
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 163: Fierce Battle in the Palace

Late at night, in front of Luoyi Palace.

Yan Song led his 3,000 soldiers and attempted to capture the palace gate.

The defending general Wu Da led three hundred guards in a desperate resistance.

For a while, there was war, screams and sounds of fighting.

"Dad, he can't hold on for much longer, let me go."

Yan Shi listened to the fierce fighting in front of him, his face full of excitement and his eyes flashing with bloodthirsty red light.

"Go ahead."

Yan Song glanced ahead and nodded.

"Yes, sir!"

Yan Shi licked his dry lips, excitedly bursting out with the terrifying aura of the Qi Creation Realm, then took out his machete, rushed up to the city wall, and slashed heavily at Wu Da!

At this moment, Wu Da was surrounded by dozens of people. He suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He turned around and saw a sharp blade slashing towards him.

Without time to think, Wu Da raised his sword to fight back.


The heavy force made Wu Da's face change drastically. His feet sank under the bricks and he couldn't help shaking.

"Hehe..." "Is this all your strength?"

Yan Shi exerted his strength again and forced Wu Da back to the corner with one blow of his sword.

"What a powerful force!"

Wu Da looked at Yan Shi solemnly, gasping for breath.

"Haha, you're nothing special."

Yan Shi showed a look of disdain and raised his knife to chop again.

Wu Da had no choice but to draw his sword to fight.

"My son is born with supernatural powers and unparalleled strength. I think it will only take half an hour to end the battle."

Yan Song laughed with relief when he saw Yan Shi's performance.

"Prime Minister, something is wrong."

Pan Tong looked at the city gate, frowned, and whispered.


"We have been attacking the city for a while, but the palace is still peaceful. Be careful of a trap."

Pan Tong's words instantly alerted Yan Song, and he looked towards the palace.

At this moment, the magnificent palace seemed to be a little weird, which made people feel a little uneasy.

Soon, he calmed down again and said in a cold voice: "Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. I don't believe that little Huang'er can have any tricks to stop me!"

"Wu Da won't be able to hold out for long. Once we break into the palace, everyone inside must be controlled immediately. No one should be allowed to escape!"


Soon, the palace guards were defeated one after another. Hundreds of guards were killed, leaving only twenty or thirty people struggling.

Wu Da's face was extremely pale at this moment. Although he and Yan Shi were both strong men of the same level, they were outnumbered. Not only did he fail to kill the enemy instantly, but he was covered in wounds.


In desperation, Wu Da yelled and ran quickly towards the depths of the palace.

With Wu Da's escape, Yan Song opened the gate of the palace as he wished.

Although he had entered the palace countless times, this time he entered, he felt an indescribable pleasure.

He looked at the peaceful yet eerie palace and couldn't help laughing.

"Why is the Prime Minister laughing?"

When everyone heard Yan Song's laughter, they all looked puzzled, except Pan Tongsheng who asked.

Yan Song did not hide it and said sarcastically: "I laugh at those princes who think they can ascend the throne and become emperor by killing the little emperor. Little do they know that all this is just paving the way for me."

At this point, Yan Song paused, his eyes flashing with coldness, and he slowly closed his hands and said in a cold voice: "Wait, in a few days, I will personally lead a million troops to wipe out these vassal kings and take control of the entire Great Zhou!"

"What the Prime Minister said is absolutely right. If these vassal kings are not removed, they will become a disaster sooner or later!"

After hearing this, Pan Tong nodded in agreement.

"Pass on my order to capture all the people in the palace alive and gather them here."

Yan Song waved his sleeves and shouted loudly.


Three thousand soldiers received the order and began to act.

"Hehe..." Suddenly, an old laugh came from the void, leaving everyone stunned.


Yan Song looked around but still couldn't find the person who made the sound. His face darkened and he shouted coldly.

The next moment, a hunchbacked old man holding a wooden stick appeared on the roof of the palace.

Then he jumped up and landed on the ground tremblingly, as if he was about to fall.

"Who are you?"

Yan Song narrowed his eyes and asked in a calm voice.

The old man did not answer, but continued to walk leisurely until he stopped a hundred meters away from Yan Song.

"Yan Song, His Majesty gave you a chance, but unfortunately you still disappointed His Majesty."

The old man sighed, his words revealing deep disappointment.

It is undeniable that Yan Song is a very capable person, but his ambitions are equally great.

Over the years, the Prime Minister has been in control of the government and has lost himself, with his ambitions growing.

But when his ability and ambition do not match, only death awaits him.

"Humph, Ji Che is just a kid in his teens, how can he support the world of the Great Zhou?

This old man is just selecting a capable emperor for the Great Zhou."

Yan Song responded coldly, without realizing his mistake at all.

The old man's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he said indifferently: "It seems that you don't realize your mistake at all. If that's the case, I can't keep you."

After saying this, the old man released an extremely terrifying aura.

"A strong man in the Nirvana realm!"

Yan Song's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"I never thought that the little emperor had such a backup plan. I really underestimated him."

"But it's a pity that even a strong person in the Nirvana Realm can't stop me!"

Yan Song sneered and then waved his hand.

The next moment, a huge pitch-black crossbow was slowly lifted in front of Yan Song. It was the God-killing Crossbow!

"No matter what happens today, my wish will come true!"

Facing the God-killing Crossbow, the old man seemed exceptionally calm, as if he had anticipated all this.

"I didn't expect you could get this thing. You're really amazing."

The old man said indifferently, and after a slight pause, he continued: "But unfortunately, you still can't escape death today."

"Is it?"

Yan Song still sneered and said, "Just you alone?"

"No." The old man shook his head slowly and tapped the ground lightly with the wooden stick in his hand.


A rumbling sound was heard, the ground shook slightly, and hundreds of people fell from the sky and landed behind the old man.

They were all dressed in black iron armor, holding black steel knives, with quivers on their backs, and had grim expressions.

These hundreds of people seemed to have merged into one with the surrounding world. Not even the slightest sound of breathing existed!

"Your Majesty had anticipated this day long ago, so he secretly cultivated these assassins deep in the palace, just to deal with you."

The old man smiled faintly, looked at Yan Song and said.

Yan Song's face turned very ugly at this moment. These people secretly cultivated by Ji Che were completely unknown to his spies in the palace, which caught him off guard.

"Even so, there are only a few hundred people. What can they do to me?"

After all, Yan Song had been in charge of government for several years, so he quickly restored calm. There was not much panic in his eyes, and he said indifferently.

"Then...what about me?"

Suddenly, Yan Song felt a chill on his neck, and a calm voice sounded from behind him.

Yan Song turned his head and looked, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"It's you!"