
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 155 Planning

The next morning.

Luoyi Imperial City, inside the South Study.

The Great Zhou Emperor Ji Che sat lazily on the dragon throne. He looked at Lin Yuan in front of him with a slightly dignified look and smiled, "What do you want from me so early in the morning?"

Lin Yuan looked at Ji Che calmly with a blank expression on his face.

Last night, he thought about it for a long time and finally figured out why Ji Wuchen was willing to let him enter the Southern Region so easily.

The teleportation array in Black Dragon City leads to the Great Zhou Palace, so the first place he visits when entering the Southern Territory must be the palace.

Combined with Ji Che's attitude last night, he vaguely guessed Ji Wuchen's idea, which was to let him help Ji Che.

But he was still a little confused. He was only in the Nirvana realm, how could he help the emperor of the Great Zhou Empire?

"As the master of the Great Zhou Empire, surrounded by powerful people, why do you need me, an outsider in the Three Element Nirvana Realm, to protect you?"

After a moment's silence, Lin Yuan finally asked the question in his mind.

Ji Che seemed to have expected this. He smiled and said, "It is precisely because you are an outsider that you will not go along with those people, nor will you betray me."

Obviously, such questions and answers could not satisfy Lin Yuan. He still looked at Ji Che calmly, trying to get the answer he wanted from him.

Seeing this, Ji Che slowly stood up, looked at Lin Yuan seriously, and said: "The Great Zhou has already reached a situation of disintegration. I need a strong person to help me stabilize the situation."

"Of course, the entire southern region is in the hands of those vassal kings and powerful officials."

"It can be said that I am now like an ordinary person in a sea of ​​fire and swords, and my life is in danger at any time."

"I am only at the Nirvana stage, how can I protect you?"

Lin Yuan understood that the Nirvana realm belonged to the most powerful people in the Great Yan Dynasty, but in this southern region, it was far from meeting the requirements of the top powerhouses.

At least, facing the Black Dragon City Lord Ji Wuchen, he had no power to resist at all.

Ji Che also nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, it is indeed difficult for the Nirvana realm to protect me."

"Uh..." Although this sentence was true, for some reason, Lin Yuan felt a little depressed.

"I just said that, why do you have to admit it?"

Ji Che had no time to care about Lin Yuan's feelings at the moment, and said solemnly: "Although the Great Zhou has been closed for ten thousand years, it is not short of strong people. Not to mention the strong people in the Nirvana realm, even the strong people in the Samsara realm exist."

"Hiss~" "Although I promised to protect you, if it is beyond my ability, then I can only choose to run away."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan took a deep breath and shook his head.

With Lin Yuan's current ability, he might be able to fight against a strong man at the peak of Nirvana, but facing a strong man above Nirvana, that would be almost like seeking death.

Although he promised Ji Che to protect him, there were limits to this.

Once it exceeds this range, I will be sorry to Ji Che.

"You are really outspoken."

Ji Che chuckled, but didn't mind.

"Since you are so sincere, then I am being insincere in hiding something."

"Although the princes have hundreds of thousands of powerful fighters, none of them has surpassed the Nirvana realm. I can guarantee this."

"Why does Ji Wuchen have such a strong strength?"

Lin Yuan demanded.

"Ji Wuchen was originally from one of the five major sects. He only promised the late emperor to protect our Great Zhou for three hundred years because the late emperor had done him a favor. That's all."

Ji Che said calmly.

"Then why don't you just ask Ji Wuchen to eliminate those powerful officials and vassal kings?

You know, even a strong man at the initial stage of Shengxuanjing is enough to destroy a country!"

Lin Yuan asked in confusion.

"It's not as simple as you think."

Hearing this, Ji Che smiled bitterly and said, "Although he promised to protect the Great Zhou for 100 years, he will not help me solve the problem. After all, as long as the Great Zhou still has the Ji surname, he will have fulfilled his promise."

"Allowing you to come to my Southern Territory to help me is already a special favor to me!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded slightly, and the heavy stone in his heart finally fell.

He still had something very important to do, and he didn't want to make an enemy of such a legendary strong man.

"In that case, the previous promise still stands. I will do my best to protect you."

Ji Che nodded and said, "In a few days, I will leave the palace to visit the territories of those princes and see Yan Song's reaction!"

"If they really have rebellious intentions, I believe they will choose to take action at this time."

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I will try my best to improve my strength during this period, but I hope you can provide me with enough training resources."

"That's no problem at all. You can take whatever spiritual herbs and elixirs I have in my palace. The stronger you are, the safer I will be!"

Ji Che was very generous about this matter and took care of it all.

"That's great!"

——————————————————————————————————Inside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Yan Song sat upright on the high hall, his face calm and his majesty unmistakable.

Below, there were three people sitting, namely his sons Yan Qing, Yan Shi and his confidant Pan Tong.

"Something happened in the palace last night. I'm sure you already know about it?"

Yan Song glanced at the three of them and spoke calmly.

The three of them looked at each other, and then Yan Qing said respectfully: "Although His Majesty has blocked the news, we still got the news this morning."

"There is a new outsider in the palace, and he is very powerful."

Yan Song narrowed his eyes and remained silent. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Father, the princes have said it many times, it's time for us to make a choice!"

On the side, the impatient Yan Shi lost his temper and spoke out to persuade.

Yan Song glanced at his son, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, just asked calmly: "Oh?

What do you want to do for your father?"

Yan Shi showed a murderous intent at the corner of his mouth, and said viciously: "Of course, we should kill Ji Che and support the King of Han to become the emperor!"

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Yan Qing frowned and scolded.

"Brother, what are you afraid of? The little emperor has long since stopped tolerating us. If we don't get rid of him now, do you think he will be kind to us in the future?"

Yan Shi said nonchalantly.

Yan Song glanced at Yan Shi indifferently, then looked at his confidant Pan Tong and asked, "What do you think?"

"Prime Minister, I don't think it's the right time yet."

Unlike Yan Shi, Pan Tong seemed very cautious. He shook his head slightly and said.

"Your Majesty has not taken any action against us at the moment. If we act rashly, we will most likely lose everything!"

"You overestimate the little emperor. I don't believe he has this ability." Yan Shi sneered at Pan Tong's caution and looked down on him.

In his opinion, as long as his father could make up his mind, and with the help of many vassal kings, overthrowing Ji Che would be a piece of cake!