
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 184 Bai Tianyi's Killer Move


A miserable voice sounded, and Heifeng looked at the long sword in front of his chest that was gradually disappearing, and his face turned pale.

"Heifeng, are you okay?"

On the side, his companion frowned and asked.

Heifeng shook his head.

His face was so gloomy that water seemed to be dripping out of it.

He was a powerful warrior in the late stage of the Death Profound Realm, but he was actually injured by a weakling in the middle stage of the Living Profound Realm. He could not accept this and was furious.

At the same time, Bai Tianyi and Yan Lu attacked Hei Feng's eldest brother with all their strength.

However, the two of them did underestimate each other's strength.

Facing the all-out attacks from both men, the opponent not only blocked them one by one, but also seized the opportunity to counterattack.

This made the two of them feel as if their hearts sank into the sea.

"Tsk, trapping my two little brothers and then attacking me with all their strength is indeed a good plan.

But unfortunately, you think too highly of yourselves. "

The leader of this group of three spirits is called Kuang Dao. He used to be a big shot in the Southern Region.

Although he was still suppressed by the Void Emperor in the end, he only won by chance after a hard fight.

Now, facing two little kids in the Shengxuan realm, he did not panic at all even though he knew it was a trick of the other party.

Because he was confident that in the face of absolute strength, all plans were meaningless.

Bai Tianyi's expression remained normal, with a look of determination in his eyes. He then turned his head and said to Yan Lu, "Give me some time. I'm sure."

Although Yan Lu didn't know what Bai Tianyi wanted to do, she subconsciously believed him.

After all, in Yan Lu's heart, this man's strength has always been unfathomable.


Are you still doing some meaningless stupid things? "

Kuang Dao naturally noticed the little actions of the two people, but he didn't care at all, and there was even some contempt in his eyes.

"The gap between the Death Profound Realm and the Life Profound Realm is like a chasm. Moreover, I am a strong man in the late Death Profound Realm. No matter how hard you try, it will be in vain."

Yan Lu smiled and said, "That's hard to say."

"Is it?"

Kuang Dao smiled coldly, the vitality in his body surged, and a murderous intent spread out.

"In that case, I will start with you."

After saying that, Kuang Dao spread out his right hand, and the vitality of heaven and earth quickly condensed.

Soon, a broad sword was in his hand.

"Flame Dragon Palm!"

Yan Lu didn't wait for Kuang Dao to react, he gathered flames in his palms, and then slapped out with one palm.

The raging flames suddenly transformed into a fire dragon, flying towards Kuang Dao with a scorching breath.

"Humph, just a trifle."

Kuang Dao sneered, raised the sword with both hands, and slashed at the fire dragon.

In an instant, the fire dragon was split in half and turned into fire and dissipated.

The attack of "Flame Dragon Break" was broken, Yan Lu put his hands together and moved forward, the flames condensed again, turned into a shock wave, and shot out fiercely.

"Ba Dao Zhan!" Kuang Dao shouted loudly, raised the sword and chopped, the terrifying sword intent instantly tore the shock wave apart, and then rushed towards Yan Lu with an unparalleled aura.

"Red Lotus Shield" Yan Lu did not dare to be careless. She put her hands together, and a red lotus formed by flames appeared in front of her.


The sword intent hit the red lotus fiercely, turning into a loud bang and then dissipated.

"Huh..." Yan Lu panted heavily, his expression becoming more solemn.

"It's interesting that he took it up."

Kuang Dao smiled with a little interest, and the knife in his hand seemed to feel excited, making bursts of knife ringing sounds.

"I wonder if you can withstand the second blow?"

After saying that, Kuang Dao swung his sword again and chopped it directly on the ground.

In an instant, a terrifying sword intent moved along the ground and attacked Yan Lu.

Yan Lu's face looked heavy, but she reacted quickly, summoning the Red Lotus once again to try to block the attack.

However, she still underestimated the power of this knife.

The terrifying sword intent tore the red lotus apart the moment it touched it!

Bai Tianyi was behind Yan Lu, and she had no way of escaping and could only choose to confront him head-on.

"Explosive Fire Dance!"

On the brink of crisis, Yan Lu drained all the energy in her body and then quickly formed a seal.

The next moment, a wave of fire rose out of nowhere and collided fiercely with the sword intent.


The two forces resisted each other, a terrifying explosion shot up into the sky, and then a strong wind swept in all directions.

After a moment, everything returned to calm.

Yan Lu's face was pale and her forehead was covered with sweat.

At this moment, she was already at the end of her strength.

"With the strength of the late Shengxuan realm, you have been able to withstand two of my swords. You are already very good."

Kuang Dao looked at Yan Lu with admiration, then said with a cold look in his eyes: "But it's a pity that you can't escape death today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kuang Dao gathered his energy on the blade, and then swung the sword in the air.

The powerful sword intent attacked again, and it was several times more powerful than before.

"The sword intent of the Great Wilderness, the unity of all swords" Just as Yan Lu was distracted, a khaki long sword flew from behind her at a high speed, and with a bang, it collided with the sword intent.

"Huh~" The powerful air wave directly knocked Yan Lu several meters away. He collapsed to the ground, his face becoming even paler.


Kuang Dao looked at Lin Yuan in surprise, then walked towards Lin Yuan with the knife in hand.

"Boy, you are quite capable. You trapped my two brothers and saved your friends at the same time."

"But I'm very curious, can you still take my blow now?"

Kuang Dao showed a ferocious smile and approached Lin Yuan step by step.


Suddenly, Kuang Dao stopped, turned his head and looked at Bai Tianyi behind him, with a trace of solemnity in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, for unknown reasons, he felt a very dangerous aura.

"Finally finished."

Bai Tianyi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and a biting coldness spread over his body.

"I can't maintain this state for long, so I have to make a quick decision."

Bai Tianyi exhaled and leaped forward at an extremely fast speed. Even a strong man like Kuang Dao could only catch his afterimage.

Kuang Dao's expression changed slightly, and he swung his sword horizontally, with the blade flashing as fast as a crescent moon.

But still couldn't find Bai Tianyi.

"I'm here..." Just as Kuang Dao was surprised, a faint voice came from behind.

Without time to think, Kuang Dao raised his sword and swung it behind him.

Unexpectedly, Bai Tianyi took the knife with one hand, and then turned his right hand into a fist and punched towards Kuang Dao's chest.

With a bang, the terrifying force directly knocked Crazy Blade away for dozens of miles before it stopped.


This punch made Kuang Dao's body transparent and his face turned pale, as if he would disappear at any moment.


Kuangdao roared angrily and looked at Bai Tianyi with a gaze as sharp as a blade, with endless rage surging in his heart.

"Ba Dao Zhan!"

As a peerless strong man ten thousand years ago, he had never been so embarrassed before. But today he was beaten so badly by a junior. How could he not be angry?

Therefore, he did not hold back on this blow and used all his strength.

"Three Heaven-breaking Fists, Heaven-Opening Fists!"

Faced with this terrifying sword intent, Bai Tianyi remained calm and punched out.

In an instant, the space trembled as if it was shattered. The invisible fist wind tore the sword intent apart, and then rushed towards the mad sword with the power to destroy the world.


Kuang Dao's eyes widened. It was too late for him to dodge. He could only freeze to death. After letting out an unwilling roar, he turned into starlight and disappeared into nothingness.