
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 24 Preparations before the War

Lei Bao and others finally left, and the crisis of the Lin family was temporarily resolved, but everyone knew that a greater crisis was waiting for them.

"Brother Lin, when you return this time, hurry up and prepare. I can sense the murderous intent that was deep in Lei Bao's bones when he left. He will definitely not give up."

The smile on Luo Cheng's face gradually faded, replaced by a look of seriousness and earnestness.

Lin Zhentian also knew that this matter would not end so easily, and that a greater crisis would be waiting for them.

"Brother Luo, don't worry. With the strength of my Lin family and the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School, we are not afraid even if the Lei and Xie families attack at the same time."

"Why do we have to wait for them to take action? Can't we just kill them directly?"

Behind Lin Xiao, Lin Yuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, shocking everyone again.

"Xiao Ge, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Zhentian asked with a frown.

Luo Cheng, Lin Xiao and everyone else in the Lin family were very curious about this question. They turned their eyes to Lin Yuan, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"I need a large amount of Yuan Qi Stones, whether they are Yang Yuan Stones or some spiritual herbs that contain huge energy.

As long as the quantity is sufficient, I am confident that I can break through the Tianyuan realm and reach the Yuandan realm!"

Lin Yuan's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

This is indeed the case. With his peerless supreme body, he can move forward without any problems and reach the Yuandan realm by constantly absorbing things with extremely high energy such as the Yang Yuan Stone.

"Do you know what you are saying?

Do you know how much your future will be affected by advancing to the Yuan Dan realm in this way?"

Lin Zhentian scolded.

As the head of the Lin family, he would never allow Lin Yuan to affect his future because of the affairs of the Lei and Xie families. This was his bottom line.

Lin Yuan didn't take Lin Zhentian's words seriously at all, and continued: "The Lei and Xie families together have about four Tianyuan Realm experts, but not a single Yuandan Realm expert.

As long as I advance to the Yuan Dan realm, the Lei and Xie families will disappear from Qingyang Town from now on."

Luo Cheng looked at Lin Yuan with scrutiny in his eyes.

The Tianyuan realm and the Yuandan realm seem very close, but in fact, there is a chasm between them. Otherwise, he would not have stayed in the Tianyuan realm for so many years.

But now, the young man in front of him, who had just been promoted to the Tianyuan realm, said confidently that he could reach the Yuandan realm, which made him doubt.

Compared with Lin Zhentian and Luo Cheng, Lin Xiao was completely different. The first thing he thought of was not whether Lin Yuan was fooling around, but how many Yang Yuan stones or spiritual medicines were needed for Lin Yuan to successfully advance to the Yuan Dan realm.

"Xiao Ge, how many Yang Yuan stones do you need?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan looked at Lin Xiao with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

As expected of Lin Dong's father, his vision and thoughts are different from those of ordinary people.

"You..." Lin Zhentian couldn't help but wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lin Xiao.

"My Lin family has been suppressed by the Lei and Xie families over the years, and our resources have been decreasing year by year. We currently have a total of 40,000 Yang Yuan stones and some third-grade spiritual medicines. I wonder if it is enough?"

Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded slightly excitedly, saying, "That's enough.

These are enough for me to break through to Yuan Dan!"

"Nonsense, I haven't agreed yet!"

Lin Zhentian didn't care that Lin Xiao made the decision without his approval. What made him angry was that Lin Yuan was messing around with his future. How could he not be angry?

"Father, I believe in him."

Lin Xiao knew his father very well and knew what he was thinking, so he responded seriously.

Looking at Lin Xiao's serious expression, Lin Zhentian suddenly became speechless and didn't know what to say.

However, Luo Cheng on the side was shocked by Lin Xiao's words, and at the same time he made up his mind.

"My Crazy Blade Martial Arts School can also take out 40,000 Yang Yuan Stones and several third-grade spiritual medicines just to help you break through the Yuan Dan!"

These words shocked everyone. Even Lin Yuan, who was usually calm, was shocked by Luo Cheng's words.


Luo Cheng's gift was a huge favor to him and he needed to repay it.

So he needed to understand what Luo Cheng wanted from him.

Not only Lin Yuan, Lin Xiao and Lin Zhentian were also curious about the reason for Luo Cheng's generous assistance.

Looking at the eyes of the Lin family, Luo Cheng treated it calmly and said, "I want to use these resources to exchange for a hundred years of peace for my Crazy Blade Martial Arts School!"

There is no doubt about Lin Yuan's talent, and his future achievements are beyond Luo Cheng's imagination, so he wants to exchange these resources for a promise, or a guarantee.

Although Lin Zhentian had promised before that he would form an eternal alliance with the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School, this was based on equal strength. If one day the gap between the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School and the Lin family becomes huge, then, will the alliance still be valid?

Lin Zhentian could not guarantee this, and Luo Cheng did not dare to guarantee it either, so he needed a time-limited commitment, and this commitment must be guaranteed by Lin Yuan. This was Luo Cheng's purpose.

Lin Yuan was not as good as Lin Zhentian and others in these calculations, but he was smarter. He quickly understood Luo Cheng's purpose and couldn't help but smile.

Luo Cheng wanted him to protect the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School for a hundred years. This idea was too good to be true for him. It couldn't be better.

After all, in the original novel, the Kuang Dao Martial Arts School was also allied with the Lin family, and was also becoming increasingly powerful under the influence of the Lin family.

Not to mention a hundred years of peace, Lin Yuan dared to guarantee it even for a thousand years. The reason was simple. In the future, Lin Dong would be one of the strongest people in the Three Thousand Worlds.

"I promised you.

Within a hundred years, the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School will be absolutely safe."

Although he was very happy in his heart, Lin Yuan did not want to show it, but promised in a serious tone.

"In that case, the Yuanshi and elixir will be delivered to the Lin Mansion tomorrow!"

Luo Cheng got Lin Yuan's promise and had a bright smile on his face. He felt that this was the best decision he had ever made in his life.

"Master Luo, you won't be disappointed."

Lin Yuan smiled confidently and said calmly.

Luo Cheng looked at Lin Yuan who was so confident, with a hint of envy in his eyes. He didn't say much. After talking to Lin Zhentian with a smile for a few words, he left.

"Are you...really sure?"

Lin Zhentian frowned and looked at Lin Yuan, and asked with a little uneasiness.

"One hundred percent sure."

Lin Yuan said affirmatively.

"In this case, I will not stop you."

Seeing Lin Yuan's confidence, Lin Zhentian also made up his mind. He looked at Lincoln and said, "Starting tomorrow, all the Yuanshi and resources will be given to Lin Yuan to help him break through the Yuandan!"

Lincoln and everyone in the Lin family nodded, and no one objected, because they knew that once Lin Yuan broke through the Yuandan level, the Lin family would also prosper.

By that time, in the entire Qingyang Town, no force will be able to compare with the Lin family!