
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 170 Victory!

In the stands, the elders from the five major sects showed astonishment on their faces. They were all impressed by Lin Yuan's powerful swordsmanship.

Especially the great elder of Wuyin Sect, Hong Tao, showed a hint of jealousy, and did not hide it at all.

A young boy who not only has extraordinary talent in cultivation, but also has such a strong talent in swordsmanship. He can be said to be a true son of destiny.

"This young man has great luck and amazing talent. It is not impossible that he can reach the legendary realm."

Dan Luotian took a deep breath and sighed.

Everyone was shocked to hear Dan Luotian's comments.

Yu Kongzi looked at Dan Luotian in surprise, wondering why he gave such a high evaluation.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless gifted people who have struggled all their lives, but unfortunately ended up in the cycle of reincarnation.

Even a man as extraordinary as the Void Emperor could not reach that legendary realm.

On the stage, a blazing red lotus slowly blossomed, red light filled the sky, Lu Rujie's eyes were like lightning, and his aura reached its peak.

"Lin Yuan, try this trick of mine."

"Red Lotus Bursts" High in the sky, Lu Rujie was as powerful as a rainbow, and with his hands clasped together, the vast amount of vital energy quickly merged into the red lotus.


As if unable to withstand such a huge force, a crack appeared in the red lotus, and then more and more cracks appeared.


With a loud bang, the red lotus burst open and turned into countless petals, falling like raindrops with billowing flames.

Faced with this rain-like attack, Lin Yuan's face turned pale and his sword energy surged out continuously like a tide.

In an instant, the entire arena was covered in sword energy, as deep and bottomless as the ocean.


Finally, the rain-like attacks fell like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing even a ripple.

"The sea embraces all rivers. No matter how powerful one is, it can be dissolved in this turbulent sea."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, raised his hands slightly, and the sword energy like the sea surged upward, turning into a huge water dragon, as if to swallow the red lotus.

"Huh, do you think you can defeat me like this?

wishful thinking!"

Lu Rujie sneered and raised one hand high.


Suddenly, the water dragon began to vibrate, bubbles kept gushing out of its surface, and then it burst with a bang.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, feeling vaguely uneasy.


About a second later, the water dragon exploded with a bang, and dense red dots appeared out of thin air in the air, then quickly gathered together.

Soon, a red lotus appeared, containing unimaginable terrifying power.


Lu Rujie laughed continuously, then pushed his hands forward heavily, and the red lotus flew towards Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan frowned, feeling puzzled.

He had clearly already dissolved the red lotus before him that contained terrifying power, but why did it appear again and even become more powerful than before?


Without time to think, Lin Yuan gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands and slashed through the air.

"call out!"

A green light suddenly appeared, and it slashed towards the red lotus with an indestructible sword energy.

The next moment, Lin Yuan's face suddenly changed.

The moment the green light touched the red lotus, it was instantly evaporated by the terrifying power of the red lotus, and it flew towards him faster and faster.


Without any surprise, the red lotus suddenly blossomed, and the terrifying power shook the earth. The entire arena was swallowed up in an instant. Even the space seemed unable to withstand this force and shook frequently.

Fortunately, Yu Kongzi's defense blocked this terrible attack.

Otherwise, the entire square would have been reduced to ruins long ago!

After a moment, everything returned to calm. The ring had already turned into ruins, and Lin Yuan's figure disappeared.

"Burned to ashes?

What a pity. "

Lu Rujie floated in the air, shook his head slightly, and a hint of regret flashed across his eyes.

It is undeniable that Lin Yuan's strength is indeed beyond his expectations. If he can be given some time, perhaps he can really defeat him.

However, these are just assumptions, not reality.

"Where are you looking at?"

Just as Lu Rujie was sighing, a calm and composed voice came from the sky, with a hint of mockery in the words.

Lu Rujie was startled and looked up quickly.

On the clouds, a young man in green was suspended in the air, with dazzling green light flashing all over his body.

"When did he..." Lu Rujie's face was cold and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

He clearly saw with his own eyes that the blow hit the opponent, so why was he not only unharmed, but even flew into the clouds before he even noticed?

"Take my sword, can you?"

On the clouds, Lin Yuan smiled slightly, his eyes were like swords, exuding a sharp aura.

"Why not? Come on."

Lu Rujie laughed wildly, his face full of confidence.

As one of the direct disciples of the Liehuo Sect, he not only masters a variety of powerful martial arts, but has also pushed his body to the extreme. Even strong men of the same level find it difficult to hurt him.

This is his confidence!


At a command, green light illuminated the entire sky, and endless sword energy gathered in the clouds, eventually turning into a sword blade hundreds of feet long.

On this sword blade, there are surging waves and burning flames, two strange forces maintaining a balance.


Lin Yuan lowered his hand, and the hundred-foot-long blade fell with a sound. The huge pressure was like the power of thousands of troops, smashing heavily towards Lu Rujie.


The powerful feeling of oppression made Lu Rujie's face solemn. The vitality in his body circulated rapidly, and with an unyielding roar, it suddenly exploded.

The powerful force instantly dispelled the feeling of oppression. Lu Rujie clasped his hands together, and the burning energy condensed in his palms.

"Let me show you the true strength of the middle stage of Shengxuanjing!"

Lu Rujie sneered, and the vital energy in his hand turned into a ball of light shining with red light. The powerful fluctuations caused the space around it to gradually tremble.


Lu Rujie threw the ball of light in his hand upwards, and it collided with the sword blade with a bang.


The earth-shattering energy spread out in all directions, and the entire square began to shake at this moment. Even the protective shield created by Yu Kongzi turned into nothingness in an instant!

Yu Kongzi's face changed slightly, his hands moved quickly, and a ray of light shot out from his palms, illuminating the entire square!

Under this light, the destructive force gradually dissipated and finally turned into nothingness! "Puff!"

Lu Rujie only felt his blood surging and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. The vital energy in his body suddenly stopped flowing and his body began to fall downwards!

"not good!"

Lu Rujie cried out inwardly that something was not right, and then forced the energy in his body to circulate, and finally stopped. Unfortunately, at this moment his feet had already touched the ground!

"Haha. Senior Brother Lu, thank you for letting me."

The next moment, Lin Yuan's figure appeared in front of him and said with a smile.