
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 26 Ninth Grade Yuandan

During the next seven days, Lin Yuan refined pills day and night. He failed more than ten times and succeeded dozens of times. In the end, he obtained ten top-grade Juyuan Pills, thirteen mid-grade Juyuan Pills, and five low-grade Juyuan Pills.

Through these seven days and seven nights of non-stop alchemy, Lin Yuan's control over his energy has reached perfection, and his proficiency in alchemy has gradually improved.

"It's time to prepare to break through the Yuan Dan realm."

After a good night's rest, Lin Yuan was full of energy and had recovered to his peak condition. He couldn't wait to take the Juyuan Pill and break through the Yuandan realm in one go.

The Yuandan realm is further divided into small Yuandan, small Yuandan perfection and great Yuandan perfection.

At the same time, Yuandan is also divided into nine grades according to the different qualities of the condensed Yuandan.

Among them, the first-grade Yuandan is the second-best, and the ninth-grade Yuandan is the best. This time, Lin Yuan's plan is to directly condense the ninth-grade Yuandan!

The highest level Yuan Dan has the characteristic that it can absorb the external energy of heaven and earth more quickly than the first-level Yuan Dan, convert it into its own Yuan Li, and at the same time improve its own strength.

To some extent, a strong man at the ninth level of Yuandan realm is stronger than a strong man at the first level of Yuandan great perfection. This shows the horror of the ninth level of Yuandan.

However, it is extremely difficult to condense the ninth-grade Yuandan. At least in the history of Qingyang Town, there is no such person.

You should know that Qingyang Town has a history of one hundred years. During these hundred years, countless talented young people have emerged. Among them, there are less than a handful of strong people in the Yuandan realm, and there is only one person who has gathered third-class Yuandan. The others are all second-class or even first-class Yuandan.

Even in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, there are only dozens of people who can condense a fifth-grade Yuandan, and there are only ten people above the fifth grade.

Even the genius of the Lin family, Lin Langtian, was said to have only condensed a seventh-grade Yuandan, not to mention others.

Lin Yuan possesses a peerless supreme body, and is naturally superior to most practitioners. Now, with the dozens of Yuan Dan in his hand, as well as some remaining Yuan stones and elixirs, he believes that he will be able to condense a ninth-grade Yuan Dan.

In the quiet room, there were powerful energy fluctuations. Lin Yuan sat cross-legged on the bed, and visible energy lingered around him like smoke.

Lin Yuan appeared calm, but inside his body, it was the exact opposite.

After taking ten top-grade Juyuan Pills, the Yuan force in his body skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye. He suddenly went from the early Tianyuan stage to the late Tianyuan stage and was only one step away from Yuandan!

At this moment, the Yuanli Qi ball has occupied most of the space in Lin Yuan's Dantian. There are two completely different properties in the air ball. However, the Yin and Yang Qi, which had always repelled each other, did not resist when they came into contact. Instead, they continued to merge with each other under the entanglement of a trace of Yuanli.


As the Yuanli gas ball began to spin, the powerful Yuanli in it also made a crisp sound like flowing water, and wisps of moist energy mist continuously floated out from it.

The speed of the Yuanli Qi ball's rotation became faster and faster, and later on, it even made a buzzing sound. Under such a rotation, even the entire Dantian began to tremble.

When the speed of the rotation of the Yuanli air mass gradually reached its limit, the speed at which the Yin and Yang Qi in the air mass merged also became faster and faster.

Yin and Yang come into harmony, condensing the Yuandan!

This step is the most critical step in condensing Yuandan!

Lin Yuan did not dare to be careless and focused all his attention on his dantian.

As the energy ball of Yuanli was spinning madly, the originally powerful and expanding energy in the ball began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, as the energy decreased, more and more energy and moisture diffused out.

These energy moisture are different from the ordinary elemental forces. The moisture perfectly contains the Yin and Yang. The Yin and Yang that used to resist madly upon contact have now been perfectly integrated into a new and more powerful product.

The Yuan force must not be exhausted at this time. Lin Yuan made up his mind and swallowed all the Yuan Dan into his stomach. In an instant, an unimaginable huge amount of Yuan force gathered in his Dantian.

"Yin and Yang come together, the Yuandan condenses!"

Lin Yuan shouted in his heart, and the energy and moisture in his body were compressed madly, and finally forced together. Finally, a pill about the size of half a finger was slowly condensed into shape.

This pill is only half the size of a finger and is not round. However, the fluctuations of Yuanli emanating from it are frightening.

The prototype of Yuandan!

Seeing the appearance of the prototype of this Yuandan, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then poured all the Yuanli in his body into this pill.

In order to ensure that he could condense the ninth-grade Yuandan, Lin Yuan forcibly absorbed the pure Yuanshi around him into his body and then merged it into the pill.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

With such a huge supply of Yuanli, the Yuandan gradually began to vibrate slightly, and an indescribable powerful feeling spread from the Dantian.

That kind of power is far beyond the previous late Tianyuan realm. This is a qualitative transformation!

Rather than an increase in quantity!

Xiaoyuandan realm, it's done!

In the room, Lin Yuan's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened in an instant. A sharp gleam filled his eyeballs, moving around like lightning. After a moment, it dissipated into nothingness.


Lin Dong exhaled a cloud of white air, opened his mouth slightly, and then, a pill slowly floated out.

This is the Yuandan that Lin Yuan condensed with untold hardships.

The Yuan Dan at this time was already the size of a thumb, and its color was not milky white, but rather had a faint light golden hue.

On its round surface, there are nine tiny star patterns, which are the proof of being a ninth-grade Yuandan!

"Haha..." Looking at this ninth-grade Yuandan, Lin Yuan laughed wildly. Then he couldn't wait to put the Yuandan into his Dantian and circulate the Yuanli in his body.

The ninth-grade Yuandan is the strongest Yuandan, and the energy contained in it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Outside the bamboo forest, a group of people who looked like guards were staring at the surroundings expressionlessly. All the Lin family members who passed by did not dare to approach this place.

To condense Yuan Dan, one needs an absolutely quiet environment and cannot be disturbed by others. Otherwise, it is easy to lose all previous efforts. In serious cases, one may even destroy one's own meridians and become a useless person who can never practice again.

For a warrior, being unable to practice would be the most terrible punishment in the world, a million times more painful than killing him.

It was for this reason that Lin Zhentian arranged dozens of guards outside the bamboo forest to prevent any members of the Lin family from disturbing Lin Yuan's practice.

"Whoosh~" A gust of strange wind blew, causing the expressions of the guards outside the bamboo forest to change slightly. They looked closely into the depths of the bamboo forest with a more solemn look in their eyes.