
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 164: The Sword Sect's Visitors

Late at night, inside the palace.

Yan Qing drew out the long sword from his waist and gently placed it on the neck and shoulders of his biological father Yan Song. His calm voice shocked everyone.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Yan Shi was extremely indignant, and his angry shouts cut through the night sky.

However, everyone present ignored Yan Shi, and their eyes were all on Yan Qing, with surprise, sighs, and fear in their eyes... "Although I once suspected... I didn't expect that you would really be the spy arranged by the little emperor to be by my side!"

Yan Song's expression gradually calmed down, and his tone was filled with doubts.

He didn't understand why his own son would betray him.

Yan Qing did not hide it either, and sighed, "Father, I have advised you many times, but you never took it to heart."

"In fact, your failure has already been revealed, because I am an undercover agent left by the late emperor by your side, not the current emperor!"

Yan Song's body trembled and he remained silent for a long time.

Seeing that his father was silent, Yan Qing continued, "The late emperor trusted you, but he was also wary of you."

"He is worried that you might rebel, so he has arranged for his son, who is still in his hometown, to stay by your side and monitor you at all times..." "If you do something rebellious, he will let his son...kill his own son for the sake of justice!"

Hearing these words, Yan Song's spirit was shocked. He collapsed to the ground and smiled bitterly.

"I thought I was extremely smart, but I never thought that I was still just a pawn in the hands of the late emperor..." At this point, Yan Song stood up, looked at Yan Qing coldly, and asked indifferently: "Since everything about me is in Ji Che's control, why didn't you kill me directly, but waited until now?"

Hearing this, Yan Qing was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to respond.

"Because His Majesty wants to give you a chance."

The old man answered Yan Song's question with a faint smile.



Think about it, why did His Majesty not stop you when he knew you were colluding with the princes to commit treason? "

"Why did His Majesty lead almost all the palace guards out of the palace even though he knew you would take the opportunity to assassinate His Majesty, leaving you with the opportunity?"

"This is the opportunity His Majesty is giving you. As long as you don't act rashly while His Majesty is away from the palace, His Majesty will let you go."

"Regrettably, you failed His Majesty's painstaking efforts and ultimately committed such a treasonous act."

The old man shook his head slightly, as if he felt very sorry for Yan Song's choice.

However, Yan Song's expression did not change at all, and he remained as indifferent.

"How is Ji Che going to punish me?"

The old man shook his head again, said he didn't know and stopped talking.

Yan Song glanced at Yan Qing and said, "Protect my Yan family."

Yan Qing nodded and said, "The late emperor promised me that no matter what happened, I would not be involved in the matter."

Hearing this, Yan Song breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that hundreds of people in the Yan family would die because of him.

"Dad..." Yan Shi walked forward and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Yan Song.

"Let's go back to the Yan Mansion and wait for His Majesty's decision."

After saying this, he turned and left without waiting for Yan Shi to answer.

When the three thousand soldiers of the Yan family saw Yan Song leaving, they did not stay for too long and followed Yan Song away.

When the old man saw Yan Song and others leaving, he looked into the distance with worry in his eyes.

"I don't know how His Majesty is doing..."






…Sandhill Ridge.

Ji Che and Lin Yuan sat opposite each other.

"Today's crisis has been resolved. Will you still go to Hanzhong tomorrow?"

Lin Yuan remembered the purpose of this trip and asked.

"No need, this trip has come to an end."

Ji Che shook his head and continued, "The princes' assassination attempt failed. I'm afraid they will be quiet for a while."

"Why not take this opportunity to wipe out all the vassal kings?"

Lin Yuan said something shocking, with a cold light in his eyes.

Ji Che was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"You think the same as I do, but now is not the right time."


Lin Yuan was puzzled when he heard this.

Ji Che did not hide it and said with a smile: "In a few days, the agreed date will arrive. After this matter is settled, I will deal with these people."

"The promised day?"

"Well, I promised you that I would send you to the Sword Sect to practice, and this opportunity is perfect."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded silently.

He thought it would take a long time to join the Sword Sect, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Sword Sect...!"

When Lin Yuan thought of Jian Zong, his heart was burning with excitement.

Tiandao once said that the Sword Sect could make him stronger, and coupled with the rumored tomb of the Void Emperor, he was very much looking forward to it.

The next day, when the first rays of morning sunlight shone into the Sand Dune Ridge, Ji Che led the remaining thousand people and rushed to the capital Luoyi.

At the same time, King Ji Wei of Han also received news of the failed assassination attempt.


A bunch of trash!"

In the Palace of the Prince of Han, Ji Wei was shouting loudly in the lobby, his expression was particularly gloomy, and he was filled with murderous intent!

"Your Majesty, after this assassination attempt, the losses were great. I'm afraid there won't be another chance in the short term."

In the hall, the man in gray sighed deeply, with a look of regret on his face.

Ji Wei had a gloomy face and had no place to vent his anger.

"More than ten Nirvana Realm masters plus the Blood Soul Palace were unable to kill Ji Che. It seems that I have underestimated him!"

"Your Majesty, it seems that we need to be careful in the future. The little emperor will definitely suspect you and may have sent many spies to get information."

The man in gray was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"Ji Che will definitely suspect me, but as long as there is no evidence, he can't do anything to me."

Ji Wei said this with a cold face and anger. He looked at the man in gray and said, "Go and deal with this matter thoroughly. Don't leave any clues. Do you understand?"

The gray-clothed man nodded, then thought of something and said hesitantly, "Your Majesty, the others are easy to handle, but the Blood Soul Palace... I'll need your help."

When he heard about the Blood Soul Palace, a solemn look appeared on Ji Wei's face.

Although the Blood Soul Hall was familiar with him, they were not his subordinates, and he could not order Qiu Qianmo to do anything.

"Tell Qiu Qianmo that what I promised to give him is still valid, but you must not reveal anything about me!"

In desperation, Ji Wei had to spend a huge amount of gold in exchange for his own safety.

"I understand."

The man in gray nodded and quickly left King Han.

…January passed by quickly.

On this day, Ji Che, wearing a dragon robe, brought Lin Yuan to the deepest hall of the imperial palace with a serious expression.

Today, he dispersed all the guards and left Lin Yuan alone, standing in this spacious hall, seemingly waiting for something.

About half an hour later, another door of the hall was slowly opened, and three people in pure white robes walked into the hall.

Lin Yuan's eyes froze, and his heart suddenly became no longer calm.

The people from the Sword Sect are here!