
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 172 Battle with Tian Chong

Time passed quickly, and the first round of fighting lasted until sunset.

In the end, there were 26 people from the five major sects, and the remaining 14 participated in the second round of battle.

"Tomorrow at dawn, we will continue the second round of fighting."

After saying that, Yu Kongzi led the people from the four major sects down the mountain.

The battles for ancient tombs lasted for about half a month each, so the Sword Sect had several luxurious dormitories at the foot of the mountain.

Specially used for rest of outsiders.

The disciples of the Sword Sect returned to their dormitories to rest.

late at night.

Lin Yuan sat on the top of the mountain, unable to sleep.

Today's battle for the ancient tomb is particularly fierce, with the emergence of evildoers like Yan Lu and Bai Tianyi, which has doubled the pressure on Lin Yuan.

Especially Bai Tianyi, this man gave him a feeling of being unfathomable and immeasurable.

"Tomorrow is the second round. I wonder if I will meet Bai Tianyi."

When Lin Yuan thought of this, a trace of sweat appeared on the palm of his hand.

It is undeniable that Lin Yuan felt a little heavy and even nervous at the moment.

He had to enter the ancient tomb.

Because that's where he found what he needed.

"It's so late, why don't you go to rest?"

Just then, the figure of the ancestor appeared behind him and asked.

Lin Yuan quickly stood up, saluted the old ancestor, and then smiled bitterly: "I can't sleep."

"Is it because of the white dress?"

The old man looked at Lin Yuan's heavy face, quickly thought of the reason, and asked.

Lin Yuan didn't hide it and nodded.

"Are you afraid that you will miss the chance to enter the ancient tomb if you fight him tomorrow?"

Lin Yuan nodded again.

"That Bai Tianyi is very powerful, and is not inferior to the strong ones in the Death Profound Realm.

Even if I try my best, it will be difficult to defeat him."

The old ancestor smiled calmly, raised his hand and stroked his beard, and said: "Your talent is not inferior to his, so why bother about winning or losing at this moment?"

"The Great Emperor has passed down the legacy for ten thousand years, and no one has been able to obtain it until now. How can the White Heavenly Clothes be obtained so easily?"

Lin Yuan naturally understood this.

Given enough time, he has the confidence to surpass Bai Tianyi.

However, the reality is that what he lacks most is time.

If he cannot enter the ancient tomb this time, it may be a fatal blow to him.

"Hehe..." The old ancestor felt Lin Yuan's urgency and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"No matter how much you worry, you can't change the reality. Instead of that, you might as well face it bravely."

"If you really want to enter the ancient tomb, then do your best to get it."

"Man proposes, God disposes."

"As long as you try your best, you won't regret it even if you fail."

Just a few short sentences seemed to have magical power, which gradually calmed Lin Yuan's restless heart.

After closing his eyes and concentrating for a moment, Lin Yuan exhaled heavily and returned to his usual calm.

He bowed again and said, "Thank you, ancestor."

The old ancestor chuckled lightly, left only one sentence, and disappeared.

"Prepare well for the second game tomorrow."

Looking at the direction where the ancestor disappeared, Lin Yuan turned and looked at the night sky, with a look of determination in his eyes.

"Bai Tianyi..., even if it's you, I still want to be qualified to enter the ancient tomb!"

…The next day, Buddha dawned.

The five major sects gathered in the square again.

After a night of rest, everyone is in the best condition possible, quietly waiting for the next battle.

Yu Kongzi didn't waste any words and threw the jade token high into the sky.

Lin Yuan stretched out his right hand, aimed at a jade token, grasped it, then looked at the token, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

There was only one big word written on the jade plate.

"I'm first again. This is really lucky."

"I wonder who my opponent will be this time?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan returned to his seat and glanced at the others.

"The classification has been determined, contestant number one will go on stage."

As Yu Kongzi's voice sounded, Lin Yuan tapped his feet and jumped to the front of the ring.

At the same time, a sturdy-looking man also entered the ring.


As his feet landed on the ground, the entire ring shook.

"This guy has great strength!"

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at his opponent with a serious expression.

"Wuyin Sect, Tian Chong, please teach me."

Tian Chong grinned, slowly took out a heavy iron hammer from his back, and a hint of sharpness flashed across his eyes.

"Sword Sect Lin Yuan, please give me some advice."

Lin Yuan took out his ancient sword and prepared for battle.

"Game start!"

As soon as Yu Kongzi finished speaking, Tian Chong jumped up, clenched the hammer in both hands, and smashed it hard at Lingge.


Lin Yuan held the ancient sword across to block the attack, his expression suddenly changing.

He saw a huge force coming from the iron hammer, as if it had a force of ten thousand pounds, which made him unable to breathe.


The next moment, the ground beneath Lin Yuan's feet caved in, and cracks spread out in all directions like spider silk.

"Hey, I won't give you a chance."

Tian Chong laughed loudly, and the vital energy in his body surged out, then was suppressed again.

As his strength continued to grow, Lin Yuan's face became more and more ugly, and his legs could not help but tremble.


The enormous force caused the ground under Lin Yuan's feet to collapse again with a loud bang, and directly turned into a pit!

"No, if this goes on, I will definitely lose..." Lin Yuan gritted his teeth, the energy in his body circulated wildly, and then suddenly burst out.

Tian Chong was careless and was knocked back several meters by this powerful force before he stopped.

"Huff~" Lin Yuan breathed heavily, his forehead covered with sweat.

Being pressed down by a force as heavy as ten thousand kilograms almost consumed all his strength.

"Interesting, you are the first person to withstand my attack head-on."

Tian Chong waved the hammer in his hand, full of fighting spirit.

"Haha... Tian Chong is born with supernatural power, and his cultivation is close to the late Shengxuan realm. I wonder how many rounds this Lin Yuan can hold out."

Song Tao smiled smugly again, looked at Yu Kongzi and asked casually.

"The Wuyin Sect is truly full of talented people, and Elder Song has made an indelible contribution."

Yu Kongzi responded with a smile, as if he didn't take Song Tao's boasting to heart.

"No, no, compared to your Sword Sect, my Wuyin Sect is still far behind."

Song Tao chuckled a few times and complimented.

Yu Kongzi didn't say anything, but there was a hint of unhappiness in his eyes.

As the leader of the five major sects, the disciples of the Sword Sect are getting worse with each generation, which makes him feel very embarrassed.

"I hope Lin Yuan won't be defeated so easily."

Yu Kongzi looked at the arena and prayed like this in his heart.