
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 173 Heaven Shaking Hammer

On the ring, the hammer in Tian Chong's hand looked exceptionally dazzling.

The inky black appearance, coupled with the faint blue arcs, makes it look murderous.

"Elder Song, I guess the hammer in his hand must be the famous Heaven Shaking Hammer of your Wuyin Sect, right?"

Yu Kongzi stared at the hammer, thought for a moment, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, it is the Heaven Shaking Hammer used by our Wuyin Sect's ancestors."

Song Tao smiled and nodded, with a smug look in his eyes.

The Heaven-Shaking Hammer was once used by an elder of the Mist Hidden Sect thousands of years ago.

The elder was born with supernatural powers, and ordinary weapons had no appeal to him.

This is true even for high-level spiritual treasures.

In order to get a weapon that suits him, he specially found black iron from outer space, added black steel stone and the blood of an ancient monster goblin, and forged it for three years. Finally, he created a weapon that belongs to him alone - the Heaven-shaking Hammer!

The power of this Heaven-Shaking Hammer was already considerable, and with the elder's natural supernatural power, its power was increased by more than several times.

He once used this Heaven-Shaking Hammer, with the strength of the peak of the Profound Death Realm, to defeat a strong man in the middle stage of the Wheel-Turning Realm!

From then on, the name of the Heaven-Shaking Hammer resounded throughout the entire Southern Region.

Unfortunately, the elder died due to an accident, and the Heaven-Shaking Hammer was placed in the treasury of the Mist Hidden Sect, never to see the light of day again.

Today, Tian Chong took out the Heaven-Shaking Hammer, which really surprised Yu Kongzi.

"Hehe..., when Tian Chong entered the treasury to choose a weapon, he immediately fell in love with this Heaven Shaking Hammer."

"I have to say, this is also an opportunity for Tian Chong."

Song Tao recalled that when Tian Chong chose the Heaven-Shaking Hammer, the Mist Hidden Sect was shaken, and even the ancestor was alarmed, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"With this Heaven Shaking Hammer, Tian Chong will not be at a disadvantage even if he faces a peak Shengxuan Realm expert. I'm afraid Lin Yuan will lose."

Yu Kongzi sighed inwardly, with a hint of regret in his eyes.

Lin Yuan's talent is much better than Tian Chong's, but he has practiced for less than half the time of the other.

If he is given some time, no one can predict what the outcome will be.

"Hey, the Heaven-shaking Hammer!"

Tian Chong grinned, then jumped into the air and raised the Heaven-Shaking Hammer high.

In an instant, the vital energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was rapidly injected into it, and lightning flashed.


Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the hammer, and then the sound became louder and louder until it echoed throughout the square.


Tian Chong shouted loudly and smashed the hammer vertically downward with all his strength. The heavy force came whistling like a gale.

Faced with this powerful hammer, Lin Yuan did not dare to take it head-on. He rolled over and retreated dozens of meters before stopping.


The next moment, there was a loud bang, the arena shook, and a hole about ten meters deep appeared and continued to expand.

"Phew, that was a close call."

Looking at the hole on the ring, Lin Yuan couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and let out a light breath.

"You are quite lucky."

Although Tian Chong failed to hit the target with his hammer, he was not discouraged. Instead, he grinned with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Lin Yuan's face darkened slightly, and a trace of anger rose in his heart.

This was the first time that he was toyed with by others, and Lin Yuan's anger burned fiercely.

"You think you're going to win this game, right?"

Lin Yuan looked at Tian Chong expressionlessly and said coldly.


It seems that you still have a trump card to play... "In that case, then show me your full strength and let me see how strong you are!"

Tian Chong sneered, and a powerful aura burst out from his body.

At this moment, he seemed extremely confident. No matter how strong Lin Yuan's trump card was, he would definitely be the final winner.

Lin Yuan looked at Tian Chong coldly, with sword energy emanating from the blade.

After a few breaths, the sword energy that originally seemed peaceful gradually became violent, and the surrounding heaven and earth vitality also became unstable with the violence of the sword energy.

"This is…" Outside the ring, Yu Kongzi frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Explode, roar, and transform my anger into endless power."

As if sensing its master's anger, the ancient sword made a sharp sound, and the sword energy that permeated it became more violent.

Tian Chong sensed a different aura and became slightly alert, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"The first sword!"

After about a moment, a cold light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes, and then he swung a sword in the air.

A green light suddenly appeared, as fast as lightning!

At this moment, Tian Chong also placed the Heaven-Shaking Hammer in front of him and injected his vital energy into it.


The sword energy was so intense that Tian Chong only felt his arm a little numb, and his face turned gloomy.

"The second sword!"

After one sword strike, Lin Yuan swung again.

A green light moved slowly forward, its speed was very slow, just like a person running.

Although the speed was very slow, the vital energy of the heaven and earth around it was sucked into it madly.

And with the infusion of the vitality of heaven and earth, the color of the sword light became darker and darker, and the power became stronger and stronger.

Tian Chong frowned slightly, swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it over.


The violent force exploded with a bang, followed by a huge air wave.

"The third sword!"

Before I could think about it, a cold voice rang out.

The ancient sword in Lin Yuan's hand was seen floating in front of him, spinning rapidly, and vast vitality was pouring into the ancient sword frantically.

"Shake the heavens and the earth!"

After seeing Lin Yuan's extraordinary ability, Tian Chong did not dare to be careless. He held the hammer with both hands, and the electric arc flashed rapidly.


After a moment of concentration, Lin Yuan put his hands together, and the ancient sword floating in front of him whooshed, cut through the space, and turned into a giant green dragon, flying towards Tian Chong!

"Break it for me!"

Tian Chong shouted loudly, gathered all his strength, and smashed out violently!


The two forces collided and exploded. The space could not bear it and countless spider-like cracks appeared!

"Humph, you are not qualified to compete with me in strength!"

Tian Chong snorted coldly, and with a hint of roar, he pressed the hammer down again!

With this, the Azure Dragon exploded, and a powerful air wave flew towards Lin Yuan quickly like sword energy.

Lin Yuan was not afraid at all, and the air waves he sent out with his two punches dissipated instantly.

"Take my hammer!"

Tian Chong would not give Lin Yuan a chance. He jumped up and hit the former hard in the face.

This time, Lin Yuan did not dodge. He turned his palm over and the ancient sword was in his hand.

The next moment, Lin Yuan gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands, then roared and swung the sword.


The sound of metal colliding and friction resounded throughout the arena. The two forces competed with each other, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

"Your physical strength is indeed strong, but you are too conceited, which is the biggest factor in your defeat!"

At this moment, Lin Yuan's face looked extremely pale, but he was very calm, without even a trace of emotion.

Before Tian Chong could say anything, he saw the sword energy permeating the ancient sword becoming more violent and rapidly condensing on the blade.


After a few breaths, the sword energy suddenly exploded with unimaginable violent force, directly knocking the two people away!

Just when Lin Yuan was about to fly out of the ring, he used up his last bit of strength and punched the ring, creating a crack.

Lin Yuan's fist was stuck in the gap and couldn't be pulled out.

Because of this, Lin Yuan did not fly out of the ring, but fell directly onto the ring and passed out.

Because of this air wave, Tian Chong was directly blown out of the ring and fell to the ground!