
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

chapter 154: First Visit to the Southern Region

The capital of the Great Zhou Empire, Luoyi.

The magic circle buried deep in the palace suddenly lit up, alarming the entire palace.

"what happened?"

Zhou Ming, the commander of the palace guards, walked with big strides, looking extremely serious.

This teleportation array deep in the palace is only connected to one place, and that is Black Dragon City.

According to past practice, in addition to the rotation every ten years, this portal will only be opened when a major accident occurs.

There are still eight years left in the ten-year period, and the teleportation array was far from being opened, but it was opened ahead of schedule. Something major must have happened.

"I don't know what happened that would allow General Ji Wuchen to activate the teleportation array…" Zhou Ming muttered to himself, his steps becoming faster and faster.

Soon, he led dozens of palace guards to the teleportation array.

At this moment, the teleportation array flashed with dazzling light, and a figure flew out from the light. It was Lin Yuan.

"Who are you?"

Without saying anything more, Zhou Ming drew the sword from his waist, his eyes flashing with ferocious hostility, and shouted loudly.

As Zhou Ming drew his sword, the remaining guards also drew their swords at the same time in perfect tacit understanding.

"Where...is this place?"

Looking at the people in golden armor in front of him, drawing their swords against him, Lin Yuan glanced around the room, feeling very confused.

"How dare you ignore my words in the palace? You are courting death!"

Zhou Ming shouted angrily, gathered his strength, and with the power of a tyrant, slashed at Lin Yuan with a knife.


A green light flashed, and the ancient green sword was already in his hand.


The swords collided, and the intense energy created a gust of wind that swept around.

The next moment, a figure retreated dozens of meters at a rapid speed before stopping.

"What a domineering power!"

Lin Yuan glanced at his shaking arms, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Nirvana realm?"

Compared to Lin Yuan's surprise, Zhou was obviously more shocked.

He also didn't expect that his fierce blow only made the opponent retreat a few dozen meters but failed to hurt him.

What shocked him even more was that the other party was actually a powerful person in the Nirvana realm!

"Tell me, why are you here?

How are General Ji Wuchen and the Black Dragon Guards doing?"

Zhou Ming asked with a frosty face and murderous intent.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes, a sword energy rolled up on the blade, and he swung the sword fiercely at Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming's eyelids twitched and he was terrified. Without time to think, he quickly drew up the sword in his hand and slashed out.


The huge energy caused Zhou Ming to crash into the wall and he almost fell to the ground.

"Now we're even."

Lin Yuan glanced at Zhou Ming and said calmly.

"you wanna die!"

Zhou Ming's eyes were spitting fire and a powerful aura burst out.

The next moment, he clenched the sword in his hands with both hands, and a flash of lightning appeared.


Just when Zhou Ming was about to fight again, a plain but majestic voice sounded from behind him.

This voice instantly made Zhou Ming's anger disappear. He quickly knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty!"

I saw a handsome young man in a black dragon robe slowly walking towards me, supported by dozens of people.

The boy was not very old, but he exuded great majesty with every move he made. Even Lin Yuan couldn't help but want to submit to him.

Fortunately, he killed this absurd idea at the first moment and did not kneel down.

"This is a true emperor..." Looking at the young emperor, Lin Yuan thought of Mo Jingtian of the Great Yan Dynasty.

There is a world of difference between the two.

The young man glanced at Zhou Ming indifferently, then glanced at the scene, as if thinking about something.

"With your strength, you shouldn't be able to defeat Ji Wuchen, right?"

"How did you get in?"

The young emperor looked at Lin Yuan with a bit more scrutiny in his eyes.

Lin Yuan's face was calm and he said calmly, "It was Ji Wuchen who let me in."


Hearing this, the young emperor took a step forward with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you must not do that. This person is dangerous. If I accidentally hurt you, I will die."

The young emperor's actions frightened everyone, and they quickly spoke out to dissuade him.

Zhou Ming came in front of him quickly, looking at Lin Yuan with a wary face, holding his sword tightly in his hand, so that he could react immediately if there was any disturbance.

Seeing the actions of these guards, Lin Yuan seemed a little surprised, but did not say anything.

The young emperor just glanced at Zhou Ming and continued to ask: "What do you want to do in my Southern Region?"

"Join the Southern Territory Sword Sect."

"Sword Sect?"

The young emperor took a look at the ancient sword in Lin Yuan's hand, which exuded a long-standing aura, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he had heard something interesting.

"why are you laughing?"

Lin Yuan asked, frowning.

"Do you know that the Sword Sect does not accept people from outside the Southern Region?"

The young emperor chuckled and said.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan was silent for a few seconds, and said with determination: "No matter what, I will join the Sword Sect."

"In that case, you can choose to be loyal to me, and I can give you a chance to join the Sword Sect..." The young emperor clapped his hands and invited without hesitation.

"To you...?"

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, seeming to be very resistant.

He came to the Southern Region this time only to obtain the supreme inheritance of the Sword Sect, not to be loyal to anyone.

The young emperor saw the resistance in Lin Yuan's eyes and said, "You guys leave. I want to talk to him alone."

These words once again aroused opposition from many guards, who were afraid that the emperor would be in danger.

Zhou Ming wanted to dissuade him, but when he saw the coldness that flashed across the emperor's eyes, his heart trembled slightly.

"Back off."

At the order, the guards left although they were still worried.

Seeing that everyone else had left, the young emperor said, "The Great Zhou is now in a turbulent time, with troubles constantly coming."

"In the court, powerful officials are in power.

Outside, local princes abused their power for personal gain and turned a deaf ear to the orders of the imperial court.

Even the five major sects that have always ignored worldly matters have gradually become involved in the affairs of the imperial court."

"I really need talents like you to help me solve these troubles."

"If you are willing, after these things are settled, I will personally send you to the Sword Sect, how about that?"

The young emperor spoke very sincerely, and there was even a hint of request in his voice.

Lin Yuan frowned, as if considering whether this was worth it.

The young emperor saw that Lin Yuan was lost in thought and did not disturb him. He just looked at him quietly, waiting for his answer.

"I can promise you that."

After a long while, Lin Yuan sighed inwardly and said, "But I can only protect you well, and no matter what, I can only protect you for one year."

"One year later, you must let me join the Sword Sect!"


To Lin Yuan's surprise, the young emperor readily agreed to his conditions and even had a bright smile on his face.

"I... was fooled!"