
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 179 Victory!

"Haha..." In the square, Huo Shan's almost crazy laughter spread to every corner.

"Is he...crazy?"

"I think so. This smile is creepy."

Huo Shan's abnormality caused many disciples present to whisper among themselves.

Yu Kongzi frowned, having a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't panic. I believe Lin Yuan can resolve the situation safely."

At this moment, the ancestor's voice sounded, once again calming the uneasiness in his heart.

"Ancestor, I..." Yu Kongzi felt guilty for being unsteady twice. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

How could the ancestor not know what he was thinking, but he didn't take it to heart.

In a way, he highly appreciated this act of caring for the sect's disciples.

Therefore, Yu Kongzi would not be criticized too much for such a small mistake.

In the space high in the sky, Huo Shan's eyes were still bloodshot, but his expression had become calm.

The extreme anger made him regain his usual calmness.

But it was also because of this that he realized that his previous behavior was irreversible.

Regardless of whether he wins today, the reputation of the Sword Sect has been challenged.

Under such circumstances, the sect will not become enemies with the Sword Sect for him.

His fate was already determined. At the very least, his meridians would be destroyed and he would be expelled from the sect. At the worst, he would die.

He could not accept either of these two outcomes.

So he made a decision.

Even if he dies, he will take Lin Yuan with him today!

Thinking of this, Huo Shan's eyes became even colder.

"Lin Yuan, today I will let you see my most powerful martial arts skill!"

As he spoke, a dark light burst out from Huo Shan's body.

Under this light, his body gradually became illusory and finally turned into a dark ball of light.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a cold light broke through the yellowish-brown gas and penetrated the ball of light accurately.

The next second, the ball of light quickly merged into the spear.


Suddenly, a sense of danger surged into his heart, and Lin Yuan retreated hundreds of feet away, his face looking extremely solemn.

But even after retreating a hundred feet, the sense of danger in Lin Yuan's heart did not diminish, but became stronger and stronger.

"Everything returns to one!"

With a light shout, the earth-yellow sword energy that enveloped the land gathered in Lin Yuan's right hand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the enormous force was compressed into a long sword, and the blade was filled with suffocating terrifying waves.

At the same time, the spear also absorbed all the light balls.


The dazzling light enveloped the entire space, and an unimaginable aura of horror emanated from the spear.

"This is... a bloodthirsty demon shadow!"

Li Yang exclaimed, his face becoming extremely ugly.

Bloodthirsty Demon Shadow is an ancient forbidden technique.

It can greatly increase one's power at the cost of human life.

Once used, no matter what the result is, the user will be killed.

Back then, disciples of the Biyun Sect discovered this evil magic in a cave and handed it over to the sect.

After discussion, the top leaders of Biyun Sect decided to seal it in the library and not allow anyone to practice.

Li Yang never expected that Huo Shan had secretly practiced this evil magic without the sect's knowledge, and used it in front of the five major sects.

"It seems that I must report this situation to the sect leader when I return..." No one else knew what Li Yang was thinking.

But from the surface, everyone can see that the martial arts used by Huo Shan is extremely powerful, and can even be described as terrifying.

"Ancestor..., can Lin Yuan block this attack?"

Yu Kongzi was worried in his heart. This terrifying fluctuation had already exceeded the scope of the Shengxuan Realm. Even a strong man in the early stage of the Sixuan Realm would find it difficult to resist.

Although Lin Yuan is gifted and has powerful killing moves such as the Great Wilderness Sword Intention, his strength is only at the initial stage of the Profound Life Realm. How can he block such a terrifying attack?

The old ancestor remained silent, just quietly looking at that space, with some worry in the depths of his eyes.

Of course, he believed in Lin Yuan's strength, but the martial arts used by the other party were too powerful and strange.

Can Lin Yuan really block this blow?

The old ancestor kept asking himself this question in his heart, but he could never find a reason to convince himself.

It was not until he looked into Lin Yuan's eyes, which were full of confidence and determination, that he made up his mind.

"No one is allowed to interfere. Just let Lin Yuan solve it himself."

After waiting for a long time, the ancestor calmly stated his decision.

Yu Kongzi naturally did not dare to disobey the words of the ancestor, but he was still confused in his heart.

Can Lin Yuan really block this blow?

Why does the ancestor trust Lin Yuan so much?

After much thought without any solution, Yu Kongzi could only hope in his heart that the ancestor's decision was right.


Just as everyone was thinking about it, a spear swished through the sky and stabbed towards Lin Yuan's face with a devastating force.

"Desolate Dragon Soaring Break!"

A terrifying aura rushed straight to his forehead, and Lin Yuan drained all the energy in his body and injected it into the sword.

As the smoke-like vitality was injected into it, the sword spun rapidly, and finally turned into a khaki dragon a hundred feet long, hovering above Lin Yuan.


A dragon roar resounded through the sky, and then a giant dragon rushed towards the spear like a sharp sword.

The next second, a deafening explosion shook the area thousands of miles away.


For a moment, the sky was shrouded in darkness, a strong wind arose, and huge air waves swept in all directions.

That space was completely shattered in an instant, and the energy that splashed out fell like a meteorite.

The old ancestor waved his sleeves lightly, and an invisible energy eliminated the splashing energy.

After a long time, everything finally returned to calm, and a thin figure appeared in front of everyone. It was Lin Yuan.

At this moment, his face became extremely pale and his eyes were blurred, and it seemed that he might faint at any time.

Li Yang looked at the figure with a complicated expression, feeling mixed emotions.

Huo Shan tried his best, even using that evil magic, but still failed to kill Lin Yuan, and instead lost his life.

If he were still alive, I wonder if he would regret what he did today.

"I never thought that this kid Lin Yuan could be so strong. Yukongzi, your Sword Sect really got a treasure."

Song Tao couldn't help but curl his lips, feeling a little envious.

"Hehe, it's still a little worse than your Kirigakure's white clothes."

Yu Kongzi also breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and said.

Song Tao did not object to this because he felt the same way.

Lin Yuan's performance was indeed impressive, but it was still far behind Bai Tianyi.

Thinking of this, Song Tao couldn't help but look at Bai Tianyi beside him and asked, "What do you think?"

Bai Tianyi was silent for a while, then hesitantly said, "Very strong, it should be able to allow me to use the seventh level of strength."

"Hiss~" Hearing this, everyone took a breath of cold air again.

In that situation, it is impossible to force out Bai Tianyi's full strength. Could it be that his strength is not enough to fight against the peak of the Death Profound Realm?