
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 31 Lin Yuan's Power

The Lei family compound was in chaos, with screams coming one after another.

"Wow, so many Tianyuan realm masters appearing at the same time, what a grand event."

Lin Yuan looked towards the depths of the Lei family's backyard, at the four figures approaching rapidly. There was no trace of panic on his face, but instead a hint of smile.

The Lei family has already revealed their trump card, but Lin Yuan remains calm, which makes Lei Bao even angrier.

"You are about to die, yet you are still pretending to be calm. Let me expose your mask."

The previous confrontations with Lin Yuan had made Lei Bao realize that the opponent's strength was no weaker than his, so he used all his strength this time.

"Humph, self-righteous."

Lin Yuan sneered and stabbed with his sword.

The sword intent attached to the iron sword suddenly burst out with astonishing power, like a ferocious tiger, wanting to kill people.

The two forces collided with each other, and Lei Bao flew backwards, spitting blood from his mouth with a look of horror.

He, Lei Bao, a powerful warrior at the peak of Tianyuan realm, could not even block a sword from someone at the early stage of Tianyuan realm!

"No, you are definitely not in the early stage of Tianyuan!"

Lei Bao recalled the moment when the two men faced each other and the terrifying force he felt, and could not help but shout out.

"It's too late to find out now!"

Lin Yuan sneered again, his figure leaped, and three sword blades were slashed out in an instant, flying towards Lei Bao.

Lei Bao dodged hurriedly and retreated violently. After dodging the second and third sword blades in succession, he was too late to dodge the third sword blade. He had to clench his fists in front of him, and let his energy surge in, hoping to block this last sword blade.

However, he underestimated this last sword blade and was instantly knocked away by the powerful sword energy contained in the blade. He fell to the ground and the ground could not bear it, forming a ten-foot-wide hole.


The faces of several Lei family elders changed drastically and they hurried to Lei Bao's side.

At this moment, Lei Bao had been seriously injured. His face was pale, more than ten bones were broken, and he was unable to move.

An elderly elder quickly took out a wooden bottle from his Qiankun bag and slowly applied the powder in the bottle to Lei Bao's wound.

The powder quickly took effect. The injuries on Lei Bao's surface were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. After just a few seconds, Lei Bao was able to move his body normally, and his pale old face became a little rosy.

"Blood coagulation powder!"

Lin Yuan looked at the wooden bottle with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He was very familiar with the wooden bottle. It was the blood-clotting powder he gave to Li Quan, a panacea for healing wounds. He only heard that the medicine was bought by a mysterious person, but he never thought that it would be someone from the Lei family.

"Ahem... I didn't expect that you would grow to this extent after just ten days of not seeing you. I underestimated you."

Lei Bao stood up slowly, looked at Lin Yuan solemnly, and said in a cold voice.

"Did you say earlier that I regretted provoking you?"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and looked at Lei Bao quietly, ready to listen to what he had to say.

"Not only do I not regret it, but I am even more fortunate."

Lei Bao's expression gradually calmed down.

Everything that had happened before made him very angry, but although Lin Yuan's sword seriously injured him, it also made him regain consciousness and sanity.


Lin Yuan frowned slightly and looked at Lei Bao in confusion.

"You are indeed a peerless genius. I have lived for so many years and have never seen a genius like you. However, geniuses also need enough time to grow before their talents can be transformed into strength."

As Lei Bao said these words, he sneered continuously, with a hint of confidence in his eyes.

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Yuan looked at Lei Bao calmly and said in a low voice.

"What I mean is, if a few months pass, maybe you will grow to a point where even the Lei and Xie families combined will be unable to deal with you, but unfortunately it's not a few months from now."

Lei Bao had almost recovered by now. His complexion gradually returned to normal and his tone of voice became heavier.

"You mean, you can defeat me now?"

Lin Yuan was quite disdainful of Lei Bao's words, and his tone was more sarcastic.

Lei Bao naturally saw the disdain in Lin Yuan's eyes, but his mood was not affected. Instead, he said calmly: "Of course I am not your opponent alone, but..." Before he finished speaking, four figures suddenly appeared. Each of them exuded a powerful aura of the peak of the Tianyuan realm, which was suffocating.

Lin Yuan looked at the four old men who suddenly appeared with a slightly fixed gaze but an unchanged expression.

"Leibao, what's going on?"

The one who spoke was the old man standing in the middle of the four people. He glanced at the whole audience, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"Elder Lei Feng, I will tell you the details later. Now please join me in killing this little devil!"

Lei Bao jumped up, came to Lei Feng's side, pointed at Lin Yuan, and said coldly.

"Lei Bao, what did you just say?

Work together to kill the little devil in front of us?

Are you crazy?

I can't do such a shameless thing."

The old man next to Lei Feng heard this and his expression suddenly turned ugly, and he said sternly.

Let the four of them attack a ten-year-old kid at the same time. If others knew about this, they would talk about it and say they were shameless. But he is a respectable man and would not do such a thing.

"My fellow elders, please do not underestimate this brat. His strength has already surpassed the peak of Tianyuan and reached the realm of Half-step Yuandan!"

Lei Bao let out a light shout, his expression extremely cold.

"Half-step Yuandan!"

The four old men were slightly surprised, their eyes full of disbelief.

"That's a lot of nonsense."

Lin Yuan curled his lips and swung his sword at one of the four men.

The sword flashed at an extremely fast speed and arrived in front of the old man in an instant.

The old man's expression changed drastically when facing the sword light. Without time to think, he immediately used all his strength to punch forward.


The violent fluctuation of Yuanli was like an explosion, directly knocking the old man back to the edge of the roof, with blood at the corner of his mouth.

It all happened so fast that the other three elders had no time to react before the old man was knocked back several meters.

"It seems that what Lei Bao said is right. This kid is really amazing."

Lei Feng looked at Lin Yuan with a gloomy expression and said in a deep voice.

"He defeated Elder Lei Mu with just one move. It seems that he has indeed reached the Half-Step Yuan Dan realm."

Lei Lin said coldly.

"Come on, all five of you. If we fight alone, you are no match for me."

Lin Yuan smiled sarcastically and spoke in a casual tone.

"Elders, kill him, and our Lei family will have one less major threat!"

Lei Bao was filled with murderous intent, and his cold gaze was like a blade, piercing straight at Lin Yuan.

"Okay, let's put aside our old pride today and kill this brat together!"

The four elders looked at each other for a few seconds, then they saw through each other's thoughts. They all burst out with a terrifying aura and looked at Lin Yuan coldly.