
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 16 Swords Drawn

"No... Impossible!"

In the jungle, the dark-skinned boy was horrified, and the short blade in his hand stabbed into Lin Yuan's skin, and he couldn't advance even a little.

"You are too weak."

Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly, and then his figure moved slightly, and he easily knocked out the three people. After taking the tokens of the three people, he slowly moved forward. As he

gradually approached the mountain platform, Lin Yuan soon met a few more people. Their strength was similar to the three people who had blocked Lin Yuan before. They were all in the seventh level of body tempering.

Lin Yuan knocked them out without hesitation and snatched their tokens.

"Calculating the time, they should all enter the stone platform."

After a while, Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at the mountain platform not far away, and slowly drew out the fine steel sword in his hand.

Not far from the platform, he could vaguely feel that several people were approaching quickly.

At this time, Lin Yuan already had ten tokens and was qualified to go on the stage, but he didn't want others to go on the stage, so he had to take action.

"Iron Cutting Style: Shattering the Mountain!"

With the continuous infusion of Yuanli, the iron sword in Lin Yuan's hand began to shine, and then it suddenly slashed at the giant platform!

A sword light with an incomparable terrifying aura, as fast as lightning, with a whistling sound, crossed several miles of jungle and flew towards the stone platform!

At this moment, four people gradually approached the stone platform, Lei Li from the Lei family, Xie Yingying from the Xie family, a person from the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School, and Lin Dong from the Lin family!

The expressions of the four people were different. Lei Li and Xie Yingying had gloomy faces, and they looked at Lin Dong with strong hatred in their eyes.

Lin Dong had a calm face, as if he didn't see the hateful eyes of Lei Li and Xie Yingying.

As for the person from the Crazy Blade Martial Arts School, it was not that complicated. Looking at the stone platform approaching the practice, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, with a hint of smile on his face.


A slight whoosh sound came, and the four people suddenly felt a creepy breath and quickly retreated backwards!

At this moment, a flash of sword light passed by, and the road connecting the stone platform was cut open instantly!


The sudden attack made Lei Li, who was already angry, completely explode. He looked around with murderous intent, wanting to see who dared to attack!

Not only Lei Li was so furious, but Xie Yingying and the man from the Crazy Blade Martial Arts Hall were also very annoyed. If it weren't for their keen senses, they would have been killed here long ago.

Lin Dong was not as annoyed as the three of them. He just looked at the crack in front of him with a particularly solemn expression.

In his cognition, there was only one person who could have such power and use a long sword as a weapon, and that was Lin Yuan!


At this moment, Lin Yuan came out of the jungle, jumped up, and appeared in front of the four people.

"Who are you?"

Lei Li asked coldly with a gloomy face, suppressing the anger in his heart.

According to Lei Li's temper, he should have crippled the boy in front of him a long time ago, but he rarely did so.

It was not that he changed his mind and became kind, but the sharp and fierce sword energy emanating from the long sword in Lin Yuan's hand made him dare not act rashly.

On the side, Xie Yingying and the people from the Kuangdao Martial Arts School looked very solemn. Like Lei Li, they were very afraid of the long sword in the young man's hand.

"It's you, Lin Yuan!"

Lin Dong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"He is Lin Yuan!"

Lin Dong's words shocked the three people present!

The three of them had heard of Lin Yuan's deeds, especially Xie Yingying, who had heard Xie Ting describe Lin Yuan's strength.

The first genius in Qingyang Town, this false title, was actually not cared about by everyone present, but not caring did not mean that someone could ride on their heads, so after hearing that Lin Yuan was also going to participate in the hunting competition, the three of them had the idea of ​​defeating Lin Yuan, but since the start of the competition, they had never found an opportunity, but they did not expect that he would be the one to stop them from climbing onto the stone platform!

Lin Yuan saw the expressions of the four people, with a slight smile on his face, and said: "Congratulations on being here, but unfortunately your journey ends here."

"What do you mean?"

Lei Li's face was gloomy, and the Yuan force in his body was quietly surging.

"Don't you understand? I mean, none of you can climb the stone platform!"

Lin Yuan pointed his sword at Lei Li, and there was a sense of dominance in his calm words.

Facing the most powerful geniuses in Qingyang Town, saying such domineering words shocked not only Lei Li and others, but also the people sitting on the stone seat.

"Father..., what exactly does he want to do?"

Lincoln saw clearly what happened on the stone platform. Looking at Lin Yuan's actions, Lincoln's face gradually became serious, and he felt uneasy in his heart.

Lin Zhentian's face also gradually became serious, and his hands could not help but clenched.

Lin Yuan's actions have exposed his mind. He wants to fight four people alone!

This is a crazy move, and it is also a move to seek death.

You must know that Lin Yuan is facing four talented young men who have entered the Earth Yuan Realm, not the Tempering Body Realm.

Even if Lin Yuan was strong, how could he win against four Earth Element Mirror masters?

"This kid... is really courting his own death!"

Lei Bao looked gloomy, coldly staring at Lin Yuan on the stone platform, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

"He wants to die, then let him do it."

On the side, although Xie Qian was still smiling, anyone could hear the coldness in his laughter.

"Lin Yuan, don't think that you can be so arrogant just because you are the so-called first genius in Qingyang Town. Let me teach you a lesson today!"

Lei Li shouted angrily, and his figure suddenly bounced up, and a sharp fist wind rushed towards Lin Yuan.

"Arrogant? I don't think it's arrogant."

Lei Li's angry attack was extremely powerful. Even Lin Dong, who was also in the Earth Element Realm, did not dare to take this move casually, but Lin Yuan was disdainful and met it with his fist!


The two fists collided, but there was no fierce collision, but a one-sided suppression.

Lei Li was directly knocked back several meters, and crashed into several trees before falling.

This move of Lin Yuan shocked everyone again.

At this moment, they finally understood that Lin Yuan was not arrogant, but really had such a strong strength that he could fight four people alone!

"If you all come together, you may have a chance of winning. Otherwise, you will definitely lose."

On the stone platform, Lin Yuan looked down at the four people and said calmly.

Below, the expressions of Lin Dong and others changed from ugly to solemn, and the Yuanli in their bodies began to rotate.

It was obvious that they decided to join forces and fight Lin Yuan at this moment!

For a time, the whole arena was filled with a tense atmosphere.