
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 35 Dilemma

The destruction of the Lei and Xie families had been a hot topic in Qingyang Town for more than a month before it finally calmed down.

During this period, the Lin family and the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School stayed at home, ignored the discussions outside, and focused on handling their own affairs.

With the demise of the Lei and Xie families, their territories and businesses were divided equally among the major forces in Qingyang Town.

Luo Cheng was a little surprised about this. He thought that the Lin family would choose to accept all the things from the Lei and Xie families. Unexpectedly, the Lin family was not interested in these things and only asked for some spiritual medicines and pure Yuan stones.

In addition to taking over the territories of the two families, the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School also obtained valuable spiritual medicines and pure Yuan stones, but did not steal their business.

In the bamboo forest hut, Lin Yuan has never left the bamboo forest since the battle. He has been staying here, practicing meditation.

"Lin Yuan, let's go for a walk today."

A woman in white appeared in the hut and said with a smile on her face.

Lin Yuan seemed to be used to the arrival of this woman, and said expressionlessly: "I still need to practice, you go by yourself."

These days, Qin Xue would come to sit with him every day, which made Lin Yuan very uncomfortable and a little irritated, so he rejected her request without any hesitation.

But Qin Xue ignored Lin Yuan's refusal and forcibly pulled him out of the bamboo forest and walked straight towards the trading floor.

Along the way, Qin Xue seemed to have become a different person, becoming lively and cheerful, looking here and there, extremely happy.

"Is this guy really from a big family?"

Qin Xue's current appearance made Lin Yuan deeply doubt his own guess. Maybe he had made a mistake and she was just a poor homeless person.

"Lin Yuan, come and take a look at this..." Qin Xue shouted excitedly in front, her face filled with a happy smile.

Lin Yuan ignored Qin Xue and looked towards a shop with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The decoration of that shop was not particularly luxurious, but the business was extremely booming, with countless customers coming in and out.

This is naturally Li Quan's shop.

With the elixirs and spiritual liquids specially made by Lin Yuan, plus Li Quan's management, no other shop in the entire Qingyang Town could compare. Because of this, Li Quan also accumulated a huge fortune and became the nominal richest man in Qingyang Town.

"Qin Xue, I need to do something. You can look around first."

After saying that, Lin Yuan took out a ghost mask from his Qiankun bag, put on a black robe, and walked quickly towards the shop.

At this moment, the store was crowded with people. The waiters were sweaty and overwhelmed. But when they saw Lin Yuan walk into the store, they all stopped involuntarily. The shopkeeper sitting in front of the counter quickly left the counter and came to Lin Yuan, saluted respectfully, and said, "You are here."

The shopkeeper's salute stunned the customers present. They looked at this short man wearing a ghost mask with curiosity in their eyes.

You know, in Qingyang Town, the people who are worthy of being accompanied by the shopkeeper are only the high-level officials of those powerful families. But that is just accompanying, not being so respectful as it is now.

"Who is that?"

"Is he the shop owner?"

"No, everyone knows the shop owner is that Li Quan, how could it be him?"

All of a sudden, all kinds of comments appeared, but Lin Yuan ignored them. He just glanced at the shopkeeper calmly and asked, "Is your boss here?"

The shopkeeper nodded immediately upon hearing this and said, "The boss is here, resting on the third floor. I'll take you there."

As he said this, the shopkeeper turned around and glanced at the entire place. When the customers saw the shopkeeper's gaze, they didn't dare to meet his gaze and subconsciously avoided him.


The shopkeeper led Lin Yuan slowly to the third floor.

Just like last time, Lin Yuan did not stop and drove directly to the last room on the third floor, the Jinzi room.

"How did you come?"

Seeing the person coming, Li Quan's eyes showed a hint of surprise and he couldn't help but ask.

"I came out with a friend and stopped by to check it out."

Lin Yuan glanced at the shopkeeper, who understood what he meant and quickly left the Jinzi room.

"It just so happens that I haven't given you my share of the blood coagulation powder yet."

As Li Quan spoke, he took out a Qiankun bag and threw it to Lin Yuan casually.

Lin Yuan didn't hesitate and chose to put it into his robe.

"Last time I told you to move out of Qingyang Town and expand the business to the entire Great Yan Dynasty. How are your preparations going now?"

Talking about this matter, the smile on Li Quan's face gradually disappeared, replaced by an expression full of worry.


Encountered obstacles? "

Seeing Li Quan's expression, Lin Yuan understood that he must have encountered a huge obstacle, otherwise it would not have been like this.

"Yes, if you want to expand your business nationwide, you must first gain a foothold in Tiandu County."

Li Quan sighed a few times and continued, "But without a strong background, it's not easy to gain a foothold."

"Of course. If you come to someone else's territory and try to steal their business, do you think they will give it to you so easily?"

Lin Yuan had expected all this and did not find it strange, so he smiled.


Judging from your appearance, do you have any good ideas? "

Seeing Lin Yuan like this, Li Quan knew that he should have expected this, and couldn't help but ask.

"That's natural."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, sat aside casually, took a sip of the fragrant tea, and continued: "You said before that without a strong background, you can't develop your business nationwide, which is indeed true.

Therefore, we need to create a strong background to make those people wary and even afraid! "

"Create a background yourself?

How is this created? "

Li Quan frowned, confused, and asked.

"I'll do this, but there's something more urgent that needs you to do."

Lin Yuan smiled and said.

"whats the matter?"

Li Quan was slightly stunned and asked.

"You have to choose a more mysterious name, so that people can see the extraordinaryness of your store. This way you can save a lot of trouble and it will be more effective for what I am going to do next."

Lin Yuan said.


Li Quan's brows were still furrowed, and he kept thinking in his mind... Seeing Li Quan like this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but shook his head.

The other world is very different from their world, even the culture is obviously different. They really don't care about these superficial things.

You know, a great store must first have a resounding name, so that customers can remember your store name and be willing to walk in and take a look.

If it had an extremely ordinary name, who would go to see it?