
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 3 Encounter


When Lin Dong used all his strength to open his heavy eyelids, a young man in a green robe appeared in front of him.

The young man's eyes were as deep as the sea, and he faintly revealed a sharp momentum, which was unforgettable.

"Who is he?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Lin Dong's eyes. He had never seen such a special boy.

The boy looked about the same age as him, but his whole body exuded an aura of indifference and arrogance, as if in the eyes of this boy, everything in this world was insignificant.

"Are you awake?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said softly.

Lin Dong moved his body slightly and stood up with difficulty. Suddenly, he felt something extra in his body and quickly closed his eyes to check.

"This... I broke through to the third level of body tempering!"

The sudden good fortune made Lin Dong very excited, and then he remembered the scene of being beaten up by Lin Shan not long ago, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Lin Shan, remember this, if I don't beat you into a pig's head next time, I will not be named Lin!"

Lin Dong gritted his teeth, feeling annoyed.

Lin Shan has already reached the fourth level of body tempering. Even in the eyes of the whole clan, he is one of the most talented people. I was just lucky enough to break through to the third level of body tempering. How can I compare?

In cultivation, body tempering comes first. Everything starts from one's own body. The human body is the most mysterious thing in the world.

The so-called body tempering is to strengthen one's body from the outside to the inside. When the tendons, bones, and marrow in the body are strengthened to a certain level, a seed of Yuanli will be derived.

Only when the Yuanli seed appears in the human body can he be called a cultivator.

There are nine levels of body tempering. The difference between the first three levels is not big, except that the physical fitness is stronger.

Only after reaching the fourth level, the human skin will be as hard as wood and stone, and both strength and speed will be qualitatively improved. Although the gap between Lin Dong and Lin Shan is only one level at this moment, Lin Shan can easily defeat Lin Dong!

However, the reason why Lin Shan was so much stronger than Lin Dong was not only because he had practiced for a much longer time than Lin Dong, but more importantly, he had a father who managed the Lin family's finances.

On the other hand, Lin Dong was completely different from him. Not only did he not have the spiritual medicine Zhipu, but more importantly, he did not even have basic healing medicine.

The Tempering Body Realm is a realm of physical training, so it is often injured to varying degrees. If there are not enough healing medicines, then it can only recover naturally, which will cause a waste of time.

In summary, Lin Dong's training speed is naturally far inferior to the former...

"It's just good luck, what's so exciting about it."

Lin Dong's happy look made Lin Yuan frown unconsciously. It's just the third level of Tempering Body, why is it so exciting?

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Lin Dong looked a little flustered, his face flushed, and he was panicked.

At his age, reaching the third level of Tempering Body is already considered a genius.

But the young man in front of him had a look of disdain on his face, and there was even a hint of contempt in his words.

Lin Dong's excitement was instantly extinguished by Lin Yuan's bucket of water.

The path of martial arts is to steal yin and yang, seize destiny, turn nirvana, grasp life and death, and control reincarnation.

After that, there is also breaking the sky and shaking the universe.

A body tempering realm is just the foundation before cultivation, especially the first three levels of body tempering, which is the foundation of the foundation, which is really nothing.

Lin Dong didn't know how to answer what this strange boy said, so he could only choose to remain silent.

"Did you... save me?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Dong asked intermittently.

In front of this boy, he always felt a huge pressure, which made him a little nervous.

"It's nothing, everything depends on you."

Lin Yuan shook his head and said indifferently.

"Thank you."

Lin Dong thanked sincerely.

Since he was sensible, Lin Dong has encountered rolling eyes, contempt, and even worse, being beaten directly.

And Lin Yuan's kindness made him feel the long-lost family affection, and a warm feeling came into his heart.

Lin Yuan's frown still didn't relax. He was a little displeased with the Lin Dong in front of him.

"What a fuss. Is this really the protagonist? Or is he more introverted because he didn't get that opportunity?"

Lin Yuan was thinking a lot in his mind.

"Helping you is not free. You have to repay me in the future."

Lin Yuan didn't have a good impression of Lin Dong at the moment, so his tone seemed very stiff.

Survival of the fittest.

A drop of water today will be repaid with a spring tomorrow.

Of course, Lin Yuan didn't expect Lin Dong to repay him in the future. The reason why he said this was just to prevent Lin Dong from having unnecessary gratitude towards him.

Lin Yuan's naked words made Lin Dong choke for a moment, and he was a little stunned.

The boy's straightforward words made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he was still moved.

No matter what the other party's purpose was, he helped him. Even if he asked for a favor, it was understandable.

"Don't worry, if you need it in the future, I will definitely help you."

Seeing Lin Dong's serious face, Lin Yuan didn't know why a trace of irritation and throbbing appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help asking: "Do you know why I want to help you?"

Hearing this, Lin Dong slowly shook his head, and he was also a little curious.

"Because in the entire Lin family, only you are qualified to be in my eyes."

The calm words contained unimaginable confidence.

Lin Dong was shocked by this sentence, and this sentence kept ringing in his mind for a long time.

"Only I have this qualification? Why?"

Lin Dong was puzzled, and he also didn't understand why this mysterious boy valued him so much.

You know, now he is just a boy of the third level of body tempering. His strength is only average even among the younger generation. His family background is average, and his cultivation resources are even more average. What is so attractive about him?

"You are a real strong man, so you are qualified to be in my eyes."

Lin Yuan said expressionlessly.

"Strong man?" Lin Dong pointed at himself, with a hint of self-mockery in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't think he was a strong man at all.

Lin Yuan smiled faintly.