
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 177 Lin Yuan vs Huoshan

"An hour has passed, contestants please take your positions."

In the vast square, Yu Kongzi's voice rang out and Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's finally here."

At the same time, Huo Shan also stood up, his face showing confidence.

After an hour's rest, his physical strength and power have been fully restored. It can be said that he has reached his best condition.

The two of them jumped into the space above together as if in tacit understanding.

"Lin Yuan, it's really amazing that you made it to the finals, but that's it."

Huo Shan stared at the young man in front of him with indifference, his words filled with unspeakable arrogance and contempt.

"Ten moves, I only need ten moves, and you will lose!"

Lin Yuan had a blank expression on his face. Huo Shan's arrogance and contempt did not cause any fluctuations in his mood.

"To destroy a man you must make him mad."

"Remember this, because he is your fate."

"Is it?"

Huo Shan looked at him with disdain, his eyes becoming exceptionally cold.

"You are such an ignorant fellow, I will teach you the great gap between you and me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge force erupted from Huo Shan's body, and a strong sense of oppression attacked Lin Yuan's whole body.


Huo Shan sneered, his expression becoming even more disdainful.

However, this disdain did not last long as it was destroyed by a strange aura.

At some point, the grass under Lin Yuan's feet turned into a wasteland and gradually spread to the surrounding areas.

What is even more puzzling is that the vital energy of heaven and earth in this space is being continuously absorbed into the wasteland.

"What the hell is this?"

Huo Shan's face turned ugly, as if filled with doubt and confusion.

In the square, the expressions of the elders also changed slightly, with surprise and confusion in their eyes.

"This power... comes from ancient times..." Song Tao stated the origin of this strange power in a very solemn tone.

"This power carries a hint of ancient aura, and it can actually change the terrain. Its original owner is probably no ordinary person."

Yu Kongzi's expression was equally solemn, and his words were full of thought.

Where did Lin Yuan get this power from?

In the ring, Lin Yuan was standing on the desolate ground, looking at Huo Shan with an icy cold gaze.

"Honestly, you are not worthy of my trump card, but your words angered me, so today I will let you know who is the weak one."

Lin Yuan's words were very calm, and it seemed that his anger was not even noticeable.

But these calm words made Huo Shan's heart tremble slightly.

"How could it be possible... that I would be scared by this loser..." Huo Shan's face turned very ugly. He could not accept his own cowardice, and endless anger suddenly surged in his heart.

At this moment, as Lin Yuan said, he became a little crazy.

"Arrogant guy, I will let you know what the gap is!"

Huo Shan let out an angry roar, then gently touched the Qiankun bag on his waist.

"call out!"

A green light passed by, and a spear appeared in Huo Shandi's hand.

The gun is green in color all over, and there is a sharp aura coming from the tip of the gun.

"That's... the Absolute Shadow Divine Spear!"

"I'm quite willing to do that, Old Man Li."

Song Tao curled his lips and said sarcastically.

Li Yang did not respond, but just looked at Huo Shan in the space, with a hint of worry hidden deep in his eyes.

He had already discovered that Huo Shan seemed very excited at the moment, and his anger had burned away his rationality.

"Dark Night Mysterious Sky Breaks!"

Huo Shan's eyes shot out a bone-chilling cold light, and his attack was an extremely terrifying killing move.

I saw him spinning the spear in his hand rapidly, and a dark light was emitted from the tip of the spear.

Under this light, even the light from the sun is blocked.

Soon, the entire space was covered by dark light, and Huo Shan's figure disappeared.

"Go to hell with me."

From somewhere, Huo Shan's angry and indifferent voice sounded.

Following that, countless spears formed by dark light were suspended densely in all directions of the space.

The next second, densely packed spears came as fast as lightning, carrying suffocating murderous intent!

"Great Wilderness Sword Intention!"

At the critical moment, a large amount of yellowish-brown gas gushed out from the wasteland under Lin Yuan's feet, tightly wrapping him.


Countless light guns shot at Lin Yuan crazily like a storm.

In just a few seconds, all the light guns were fired, and a large amount of smoke and dust covered almost the entire space.

In just a few seconds, an extremely terrifying battle broke out on the battlefield. Everyone in the square held their breath, opened their eyes, and watched nervously.

After a while, the smoke and dust finally dissipated, and Lin Yuan's figure appeared, his face looking normal.

What is even more surprising is that in such a heavy smoke and dust, he was not even a speck of dust on his body!

Huo Shan clenched his teeth, his eyes glowed red, and his facial expression became extremely distorted.

Although he didn't say anything, the murderous intent emanating from him became stronger and stronger.

It was obvious that Huo Shan really had the intention to kill at this moment.

If Huo Shan still had a little bit of rationality left before, then Huo Shan is now completely crazy.

He had forgotten where this place was, and had also forgotten that the fight between them was just a competition, not a life-and-death duel.

At this moment, deep in Huo Shan's heart, there was only one thought, and that was to destroy the young man in front of him and turn him into ashes!

"You...must die!"

After saying this deep in his throat, Huo Shan roared again, and the dark light once again enveloped the entire space.

"Dark Night Meteor-Breaking Spear" "Swish!"

Under this dim light, the vast and sea-like vital energy was condensing madly, and an extremely terrifying oppression filled the air, making people suffocate.

After a few breaths, Huo Shan threw the spear in his hand out, which went straight into the sky and disappeared.

"Hahaha..." Huo Shan showed a crazy smile, and the biting coldness in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Lin Yuan, you will be reduced to ashes under this blow from me!"

Before he finished speaking, the clouds underwent a huge change silently.

All the clouds in the space gathered together, and were then swallowed by the dark light, turning into a huge ball of light.

The next moment, the ball of light burst, and a giant spear hundreds of feet long broke out of its shell!

The dark atmosphere and the heavy sense of oppression combined made the entire earth tremble.


There was a sound of cracking, and a huge crack about one foot wide appeared on the grass.

Soon, as the first crack appeared, the second, the third, and so on.

, countless cracks appeared on the earth.

In just a few breaths, the power emitted by the Dark Meteor-Breaking Spear caused the earthquake in this area to break into pieces, and the space was shaking.

It is hard to imagine whether this space can withstand this horrific blow when the hundred-foot-long spear falls!