
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 182 Undercurrent

Inside an ancient castle.

A handsome and evil man was lying lazily on the throne with an indifferent expression.

Below him, there was a thousand-foot-wide blood pool. In the blood pool, countless corpses were floating, which made people tremble with fear.

"Sir, the entire foreign land is completely under our control."

At this time, a man with wings and eight feet tall walked into the castle, knelt on one knee, looked at the man on the throne with fear on his face, and his tone was trembling.

Just a few months ago, the man in front of him broke into this world and brutally killed all those who were his enemies in a bloody manner.

This naturally includes the Lord of the Alien Realm, the Demon Emperor!

It was a battle without any suspense.

Their great Demon King could not even last more than three hundred rounds in front of this man. He was absorbed by him, turned into a corpse, and thrown into the blood pool.

In the face of such powerful strength, the fear from deep within his heart forced him to surrender and become a slave.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel even more frightened, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

The man ignored him and looked at the pool of blood. He tapped his finger lightly, and the surging blood immediately calmed down.

The next moment, a figure emerged from the blood.

The figure was not tall, but he exuded a suffocating and terrifying aura.

"After soaking for so long, you are only at the late stage of the Wheel-turning Realm. You are such a waste."

The man stood up, his face frosty, and after looking around with an evil gaze, he snapped his fingers.

The figure that originally looked like a corpse suddenly opened its bloodshot eyes, and a pair of blood wings behind it quickly opened, and an unpleasant smell spread out.

The man kneeling on the ground smelled the odor and couldn't help vomiting.

He couldn't tell what the smell was. It was like the stench of a rotting corpse, but several times worse than that. Even a murderer like him couldn't stand it.

Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back and looked up hurriedly.

He saw that bloody figure and those scarlet eyes staring at him, making him almost dare not breathe.

"I..." Before he could explain, the bloody figure made a quick move and pierced his heart with a claw!

The man's eyes widened, and he lost his life before he could even finish his words. He fell directly into the bloody water, creating a wave of ripples.

The man lying on the throne just watched the scene quietly without taking any action. A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if mocking the man's stupidity.

"Lord Loki."

After dealing with the extra people, the bloody figure half-knelt on the ground with a respectful expression.

That's right, the man sitting on the throne is the man Lin Yuan has been looking for, Rocky!

Loki looked at the bloody figure indifferently and said calmly: "The time is almost up. Kill those two little ghosts before they grow up completely."

"You are talking about…" "Lin Dong and Lin Yuan!"

There was a cold murderous intent in Loki's eyes, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"These two people are protected by powerful people from the Samsara Mirror. It would be best if we can get rid of them without alerting them!"

"Yes, sir!"

The bloody figure spoke calmly, then spread his bloody wings and disappeared into the castle.

"Hehe..." Looking at the direction where the bloody figure left, Loki's evil laughter resounded throughout the castle.

"Lin Yuan, if you had stayed in the Great Yan Dynasty, you might have survived..." "What a pity, now I can only kill you!"

...Inside the ancient tomb.

Lin Yuan and the other two have been here for three days.

During these three days, they also encountered the legendary spirits.

Although there was only one, the opponent had some cultivation level of the middle stage of the Death Profound Realm and could use extremely powerful martial arts, which really took them some effort to deal with.

"I didn't expect a spirit to be so powerful. If I continue walking, I wonder if I will encounter a more powerful spirit."

Yan Lu muttered something, with an indescribable tiredness on her face.

"This is only the outermost layer of the ancient tomb. If nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid the enemies we encounter next will be even stronger, maybe even reaching the Chakra Realm..." Lin Yuan said solemnly.

"Well... let's just improve our strength here and move forward."

Bai Tianyi hesitated for a moment and spoke in a low voice.

Lin Yuan and Yanlu nodded in agreement.

"The vitality in this ancient tomb is much richer than outside. Practicing here will achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"Then it's settled. Bai Tianyi, you help me watch first, and then it will be your turn. Is that ok?"

Yan Lu thought about it and looked at Bai Tianyi.

Bai Tianyi nodded shyly.

"I hope I can break through to the middle stage of Shengxuan Realm as soon as possible."

With a hint of expectation, Lin Yuan didn't waste any more time, sat down on the spot and began to practice.

Yan Lu followed closely behind, sat down on the spot and began to practice.

Bai Tianyi silently pushed away several hundred meters, opened his spiritual sense, and carefully watched the movements around him.

In this way, the three of them took turns practicing for a month, and their strength improved greatly.

Especially Lin Yuan, who also broke through to the middle stage of Shengxuan Realm on the last day, and his strength increased significantly.

"Let's go. We are now strong enough to fight even if we encounter a person in the late stage of the Profound Death Realm."

Lin Yuan smiled, looking relaxed.

Bai Tianyi and Yan Lu nodded silently, with smiles on their faces.

After a month of getting along, the three of them have become more and more close friends.

Bai Tianyi was no longer shy and her expression became more natural.

"We've wasted a month. It's time to go."

Yan Lu nodded in agreement and said.

The three reached an agreement and started moving forward.

I don't know if they were lucky, but in the following journey, most of the spirits they encountered were in the middle stage of the Death Profound Realm, and they rarely encountered spirits in the late stage of the Death Profound Realm.

After ten days of non-stop fighting, the three men received a huge replenishment of their spiritual bodies.

Especially Bai Tianyi, after absorbing the vital energy of two spirits in the late stage of the Death Profound Realm, his strength has reached the peak of the Life Profound Realm, and he is only one step away from the Death Profound Realm.

"How about I give you all the remaining spirit bodies, so that you can break through the Death Profound Realm in the shortest possible time."

Yan Lu broke through and spoke.

"Ah, this... this is not good."

Bai Tianyi was a little flustered and looked uneasy when he heard this.

"It's okay, now that you've broken through to the Profound Death Realm, we'll be safer.

What do you say, Lin Yuan?"

Yan Lun waved his hand and looked at Lin Yuan.

Although Lin Yuan didn't want to give up any opportunity to absorb the spirit, he had to admit that Yan Lu's approach was the best.

Therefore, he had no choice but to agree to this plan.

Just when the three of them reached an agreement, three extremely terrifying auras approached rapidly.