
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 25 Ju Yuan Dan

 Three days had passed since the end of the hunt. During these three days, there was a depressing atmosphere in Qingyang Town. Even ordinary people could sense this unusual feeling.

For a moment, the entire Qingyang Town seemed very quiet. There were few pedestrians on the streets, not even a single stall owner, and even the inns were closed.

The bamboo house in the back mountain of the Lin family was filled with various spiritual herbs and Yang Yuan stones. Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in front of a bronze tripod with a calm expression.

During these three days, he has been resting and recuperating, silently waiting for someone to come.

After the hunting battle, he went to Li Quan's attic and asked him to help prepare some monster crystals for monsters. The higher the level, the better, and he would give them to him in three days.

Although Li Quan was not a member of the Lin family, he also sensed some unusual aura, so he readily agreed to Lin Yuan's request.

Today is the third day, and the agreed date has arrived!

Tap tap...

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Lin Yuan looked over and saw that it was Li Quan.

"What you want."

Li Quan threw a Qiankun bag in front of Lin Yuan, took a breath, and said, "There are a few fourth-grade demon crystals and a few third-grade demon crystals in it. It should be enough for you."

Lin Yuan glanced at the contents of the Qiankun bag, showing a satisfied look, and then said to Li Quan: "Thank you very much."

"Why are you being so polite to me?"

Li Quan smiled indifferently and looked at the mountain of spiritual medicine and Yuanshi beside him in amazement.

"What are you going to do?"


Lin Yuan said calmly.

"What kind of elixir requires such a huge amount of spiritual herbs and Yuanshi?"

Li Quan looked at Lin Yuan in surprise and couldn't help asking again.

"Ju Yuan Dan."

Lin Yuan did not hide too much from Li Quan and spoke directly.

"Ju Yuan Dan?"

Li Quan was puzzled, he had never heard of this kind of elixir.

"I can't tell you now. I'll tell you when I succeed."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, then remembered something and asked, "Did you do anything about what I told you last time?"

Li Quan's face suddenly became a little heavy at this question.

"Don't mention it. I'm in some trouble and I still need your help."

"No problem. I'll help you after I solve this problem."

Lin Yuan paused for a few seconds and said.

Li Quan nodded slightly. His business couldn't be rushed, so he was not in a hurry.

"Then I'll leave first and wait for your good news."

Seeing that Lin Yuan was preparing to make the elixir, Li Quan did not stay any longer and turned around and left.

Lin Yuan did not stop him. Instead, he looked at the Qiankun bag in his hand, with a light flashing in his eyes.

"Everything is ready, it's time to start!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuan stood up, opened his hands, and a strong force slowly flowed out from his palms and flew into the bronze tripod.

In an instant, a raging fire ignited from the bronze cauldron. Lin Yuan did not delay too much and threw the fourth-grade demon crystal in his Qiankun bag into the bronze cauldron.

When the demon crystal encountered the raging fire, it immediately burst out with a violent energy, causing the entire bronze tripod to begin shaking.

Lin Yuan had long been immune to this kind of situation and was not at all panicked. He just let the demon crystal continue to release violent energy without leaving the bronze tripod.

The scorching flames continued to burn like this, and the demon crystal slowly turned into a ball of energy in the flames, floating in the center of the bronze tripod.

Even though this ball of Yuan Force is small, it is the purest Yuan Force obtained from refining the demon crystal, which is more than a hundred times purer than the Yuan Force in the pure Yuan Stone.

"The next step is the elixir."

Lin Yan's eyes passed over the mountain of pure Yuan stones and looked at the pile of spiritual medicines. Without any hesitation, he grabbed a handful and threw them into the bronze tripod.

Spiritual medicines are not like demon crystals. There are no obstacles in their refining. The impurities in the spiritual medicines can be easily refined into small particles of essence.

These particles were very small and were floating around in the bronze tripod. Lin Yuan carefully gathered these particles together.

This is the most important step in alchemy. The particles refined from countless different spiritual medicines, plus the ball of Yuanli refined from the demon crystal, can be considered a success when the two are fused together.

I saw countless particles slowly gathering towards that ball of Yuanli, a huge repulsive force emerged, the originally stable particles began to shake constantly, and even the ball of the purest Yuanli began to become restless.

Lin Yuan's face was full of solemnity as he gathered the particles bit by bit. Facing the growing repulsive force, he did not dare to be careless and put all his mind into the bronze tripod.

Time passed quickly as Lin Yuan concentrated his attention. Dusk came quietly, but the particles in the bronze tripod were less than a finger away from complete fusion.

The fire was burning fiercely, and the temperature in the bamboo house was gradually rising. Lin Yuan was already covered in sweat, and even his eyes were gradually becoming blurry.


Suddenly, a slight explosion sounded, and Lin Yuan's tired eyes showed a hint of excitement, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly, that ball of pure energy emitted a suction force, which forcibly sucked in those particles, slowly fused them, and finally formed a round object.

"Finally succeeded."

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes brighter.

Although he was prepared to fail the first time, he did not expect to succeed the first time, which made Lin Yuan very excited.

"Next, it's time to inject energy."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not delay any longer and threw a large amount of pure Yuan Stone into the bronze tripod, which was refined into a small ball of ** in an instant.

Just like that, as Lin Yuan continued to throw in, hundreds of Yuanshi disappeared in an instant, and the pill in the bronze tripod gradually emitted a luster.

"Out of the oven!"

After all the energy in the bronze tripod was absorbed by the elixir, Lin Yuan quickly took the elixir in a wooden bottle, then let out a long breath.

"Ju Yuan Dan, it's done!"

Lin Yuan held the bottle in his hand excitedly, with a hint of heat in his eyes.

If he continues like this, not only will his alchemy skills gradually improve, but his control over his energy will also reach a terrifying level.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can refine at least dozens of high-quality Juyuan Pills.

"The Yuan Dan realm is no longer a problem now."

Inside the bamboo house, Lin Yuan's excited laughter could be heard, adding a touch of brilliance to the bamboo forest.