
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 2 Take Action

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Yuan is already fourteen years old, from a baby to a teenager.

In the past ten years, Lin Yuan has always been alone, without friends, and has never spoken a word to other people in the Lin family.

When Lin Yuan was born, his mother died of dystocia because of him, and his father hated him because of this. He lived in a daze every day and finally died with hatred for the world because of an accident.

With the departure of his father, Lin Yuan no longer has any attachment to this world.

"It's so late, let's take a walk."

Looking at the fiery sunset in the west, Lin Yuan muttered and walked out of the bamboo forest slowly along the path.

Taking a walk at night is a habit that Lin Yuan has maintained since his father passed away, and he has persisted for many years.

In the past, he rarely met people from the Lin family when he took a walk. Today, for some reason, he ran into seven or eight people from the Lin family. Although he was surprised, he had no intention of greeting them.

Although Lin Yuan and them are from the same Lin family, the relationship is not even as good as a stranger.

"Lin Shan, can you say it again?"

At this time, a slightly childish but angry voice came into Lin Yuan's ears.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly and looked at several figures not far away.

"What if you say it again? Your father is a waste, and you are also a waste. You might as well get out of the Lin family as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass yourself!"

A young man in gorgeous clothes said to a thin young man in front of him with a mocking face.

The young man was very angry and couldn't help but attack, but the result was very obvious. He was beaten up by others and was knocked unconscious...

"Tsk, a waste of the second level of body tempering wants to go against this young master. It's simply overestimating yourself."

The young man in gorgeous clothes snorted disdainfully, with a face full of pride.

"Young Master Lin is worthy of being the seed genius of our Lin family. How can this Lin Dong be your opponent?"

The two guards behind the young man in gorgeous clothes said with flattering faces, looking at Lin Dong with deep contempt.

"Lin Dong?"

Lin Yuan, who had been unwilling to pay attention to the name, paused slightly when he heard this familiar name.

"Is he Lin Dong? This is our first meeting, and I didn't expect it to be this way."

Lin Dong, known as the Martial Ancestor, is one of the strongest people in Tudou's writing. He finally achieved the realm of domination and worked hard to protect the three thousand worlds.

Lin Yuan and Lin Dong should be brothers in the same family, and they are in the same Lin family, but they have never met.

Lin Yuan has been working hard to become the strongest in the three thousand worlds since he was a child. All his time is devoted to cultivation. How can he have time to care about other people in the Lin family?

But even though he didn't pay attention to him, he still cared about Lin Dong. After all, he didn't know when the story line of Martial Universe would begin.

Lin Yuan, who was thinking, didn't notice that his appearance had blocked the way of the young men in fancy clothes on this narrow road.

"Get out of the way!"

The young man in fancy clothes frowned and said impatiently.

This unfriendly tone of words brought Lin Yuan back to his senses. He looked at the young man in fancy clothes in front of him with a cold look and said, "Get out of here."

"What did you say?"

Lin Yuan's words made the young man in fancy clothes, who was in a good mood, look completely gloomy. He stared at Lin Yuan coldly, clenched his fists, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

"Master, you don't have to do it. I can beat such a little devil by myself and make him kneel down and beg for mercy."

A guard behind the young man in fancy clothes smiled maliciously, looked at Lin Yuan with contempt, clenched his fists, and slowly approached Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan showed an inexplicable smile, and his figure suddenly flashed and disappeared on the spot!

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Before the three people could react, Lin Yuan kicked them out one by one.

Of course, Lin Yuan did not use his full strength. He was not prepared to kill these three people. After all, these three people were too weak and did not even have the qualifications to die in his hands.


After saying "you" three times in a row, the young man in fancy clothes still couldn't say what he wanted to say. He looked at the young man in front of him in horror, and couldn't believe that he was defeated in one move!

You know, he is a genius disciple of the Lin family, and his strength has reached the fourth level of body tempering. Even if he faces the most talented people in the Lin family, he will never lose like this.

Who is he?

"Get lost."

Lin Yuan whispered, without even looking at the young man in fancy clothes, and turned to Lin Dong.

"You...you wait for me!"

The genius of the Lin family was so angry that his face turned red when he was despised like this for the first time, but he also knew that he was no match for Lin Yuan, so he could only say a cruel word and prepare to go back to check Lin Yuan's identity, and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate!

Lin Yuan didn't take the words of the young man in fancy clothes to heart at all.

For Lin Yuan now, no one in the entire Lin family can easily defeat him, not even Lin Zhentian, the leader of the Lin family and the strongest man!

"You didn't get hurt after being beaten so badly. You are in good health."

Lin Yuan glanced at the unconscious Lin Dong and saw that he was only slightly injured and not seriously injured. He couldn't help but mutter.

Originally, Lin Yuan wanted to wait until he woke up naturally, but suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a bottle of foundation-building liquid left in his hand, so he took it out from his robe.

It was an earth-colored wooden bottle with a very smooth body. At first glance, it looked like a rare treasure.

"You are really lucky. You know, I never had any left before."

Lin Yuan pouted and opened the bottle cap. A fragrance filled the air.

It was a special fragrance that was intoxicating.

Lin Yuan had long been accustomed to this fragrance. His expression did not fluctuate at all. He almost violently pried open Lin Dong's little mouth and poured it into his mouth. He didn't care whether he was uncomfortable or not. He shook his little head quickly and forced him to swallow it.

Not long after, the unconscious Lin Dong responded.

His brows were tightly knitted, and there were many sweat stains on his face. He was in great pain.

Lin Yuan didn't have any reaction. The foundation-building liquid is a good thing for strengthening the body. Although the process is painful, it has no side effects.

Don't think that Lin Dong is in such pain at the moment. When he wakes up, he will be very surprised.

Thinking back to the first time he took the foundation-building liquid, he was directly promoted from the sixth level of body tempering to the seventh level of body tempering!

Although this is partly due to the credit of drinking other medicines, no matter what, this foundation-building liquid is the best tonic for the body tempering realm.

After about a moment, Lin Dong's frown finally relaxed, and the scars on the surface gradually disappeared without leaving any traces.


A slight sound rang out, and the unconscious Lin Dong successfully broke through the second level of body tempering and reached the third level of body tempering!

"It's no wonder that he is the son of luck. He broke through to the third level of body tempering with just a bottle of foundation-building liquid. Damn, I can't compare."

Looking at the unconscious Lin Dong, Lin Yuan complained crazily in his heart.