
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 159 Blood Soul Palace


The huge explosion shook the heaven and earth. Ten powerful men in the Nirvana Realm were reduced to ashes by this sword, leaving only a huge ravine.

Killing ten Nirvana Realm warriors in one move instantly shocked everyone. They stared at the ravine in front of them in amazement and could not calm down for a long time.

In the middle, the carriage is still intact.

Inside the carriage, Ji Che also saw through the window the sword that seemed to pierce through heaven and earth. Although his expression remained calm, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

"It seems that I didn't make a mistake."

It took Ji Che a long time to digest the shock and a smile appeared on his face.

Initially, Ji Che had concerns about Lin Yuan. After all, this was a matter of life and death, and there couldn't be any mistakes.

Later, perhaps because of Lin Yuan's sincerity, or perhaps because of Ji Wuchen, he chose to believe Lin Yuan and told him his plan regardless of everything.

This is like a gamble. If he loses, not only will he lose the throne, but he will also lose his life and property.

Fortunately, he won the bet, and Lin Yuan's actual fighting power far exceeded his expectations.

Lin Yuan jumped down from the top of the carriage, his face slightly pale.

The sword strike just now seemed easy, but it actually consumed a lot of physical and mental energy.

Just one sword attack consumed half of his physical and mental strength. If he were hit by another sword, he would probably faint on the ground.

"This should scare off the rats hiding in the dark."

Lin Yuan was breathing heavily, looking into the distance, his expression not relaxing at all.

He tried his best to use his absolute strength to intimidate the mice hiding in the dark so that they would not dare to act rashly.

Although the idea was good, Lin Yuan still underestimated the enemy's determination to kill Ji Che.

In the dim sky, dozens of figures came flying. They were dressed in blood-red robes, with evil smiles on their faces, and strong fluctuations emanating from their bodies.

"they are.

. .

. .

. People from the Blood Soul Palace!" Zhou Ming's face looked particularly solemn. He did not expect that the other party would go to such extreme lengths to kill His Majesty and send out the strong men from the Blood Soul Palace. "Blood Soul Palace?

It really took a lot of effort."

Ji Che clenched his hands and his expression gradually became ugly.

The involvement of the Blood Soul Hall was somewhat beyond Ji Che's expectations, and also made him a little angry.

In the Great Zhou, no sect is allowed to get involved in the affairs of the imperial court, and even though the Blood Soul Palace is a killer organization, it is no exception. This is Ji Che's bottom line.

Obviously, the actions of the princes have touched his bottom line.

"Don't blame me if you are so ignorant of life and death."

Ji Che took out a round dark green bead, then crushed it, turning it into starlight and dissipating into nothingness.

At the same time, the dark green beads in the hands of the two generals in the Great Zhou also disappeared at this moment!

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, a man looked at the dissipating beads in his hand. He was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh.

At Sand Dune Ridge, Lin Yuan looked at the dozens of figures and frowned slightly.

These dozens of people are all strong, most of them are at the Half-Step Nirvana realm, and some are even at the Nirvana realm.

But Lin Yuan did not take these people seriously. He vaguely sensed a hidden and extremely powerful aura, and only this aura made him feel the danger.

Therefore, he must find this person as soon as possible, otherwise he will be too passive.


Soon, the Blood Soul Palace engaged in a fierce and desperate battle with the Black Dragon Guards and the Yulin Guards. The sound of explosions was overwhelming and endless.

The entire Sand Dune Ridge was almost submerged, and only the luxurious carriage that Ji Che was in was not affected.

This time, Lin Yuan did not take action. He needed some time to recover his strength and concentrate to find the enemy lurking in the dark!

"Damn it, where is he?"

Soon, Lin Yuan's face became heavier, because he found that no matter how he searched, he still could not find any trace of the enemy hiding in the dark.

At this moment, a ball of black fog approached the carriage silently in the darkness of the night.


The next moment, a short blade flashed with a cold light, ready to stab towards the carriage quickly!

It seemed like an ordinary attack, but it contained extremely terrifying power. The entire carriage was instantly shattered into pieces by this force!

"His Majesty!"

Zhou Ming was shocked and chopped the enemy back with a knife, then quickly rushed to the already broken carriage with a hint of fear on his face.

Lin Yuan also reacted at this time, turned his hand into a sword, and slashed at the black fog! "Dang" the sword light came towards him, and the black fog swirled around the short blade, easily taking the sword.

"You are the outsider, right?"

A hoarse voice came from the black fog, containing a deep bloodthirsty aura.

Lin Yuan didn't reply and looked behind him.

In the ruins, Ji Che coughed violently several times and slowly revealed his figure with no obvious scars on his body.

Seeing this, Lin Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are still alive after being hit by me?"

In the black fog, Qiu Qianmo, dressed in a red robe, showed up, with some surprise in his words.

He was sure that even a strong man in the Nirvana Realm would not be able to escape the disaster if he was caught off guard.

But how did this little emperor, who was only at the Tianyuan realm, dodge his attack?


Lin Yuan held the ancient sword with green light in his hand. The green light suddenly appeared and turned into countless sword lights, which flew towards Qiu Qianmo at a rapid speed.

Qiu Qianmo waved the short blade in his hand and resisted quickly.

"It's not this guy..." After a fight, Lin Yuan was sure that the guy hiding in the dark was not the person in front of him, but someone else, and his brows were furrowed.

"What a fierce attack! No wonder it can kill ten Nirvana Realm masters in one move."

Qiu Qianmo looked at the young man in front of him coldly, a little solemn.

"Blood Shadow Attack!"

Suddenly, a bloody aura erupted from Qiu Qianmo's body.

The next moment, he turned into countless blood shadows and rushed towards Lin Yuan.

Without time to think, Lin Yuan gathered his sword power and transformed it into countless sword blades, shooting out in all directions.

Under this sword energy, all the blood shadows were defeated, but Qiu Qianmo's figure also disappeared.

Lin Yuan became more alert and looked around, but still couldn't find any trace of him.


At this moment, the earth suddenly trembled, Qiu Qianmo drilled out from the ground, and a cold light flashed until it reached Lin Yuan's throat!


Lin Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately held the ancient sword in front of him, just blocking the cold light.

The harsh sound of metal collision made Lin Yuan lose his concentration for a moment. Qiu Qianmo seized the opportunity and kicked out with his left foot quickly, directly kicking the former hundreds of meters away. The former fell to the ground and created a small hole!


Qiu Qianmo gave a bloodthirsty smile, and the short blade in his hand glowed with blood, transforming into a terrifying venomous snake as it flew towards Lin Yuan at a rapid speed!