the Lei and Xie families in Qingyang Town were destroyed by Lin Yuan, but the strongest strength of the two families was only the Tianyuan realm.

You must know that the Tianyuan realm is very different from the Yuandan realm. Any Yuandan strongman can easily destroy the Lei and Xie families.

Now, Lin Yuan is going to challenge a genuine Yuandan strongman, and he also comes with the entire Wild Wolf Gang. Can he win?

Li Quan is deeply skeptical about this.

Facing Li Quan's doubts, Lin Yuan just smiled indifferently and said softly: "I can say this with great confidence."

"In the entire Wild Wolf Gang, except for the guest who is in the Yuandan realm, the rest are not worth mentioning. I can destroy them at will."

After hearing this, Li Quan did not think that Lin Yuan was bragging. However, the most difficult thing for the Wild Wolf Gang to deal with was the guest official, not the entire Wild Wolf Gang, so he said, "If you really want to go, it is best to make a detailed plan, and even bring more Tianyuan realm masters."

Seeing the worry in Li Quan's eyes, Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, knowing that no matter what he said, the other party would not believe that he actually did not take the guest official seriously, so he stopped explaining.

"Leave these things to me, I will take care of them. As for the name of the shop and the future of the shop, you can only rely on yourself."

After saying that, Lin Yuan got up and left without waiting for Li Quan to reply, leaving Li Quan stunned.

After leaving the shop, Lin Yuan lost his previous passion after shopping with Qin Xue for half an hour, and returned to the Lin family.

"In the next few months, I have something to do, and I have to leave the Lin family for the time being, so you don't have to come to me again."

After Lin Yuan said this to Qin Xue, he turned around and left the Lin family. He was going to prepare and make a big fuss in Yancheng.