
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 181 The Tomb Opens

The next morning.

After last night's rest, Lin Yuan recovered to his best condition.

The ancestor's words were still ringing in his ears, which made Lin Yuan feel more urgent to become stronger quickly.

"In the next half month, I must try my best to improve myself to the middle stage of Shengxuan Realm. In this way, I will be able to exert even greater strength."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan took out all the elixirs and pills from his Qiankun bag and pushed them three meters high!

Some of these spiritual herbs and medicines were leftovers from the Great Yan Dynasty, some were gifted to him by Ji Che, and some were given to him by his ancestors for his practice.

In the past, Lin Yuan would not easily use these savings, after all, this was his entire fortune.

But now it's different. The crisis hidden in the ancient tomb is far beyond his expectations.

In order to ensure that he can reach the gate of the Void Emperor's Tomb smoothly, he must do everything possible to make himself stronger in the shortest time.

"I hope these things can help me reach a higher level."

After letting out a long breath, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in front of the pile of spiritual medicines and began his practice for the day.

I saw a ray of green light slowly flowing out of Lin Yuan's body, and then gradually wrapped up the pile of elixirs.

The next moment, the green light turned into blazing flames, burning fiercely.

Soon, the mountains of spiritual medicine melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, transforming into a large amount of pure heaven and earth energy, which continuously flowed into Lin Yuan's body.

With the infusion of such a large amount of pure energy, Lin Yuan's aura continued to rise.

After about an hour, all of Lin Yuan's savings were used up. Lin Yuan had no choice but to absorb the vital energy of the outside world to assist in his practice.

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan was like an extremely hungry beast. Although he was absorbing the external energy with all his strength, he still could not be satisfied.

This situation lasted for more than half an hour, and he finally had no choice but to give up practicing.

And his strength was ultimately stuck at the peak of the early Shengxuan realm, just one step away from the middle Shengxuan realm.

But this one step made it difficult for him to make further progress in the next few days.

"I still can't break through..." Lin Yuan sighed, feeling a little regretful.

If I had been able to save more spiritual herbs and medicines at the beginning, perhaps I would have achieved a breakthrough.

But the matter was done, and Lin Yuan could only accept the reality.

Just as Lin Yuan was worried, half a month passed in a flash, and soon the day of entering the ancient tomb arrived.

In the square, the elders of the five major sects gathered together.

In the center, Sword Sect Master Li Xiaoyao looked serious. He glanced at the entire crowd and shouted, "Today is the day for the three of you to enter the ancient tomb."

"Before entering the ancient tomb, I would like to give you three a few words of advice."

"First, you will only stay in the ancient tomb for one year. After one year, regardless of whether you get the inheritance or not, you must leave the ancient tomb."

"Second, there are dangers everywhere in the ancient tomb. The three of you must work closely together to ensure your own safety."

"Okay, enough nonsense, the three of you follow me."

After saying that, Li Xiaoyao took the lead and flew towards the depths of the Sword Sect.

Bai Tianyi, Yan Lu and Lin Yuan looked at each other and then followed together.

In the deepest part of the Sword Sect, there is a huge cemetery, about a thousand feet in size.

This is the location of the tomb of the Void Emperor.

It didn't take them long to reach the cemetery.

"This is the tomb of the Void Emperor."

After Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, he came to the front gate and continued, "The entire cemetery is covered with a powerful seal that even I cannot break."

"So, we can only wait for the ancient tomb to open automatically."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan looked towards the heavy door in front of him. Faintly, he could sense a terrifying energy fluctuation emanating from it.

"Master, when can we enter the ancient tomb?"

Restraining his anxiety, Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Li Xiaoyao looked at it carefully, and then said confidently: "It will take at least an incense stick of time..." "Boom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tomb door opened slowly with a loud bang.

"Uh~" Li Xiaoyao blinked and suddenly became very embarrassed.

The three people behind him also didn't know what to say and could only remain silent.

For a moment, the scene became very strange.


A few seconds later, Li Xiaoyao was the first to react.

He coughed pretendingly, then said, "Since the tomb door has begun to open, you should enter quickly and don't waste time."

The three of them also knew that this was Li Xiaoyao's excuse, but they didn't say anything.

Compared to such trivial matters, the things in the ancient tomb are still more attractive.

So, without stopping for long, the three of them jumped up and quickly entered the ancient tomb.

After the three entered the ancient tomb, the elders of the five major sects also came here.

At this moment, their faces looked very serious, as if something big had happened.

"Okay, now it's time to deal with the trouble."

Li Xiaoyao glanced at everyone and said in a calm voice.

"Whether it's the prophecy left by the Void Emperor or the recent events in the Great Zhou Empire, they all indicate that an unknown force is gradually spreading throughout the Southern Region."

"What is Sect Leader Li going to do?"

Song Tao asked with a frown.

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Li Xiaoyao, wanting to hear his conclusion.

Li Xiaoyao did not hide anything and said bluntly: "From now on, the five major sects will work together to eradicate this problem before it becomes irreversible, leaving no hidden dangers."

"Will the Great Zhou royal family agree to this?"

When Dan Luotian heard this, his brows furrowed and there was some worry in his words.

At present, the attitudes between the five major clans and the royal family are unclear.

If such a big move is made without the consent of the royal family, it may lead to a split between the royal family and the five major sects if one is not careful.

This result is definitely not what they want to see.

"I have already communicated with the royal family about this matter, and they will fully cooperate with us."

"So, you should return to your respective sects as soon as possible and make preparations."

Li Xiaoyao's face remained calm and he spoke indifferently.

"Okay, in that case, let's go back now and inform the sect!"

After saying that, Dan Luotian took a step forward and disappeared on the spot.

"This old guy is really impatient."

Song Tao muttered something, but didn't dare to delay any longer and turned away.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yang and Yan Lun also left quickly.

"Great Elder, we should also prepare."

Li Xiaoyao saw the people from the four major sects leave, looked at Yu Kongzi, and said: "From now on, send all the disciples in the sect to the South Region to find the person behind the scenes."

"Once discovered, no matter who the enemy is, we must notify the sect immediately."

"Those who disobey will be imprisoned for a hundred years at the least, or expelled from the sect at the worst!"