
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 158: Blood Rain

Night falls.

The silent sand dune ridge fell into darkness, with a slight breeze.

Hundreds of people were crawling in the dense bushes, their eyes filled with murderous intent, staring straight ahead, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, the sound of several horse hooves broke the silence. A huge team was walking slowly in the night, not noticing the murderous intent hidden in the darkness.

In a luxuriously decorated carriage, Ji Che was half lying on the dragon chair, looking extremely comfortable.

In front of him, Lin Yuan sat upright on a wooden board, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said, "Here it comes."

Upon hearing this, Ji Che looked through the car window at the surrounding jungle, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It's a dark and windy night. It's really a good day for killing someone."

Lin Yuan did not reply, but carefully sensed the hundreds of people hiding in the darkness.

"All of them are strong men in the realm of good fortune, and there is not a single strong man in the realm of nirvana."

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of people hiding in the jungle attacked together and rushed towards the carriage.

Obviously, these people understood that they had been discovered and there was no need to hide any longer.


Zhou Ming looked at the rushing black shadows indifferently without any panic. He shouted loudly, and the Yulin Guards surrounded the carriage in an orderly manner.

The remaining thousands of Black Dragon Guards were fighting with these hundreds of people.

For a moment, the terrible screams were overwhelming and the light was shining everywhere.

Inside the carriage, Lin Yuan was about to take action but was stopped by Ji Che.

"No rush, the Black Dragon Guards can handle it with these people."

Lin Yuan knew very well that the enemies would not be limited to these people, so he nodded and sat down again.

At the same time, several miles away, ten men in black stood on the hillside, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Take action!"

Only a low shout was heard from the leader, and several people immediately turned into ten streams of light and rushed towards the battlefield.

"Oh no, it's a strong man in Nirvana!"

Zhou Ming's expression changed slightly, and he immediately drew the blade from his waist and continued to give orders: "Yulin Guards, form a battle array!"

The Yulin Guards said nothing as they quickly formed a military formation. Their aura exploded at a rapid speed, and their powerful pressure caused the earth to shake.

"The little emperor is in that carriage, kill him!"

The leading man in black had a fierce look in his eyes, waved his left hand, and with the power of heaven and earth, he slammed the carriage hard.


Zhou Ming shouted angrily, raised his sword and swung it hard, easily breaking the attack of the man in black.

"Prepare the God-killing Crossbow!"

After saying that, Zhou Ming jumped up and rushed towards the man in black.

"Go ahead and kill him!"

The man in black was also decisive. While fighting with Zhou Ming, he ordered the remaining nine people to kill Ji Che.

The remaining nine people did not hesitate either. They attacked together and huge energy blasted towards the carriage.

"How dare you, a scoundrel, rebel against the emperor and seek death!"

At this moment, about seven people in the Yulin Guard burst out with powerful aura and together resisted the nine attackers.

However, although they were both in the Nirvana realm, with seven against nine, they were still a little weak.

Soon, a man in black who was in the Nirvana state broke through the seven people and went straight towards the carriage.


The man in black showed a cold light, turned his right palm into a fist, and without holding back, punched towards the carriage.


An explosion rose into the sky, raising a cloud of dust.

After a while, the smoke dissipated and the carriage was intact!


The man in black was very surprised and then punched again.

"Wind-breaking Fist!"

A strong wind came howling and hit the carriage with tremendous force.

The man in black was full of confidence and felt that he could kill Ji Che this time.


A sword light shot out from the carriage, carrying with it an extremely sharp sword energy, cutting through the fist wind and rapidly slashing towards the man in black.

The man in black was horrified and quickly retreated several miles, only then did he narrowly avoid the sword light.

"There's a strong man in the car!"

The sword light just now made all the men in black realize that there was another Nirvana Realm expert in the carriage!

Lin Yuan walked out of the car with a slightly solemn expression.

"You've really gone too far this time. These people are just cannon fodder."

Lin Yuan turned his head and spoke to Ji Che in the carriage.

"No problem, just deal with these people first."

Ji Che smiled slightly, his expression still looking comfortable.

"Well, we have to make a quick decision."

Lin Yuan really couldn't understand why Ji Che could still be so calm at this time, but he didn't think much about it. He glanced at the battlefield, and powerful sword intent emerged like a torrent.

"Be careful, this guy is an expert!"

A look of shock flashed in the eyes of the leader of the men in black, and then he shouted to the other nine people.

The nine people also understood, and without paying attention to others, they quickly gathered together, wanting to combine their strength to kill Lin Yuan.

"Three one-element Nirvanas, four two-element Nirvanas, two three-element Nirvanas and one five-element Nirvana?

It's really a big deal."

"But I'm in a hurry now, so I have to inconvenience you."

After saying this, rolling sword intent surged into the sky.

The brilliant green light illuminated the entire sky, and the indescribably terrifying sword pressure, like a thousand-pound boulder, pressed down on everyone.

"Go together!"

The nine people looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Without any hesitation, the nine people used their strongest martial arts and attacked Lin Yuan together.

The full-strength attack of the nine Nirvana masters caused the heaven and earth to tremble and the earth to shatter.

Some people who were at the level of creation were directly injured by the aftermath of this force. They spit out blood and fell to the ground.

Facing the attacks of nine people, Lin Yuan remained calm and composed.

The green sword energy lingering around him formed a green protective shield three feet away from him, tightly wrapping Lin Yuan and the carriage under his feet.


A huge energy explosion shot up into the sky, and the Sand Dune Ridge was directly turned into ashes by this energy. The ground collapsed and turned into an extremely huge pit.

"do you died?"

"He is definitely dead. He is hit head-on by the full force of nine of us. Even if he is at the Ninth Element Nirvana Realm, he will die!"

"No, that's wrong!"

While the nine people were discussing, one of them suddenly changed his expression, and stared up at the sky with a dull look.

The other eight people saw this and looked over together, expressions of shock spread across their faces that took a long time to dissipate.

Above the sky, there was a huge sword shining with dazzling green light. The sharp sword energy emanated from the blade, which was extremely terrifying.

"Impossible, is this really the martial arts that a Nirvana master can produce?"

The man in black looked at the huge sword with trembling eyes. There was only one thought left in his mind, which was to escape!

So, without any nonsense, he rushed towards the distance as fast as possible.

Obviously, the other nine people were similar to the leader of the men in black. They followed the leader and left quickly.

"Swords attack all directions!"

With a low groan, Lin Yuan swung his right arm, and the huge sword suspended in the sky also moved.

I saw the long sword swung horizontally and slashed quickly towards the direction of the ten people who were fleeing!