
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 171 The Terrible White Clothes

There was silence in the Jianzong Square.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the lean figure. Some were shocked, some were puzzled, and some even felt as if they were dreaming.

"This boy named Lin Yuan is incredible. He has such strength at such a young age."

Song Tao let out a long breath, with indescribable envy in his eyes.

"Looking at his appearance, it seems that he hasn't used his full strength." Dan Luotian sighed as he looked at Lin Yuan's face that was as calm as water.

Yu Kongzi also came back to his senses at this moment. After glancing at the whole audience, he shouted loudly: "The winner is Lin Yuan!"

When Lu Rujie heard this, his expression became extremely ugly, but he didn't say much. He slowly left with a gloomy face.

At this moment, he felt humiliated in his heart. Being defeated by a young man who had just entered the realm of Xuanjing was unacceptable to him!

"Huh, as expected of disciples from the five major sects, each of them is not an ordinary person."

Lin Yuan exhaled deeply, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

He thought that with his current strength, he would be able to fight against a peak Shengxuanjing expert even if he met one. However, he had never been forced to use almost all his strength by Lu Rujie, who was in the middle stage of Shengxuanjing.

"It seems that with my current strength, I can only barely fight against those in the late stage of Shengxuanjing!"

Lin Yuan shook his head and immediately left the ring which had become a ruin.

Yu Kongzi frowned and then waved his sleeves.

In an instant, the ruined arena returned to its original appearance! "In the second match, the person holding the number two jade card will come on stage." After that, two figures appeared on the arena at the same time, and each burst out with the strength of the middle stage of the Birth Profound Mirror.

Following Yu Kongzi's order, the two began a fierce battle. Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for the fifth game. This one was between Bai Tianyi from the Wuyin Sect and Wei Qiang from the Jian Sect!

"Please advise me."

Bai Tianyi smiled shyly, looking embarrassed.

Wei Qiang looked solemn, but he did not look down on the young man in front of him.

After all, Bai Tianyi had already demonstrated his strength before!

"Game start!"

Following Yu Kongzi's order, Bai Tianyi's expression suddenly became fierce, and a terrifying aura quickly spread throughout the arena!

Faced with such a huge change in Bai Tianyi, Wei Qiang suddenly felt pressured and his face darkened.

"We can't wait, we must act first!"

Wei Qiang made a decision quickly. A ray of light passed by, and a slender sword appeared in his hand.

"It's drizzling!"

Without stopping for long, Wei Qiang stabbed out quickly, stabbing at Bai Tianyi like a storm.

Bai Tianyi did not make any move, but looked at Wei Qiang who was flying towards him at high speed with an expressionless face.


Seeing Bai Tianyi's body approaching, Wei Qiang's eyes lit up and a hint of excitement appeared on his face.

And at this moment, Bai Tianyi took action.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and rushed towards Wei Qiang quickly.

Bai Tianyi's figure was like a ghost, and he nimbly dodged all of Wei Qiang's attacks.

The next moment, Bai Tianyi seized the opportunity and slapped out with his palm, hitting Wei Qiang directly in the chest.

The terrifying force instantly knocked him away and he fell directly outside the ring!

"Hiss~" Everyone couldn't help but take a breath, very shocked.

No one expected that Wei Qiang would be defeated with just one palm!

"So strong!"

Lin Yuan looked at Bai Tianyi's figure solemnly, imagining his battle with Bai Tianyi in his mind.

But no matter how he imagined it, there was only one result, which was to be easily defeated.

Even if you try your best, you may only be able to hurt the other person.

"As expected, there are always people who are better than you."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It has been more than ten years since he traveled through time. Among the younger generation, no one has ever been able to do this. Not even Lin Dong has ever made him think that he would fail.

Today, Bai Tianyi's move made him realize that he still had no chance of winning against a truly extraordinary genius.

"If I can obtain the inheritance of the Great Emperor, I will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Lin Yuan clenched his hands, longing for the inheritance even more.

"Haha..., you are worthy of being the number one genius of the Mist Hidden Sect."

Song Tao couldn't help showing a smug expression and burst into laughter.

"Do we have a chance of winning?"

Yan Lun glanced at Song Tao indifferently, then looked at Yan Lu and asked in a low voice.

Yan Lu gave a bitter smile and then shook her head slightly.

"With his strength, even a mid-stage Death Profound Realm expert would find it difficult to defeat him."

"I... am no match for him."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yan Lu had to admit that Bai Tianyi's strength was indeed beyond his expectations.

Yan Lun smiled calmly, looking at the slightly depressed Yan Lu, and said: "Don't underestimate yourself. With your talent, if you can obtain that inheritance, your future prospects will definitely surpass his."

Yan Lu nodded slowly, with a determined look on her face.

"I will definitely try my best."

"I'm sorry, I accidentally used too much force."

The battle was over quickly, Bai Tianyi returned to her original shy look and spoke awkwardly.

Wei Qiang stood up and smiled bitterly.

He really didn't expect that the gap between the two was so huge that he couldn't even block one move.

"Junior Brother Bai is gifted. I am convinced."

Having said that, Wei Qiang bowed respectfully to Bai Tianyi, then left with a dejected look on his face.

Bai Tianyi didn't stay for long and quickly came to Song Tao's side.

"Good boy, you really make me proud."

Song Tao patted Bai Tianyi's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Master, you are too kind. I was just lucky."

Bai Tianyi was very shy and said with a smile.

Everyone felt a little depressed at Bai Tianyi's words.

He defeated Wei Qiang, who was in the middle stage of Shengxuan realm, with just one palm strike. You tell me it was a fluke?

Bad guy, he is a bad guy!

"Okay, let's continue the game."

Yu Kongzi looked at Bai Tianyi deeply and said calmly.

After that, everyone's attention was focused on the ring again.

At this moment, no one had any doubt about the first place, it was Bai Tianyi!