
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 18 Lin Yuan vs Lin Dong

Since coming to this world, Lin Yuan understood that in this world, Lin Dong would be his most powerful opponent, so he kept practicing and surpassing himself until he could completely defeat Lin Dong.

Until now, more than ten years have passed, and Lin Yuan's strength is almost comparable to that of Lin Zhentian and others, but he does not feel excited at all, and even has a sense of urgency.

Lin Dong's rise was even faster than Lin Yuan had expected, so fast that Lin Yuan could not even tell what kind of combat power Lin Dong possessed at this moment.

In order to figure this out, he needs to fight Lin Dong.

This is not a fight for sparring, but a fair and honest fight with all one's might!

Of course, there is one thing that Lin Yuan is very confident about, that is, the current Lin Dong is definitely not his opponent, but he still wants to find out Lin Dong's true combat power, not to show off, but just to understand how big the gap between the two is, and how to proceed in the future.

On the giant stage, Lin Dong did not show any surprise when he heard Lin Yuan's words. Instead, he looked calm, as if he had known about this day for a long time.

Looking at the imposing Lin Yuan in front of him, Lin Dong suddenly remembered the first time they met. At that time, Lin Dong was just an ignorant teenager who had undergone the second stage of body tempering and was full of resentment. No one expected that he would grow to this point half a year later.

At that time, the two had a brief discussion about the topic of the strong.

At that time, Lin Yuan seemed to have determined Lin Dong's future rise and determined that he would become an outstanding and powerful man.

So far, Lin Dong has indeed been moving in that direction as Lin Yuan said.

It was also because of this that Lin Dong was a little more wary of Lin Yuan, his fellow clan member.

To this day, this fear has not weakened with the passage of time, but has become even stronger.

"Come on, let me see how much you have grown in the past six months."

Lin Yuan pointed his sword at Lin Dong, with a hint of scrutiny on his smiling face.

"Why did you do that?"

What Lin Dong was asking was why Lin Yuan would behave so recklessly.

Lin Yuan had always left him with the impression of being mysterious and never acting rashly, but today he had snatched the first place in hunting in public in a domineering manner. This would not only put the Lin family in the spotlight, but would also cause the Xie and Lei families to completely break with the Lin family.

The consequences were so serious that Lin Yuan could definitely have thought of it with his wisdom, but he still did it. Lin Dong wanted to know why.

Hearing Lin Dong's question, Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "People need a reason to convince themselves for everything they do, but I don't need one."

"To be honest with you, I don't care about those so-called top forces in Qingyang Town at all.

They are just a group of slightly stronger ants, what kind of waves can they cause? "

"Lin Dong, you are the only one who is special.

You are different from those ants, you have the potential to become the strongest, so today I will test you to see how far you have grown. "

Lin Yuan's voice was not loud, but Lin Dong heard it clearly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This was not the first time that Lin Yuan said this, but every time Lin Dong thought he was referring to the younger generation, but he did not expect that he was referring to everyone, including those strong men in the Tianyuan realm!

If a teenager in his teens were to look down on a Tianyuan realm expert who was much stronger than him, no one would believe it. However, Lin Dong knew that Lin Yuan was not lying. In fact, he had never lied. It was just that Lin Dong had misunderstood it.

"You are very strong. Among the people I know, no one can compare with you except Lin Langtian. But I still want to defeat you, not for others, but only for myself."

After Lin Dong finished speaking, he assumed a fighting stance and the energy in his body began to surge at a rapid speed.

"Lin Langtian?

I was really underestimated."

Lin Yuan muttered something and walked with concentration. A sharp sword intent surged out from his body and gradually spread around him, like a sword god!

Faced with Lin Yuan's fierce momentum, Lin Dong had no intention of temporarily avoiding the attack, but chose to face it head-on.

With a thought in mind, Lin Dong slightly raised his palms, quickly pulled out the Eight Desolate Palm stance, and swung his palms. The fierce palm wind seemed to form an invisible cyclone, which completely dispersed the dust on the nearby ground.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Compared with Lei Li's Spirit Snake Palm, Lin Dong's Eight Desolate Palm was obviously more powerful, but he was still not afraid.

"Unparalleled sword intent!"

Lin Yuan concentrated his mind, then swung his sword, a flash of sword light passed by, and he slashed directly towards Lin Dong.

When the sword light first appeared, Lin Dong felt a sense of crisis, but he could not retreat. He had to take on this sword light, even if it meant the risk of being seriously injured!


With a light shout, as if to spit out the fear in his heart and strengthen his courage, Lin Dong collided with the sword energy.

The strong fluctuation of vital energy stirred up a breeze, blowing dust everywhere. After Lin Dong resisted for three breaths, he was directly knocked away and broke four or five large trees before stopping.

"Use your full strength, otherwise you won't have any chance of winning."

Sword energy surrounded Lin Yuan, the iron sword emitted a green glow, and the fierce momentum spread to the entire Beast Horn Field.

In the audience, everyone held their breath and watched this scene intently. They all understood that the next moment was the final moment.

"Dong'er…" Lin Xiao looked at Lin Dong in the field, a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Huh~" In the field, Lin Dong took a deep breath and looked at his leader with a heavy look in his eyes.

The previous round of tests made him realize that neither the Eight Desolate Palm nor the Nine-ring Tongbei Fist could cause effective damage to Lin Yuan.

Therefore, he must gather all his strength and decide the outcome with one move!

Lin Dong slowly raised his hands and quickly put them together, forming complicated hand seals. The energy in his Dantian also gushed out like crazy at this moment and gathered at the hand seals.

"Qi Men Yin!"

The Yuan Power surged wildly, and Lin Dong completed the first level of the Qimen Seal and changed it again. He was going to use the second level of the Qimen Seal directly!

The hand seals changed rapidly, and the deep blue energy condensed into a blue light seal in Lin Dong's palm. Then he suddenly raised his palm and slammed heavily at Lin Yuan who was looking down at him.

Facing Lin Dong's strongest attack, Lin Yuan remained calm as usual. It was as if his eyes had penetrated Lin Dong and saw an extremely huge dragon that exuded a majestic aura that was enough to suppress everything!

Lin Yuan didn't understand what that thing was, but this giant dragon didn't prevent him from completely defeating Lin Dong at this moment.

"second to none!"