
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 28 Storm

Inside the bamboo hut, Lin Yuan stared at the two moving orange dots on the panel, a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Judging from the traces of Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao's movement, they went straight to the bamboo hut, which was where he came from.

"Do they know that I have successfully reached the Yuandan realm?"

With a flash of doubt in his eyes, Lin Yuan put away the panel, sat down on the spot, and waited quietly for the two to arrive.

In a moment, Lin Xiao and Lin Zhentian rushed to the bamboo hut. When they opened the door of the hut, they saw Lin Yuan sitting on the ground.

Lin Yuan's face looked normal, and he didn't emanate any aura, like a person without any cultivation.

If it were a stranger, he would probably think that he was a mortal with no cultivation, but Lin Xiao and Lin Zhentian understood that a few days ago, Lin Yuan had already become a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, so how could he be a mortal now?

"Xiao Ge..., have you really succeeded in advancing to the Yuan Dan realm?"

There was a slight pause of a few seconds, and Lin Zhentian didn't realize that his voice was trembling and unbelievable.

Lin Yuan glanced past the two people who came in and looked at a young man behind him. After seeing the shock and uneasiness on his face, he nodded slowly.

"To reach the level of Yuan Dan at the age of fourteen, there is not even one person like him in the entire Great Yan Dynasty."

Lin Xiao said this with a sigh, and suddenly thought of the genius boy Lin Langtian who had once defeated him with one move.

Although they are both young geniuses, the boy in front of him is more talented than Lin Langtian and his strength is more unfathomable.

Lin Yuan was quite pleased with the compliment, but that was all.

"I was worried that the Lin family wouldn't be able to hold on until you advance to the Yuan Dan realm, but now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Lin Zhentian took a moment to digest the shock in his heart, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Did the Lei family and the Xie family take action while I was in seclusion?"

Lin Yuan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It can't be considered as taking action, it can only be said that there is no concealment of the attitude of suppressing the Lin family."

Lin Zhentian sighed softly, his words revealing helplessness.

Lin Yuan was puzzled and looked at Lin Xiao with a questioning look.

"Since the end of the hunt, the Lei family and the Xie family have been suppressing us in every way possible."

When Lin Xiao said this, his face was heavy, and he was obviously under a lot of pressure from the joint suppression of the Lei and Xie families.

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly guessed something.

If you want to destroy a family, the fastest and most effective way is to destroy their economic source. Without an economic source, the family will wither.

The Lei and Xie families used the same method. They relied on their strong family background to launch crazy economic attacks on the relatively weak Lin family, causing them to worry about food, clothing and daily expenses all day long and gradually decline.

"What a stupid idea."

Lin Yuan looked down on this economic blow and even did not understand it.

The Lin family and the Lei and Xie families have formed a deep hatred, and the two sides are like water and fire and can never get along.

In this case, we should cut the Gordian knot and work together to completely wipe out the Lin family. However, now we are using such a childish method as economic attack, which will only make the Lin family suffer a loss because they have no money.

Since there has to be a war after all, we might as well fight it out to the end. Engaging in conspiracies and tricks will only give the opponent a chance to catch their breath.

"At present, the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School has officially announced its alliance with our Lin family, so we can handle the suppression from the Lei and Xie families."

Lin Xiao was very grateful for the help from the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School, and he praised Luo Cheng very much in his words.

Lin Yuan also had a good impression of Luo Cheng. Regardless of other things, the other party's generous help of tens of thousands of pure Yuan stones and some spiritual herbs was enough to make Lin Yuan grateful.

"Notify the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School, it's time to act."

Lin Yuan had long wanted to kill Lei Bao. Now that he had advanced to the Yuandan realm, it was time to get rid of him once and for all.

"Action now?"

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Lin Xiao frowned slightly, looking hesitant.

In recent days, in order to deal with the Lei and Xie families, the Lin family has put a lot of effort into investigating the Lei and Xie families. They hope to find the weaknesses of the two families and launch a counterattack.

But the more he investigated, the more he realized that the Lei and Xie families were not simple.

The Lei and Xie families have been in Qingyang Town for nearly a hundred years, and their hidden strength is far more terrifying than what they show.

Just take the number of Tianyuan realm masters as an example, there are as many as three Tianyuan realm masters hidden in the Lei family, and hundreds of Diyuan realm masters!

With such terrifying combat power, one can build a powerful family.

"Are there any Yuandan-level masters among the Lei and Xie families?"

To be on the safe side, Lin Yuan asked.

"That shouldn't be the case, otherwise they would have brought people to kill us long ago. Why would we bother suppressing the Lin family?"

Lin Zhentian frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head slightly and said.

"Since there is no strong person in the Yuandan realm, the Lei and Xie families will surely perish."

After getting Lin Zhentian's answer, Lin Yuan was completely relieved. A hint of confidence appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was full of fighting spirit.

The Yuandan realm and the Tianyuan realm seem to be only one realm apart, but there is a world of difference between the two.

Even a Yuandan realm of the worst first-class Yuandan can easily defeat one or more strong men at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, not to mention Lin Yuan who possesses the ninth-class Yuandan.

Seeing how confident Lin Yuan was, Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao gradually put their worries aside.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Lin Zhentian laughed loudly, his face full of heroism.

"We can notify the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School now and have them prepare to attack the Lei and Xie families together!"

The Lei and Xie families have been doing evil here for a long time, but no one dares to provoke them. Even the Lin family is often bullied by them. This makes Lin Xiao, a member of the Lin family, very angry, but he dare not do anything. After all, the Lin family is not as good as the Lei family.

But now the situation has changed dramatically. Lin Yuan of the Lin family has become a strong man in the Yuandan realm. Now is the right time to destroy the Lei and Xie families!

"In order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, this operation must be fully prepared and there must not be any mistakes."

Lin Zhentian seemed like a different person at this moment. He exuded a fierce aura. A hint of murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes, which shocked everyone.

"I understand, father."

Lin Zhentian's change made Lin Xiao stunned for a second, then he returned to normal and answered respectfully.

Lin Yuan watched all this and said nothing, but his eyes turned to the sky. It was already noon and the sunlight was very strong. He seemed unafraid and stared at the sun in the sky silently without speaking for a long time.