
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 175 Weak in form, strong in heart

The next morning, the sun was high in the sky, and the warm sunlight shone through the window onto Lin Yuan's body, making him unable to help but open his eyes.

"you're awake?"

A gentle voice sounded, and an old man in white walked slowly towards them.


Lin Yuan wanted to get up, but the pain all over his body made him unable to move. He could only lie on the bed and shouted in a low voice.

Seeing this, the old ancestor smiled gently and said, "You are injured now, so don't bow. Just lie down and have a good rest."

"Thank you, Ancestor."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan stopped moving and lay quietly in bed.

"It is indeed a bit rash to ask you to participate in the ancient tomb battle now."

"But now that it has come to this, what are you going to do?"

The old ancestor sat aside and asked in a calm voice.

After the fierce battle in the last round, the old ancestor thought that Lin Yuan would reflect on it, but he smiled faintly and said, "I only need one more round to enter the ancient tomb. How can I give up now?"

"Except for you, the remaining few are all in the late Shengxuan realm, or even at the peak. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

The old man looked at Lin Yuan quietly and continued to ask.

Lin Yuan grinned and said confidently: "Ancestor, if the next opponent is Bai Tianyi, I may not be sure of winning, but for the others, I will definitely win!"

This is not bragging, but because he has a trump card, which is the Great Wilderness Sword Intent.

The Great Wilderness Sword Intent can absorb the power of heaven and earth, increasing its power several times.

Once it is performed, Lin Yuan is confident that he is not inferior to those strong men in the late Shengxuan realm.

Most importantly, after a year of practice, he has already perfected the Great Wilderness Sword Intention, and its power has been raised to a higher level.

The reason why he didn't use it in the first two games was just to catch people by surprise and ensure that he could get a spot.


So you are confident that you can win the last game?"

After hearing this, the old ancestor asked with a little curiosity.

"Hey, just wait and see."

Lin Yuan chuckled a few times, but did not tell the old man his trump card, and kept it a secret.

The old ancestor saw this and did not ask any more questions. He was even more curious in his heart about what kind of trump card could allow Lin Yuan to have such great confidence that he could defeat a strong man in the Shengxuan realm by leaps and bounds.

"It's good that you have confidence. The last round of competition will be in three days. You should have a good rest."

After saying this, the old man was about to leave, but was stopped by Lin Yuan.

"Ancestor, please wait a moment."

The ancestor turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Lin Yuan was silent for a moment, then hesitantly asked, "Can you help me practice in these three days?"

The old ancestor thought about it, nodded slightly, and said: "When your injury is healed, I can help you improve your strength."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan endured the pain, stood up, and said excitedly: "Then let's get started quickly."

The old ancestor was stunned, and then asked: "Your injury is not healed yet..." Before he finished speaking, Lin Yuan interrupted the old ancestor and said bluntly: "This little injury is nothing, I must do everything possible to become stronger."

"Then come with me."

Lin Yuan nodded excitedly, limping along as he followed the old man to the top of the mountain.

"Three days is too short. Even if I give you a powerful martial art, it will be too difficult to practice it to perfection in three days."

At this point, the old ancestor paused and continued: "Therefore, I decided to teach you a little sword technique, which may greatly improve your strength."

Lin Yuan looked at the ancestor curiously, and his expectation grew.

"looks great."

The old ancestor smiled slightly, spread out his right hand, and a wisp of light blue sword energy floated in his palm.

The sword energy seemed like a living thing, spinning in circles in the old ancestor's hands, looking so happy.

"Ancestor, how does this... relate to improving strength?"

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at the sword intent, his face puzzled.

"Let's continue reading..." The old man still had a smile on his face and didn't explain much.

I saw him flipping his palm and pushing it into the sky, and the sword energy also rushed into the sky in the direction of the old ancestor's palm.


At this moment, the sword energy exploded with a loud bang, and the huge force dispersed the white clouds within dozens of miles around, leaving only a little light.

Lin Yuan was stunned and shocked.

That wisp of sword energy was not strong at all, it was just the strength of a beginner, but why could it burst out with such a powerful force?


The old man was very satisfied with Lin Yuan's current expression and asked with a smile.

"Ancestor, how did you do this?"

After a long while, Lin Yuan finally returned to normal, and then he couldn't wait to ask.

"When you use your sword power, you are too ostentatious. It is easy for others to see through your strength. You must learn to hide your power."

The ancestor said slowly.

"How...to hide this?"

Lin Yuan looked at his hands, still confused.

Upon hearing this, the ancestor summoned out a wisp of sword energy again.

Just like before, this sword energy was not strong and seemed like it would dissipate at any time.

"Just watch."

The ancestor quickly injected his vital energy into the sword energy through his palm, but what was surprising was that no matter how much vital energy was injected into the sword energy, there was no change at all and it still maintained its original appearance.

Lin Yuan frowned, thinking hard, with confusion in his eyes.

He didn't understand why this strand of sword energy didn't become stronger at all despite receiving so much vital energy.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but stretch out his hand and move closer to the sword energy.

The moment he touched it, he felt a terrifying force stopping his fingers from moving forward.

"This is called weak in form, strong in heart."

"If you can master this little trick within three days, you can achieve unexpected results."

The old ancestor retracted his sword energy and said with a smile.

When Lin Yuan heard this, he suddenly understood and a hint of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

He bowed to the ancestor excitedly and spoke sincerely.

"Grandmaster, I will not let you down."

The ancestor also nodded and then disappeared.

After the ancestor left, Lin Yuan began to try again and again.

But no matter what he did, he could not succeed, and sometimes it would even cause accidents, causing the sword energy to dissipate directly.

But he did not give up and continued to try hard...