
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 153: The Passage to the South

The indifferent voice sounded, carrying a strong sense of majesty, which made Lin Yuan's heart tremble slightly.

"A strong person who has surpassed the realm of Nirvana!"

Although he has never met him, Lin Yuan concluded that this person has surpassed the Nirvana realm and reached the Shengxuan realm, or even the Shengxuan realm!

On the other side, when the soldiers of Black Dragon City heard this voice, they showed joy that was hard to conceal. They knelt on one knee and shouted in unison with extremely respectful words.

"The Black Dragon Guards welcome the General!"

"The Black Dragon Guards welcome the General!"

"The Black Dragon Guards welcome the General!"

The fanatical voice resounded throughout the sky and did not dissipate for a long time.

A few breaths later, a man wearing black feather armor and a black cloak on his back walked into the air and appeared in front of everyone.

There was a horrifying scar on the man's face, and his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, seemingly calm but containing endless waves.

Without saying a word, he frightened everyone.

The man's name is Ji Wuchen, and he is the commander of the Black Dragon Guard of the Great Zhou Empire. His strength has reached the terrifying level of Death Profound Realm.

"Outsider, why do you want to enter our Southern Region?"

Ji Wuchen looked down at Lin Yuan, and the invisible pressure made the latter feel it was difficult to breathe.

"No, I can't give up..." Lin Yuan showed a determined look, struggling to resist the pressure, and said with difficulty: "Join the Sword Sect... become... stronger!"

"Go to the Sword Sect?"

There was a hint of surprise in Ji Wuchen's eyes, as if he had not expected that Lin Yuan would know the name of the Southern Domain Sword Sect.

The Profound Tian Continent is vast and boundless.

For ten thousand years, no one has ever been able to get a glimpse of the entire continent, not even the powerful ones in the legendary reincarnation realm.

Since the Void Emperor unified the world, the entire Southern Region has been closed off, and no one except those from the Southern Region is allowed to enter.

Because of this, few people know about the existence of the Great Zhou Empire in the Southern Region, let alone the five major sects of the Great Zhou Empire.

Ji Wuchen believed that the other party's coming here was definitely not accidental.

After all, in front of the Black Dragon City, there is a Death Forest that stretches for thousands of miles and is known as the forbidden area.

"Did the demon beast named Sky Demon Leopard tell you?"

After thinking for a moment, Ji Wuchen quickly got the answer and asked aloud.

Lin Yuan was stunned, then nodded silently.

Ji Wuchen was silent for a moment, and the reluctance in his heart finally turned into a long sigh.

"He has done me a favor. Since you are his friend, I will give you a chance to enter the Southern Region."

Ji Wuchen's words surprised Lin Yuan and shocked the soldiers of the Black Dragon Guard.

"General..." The guard wanted to say something but was stopped by Ji Wuchen.

"It doesn't matter. I will bear all the consequences alone."

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you."

Ji Wuchen shook his head calmly and said, "I'm just giving you a chance. Whether you can enter the Southern Region depends on you."

"Come with me."

After saying that, Ji Wuchen turned around and flew into the city.

Lin Yuan followed closely behind.

Unexpectedly, Black Dragon City was not as prosperous as Lin Yuan had imagined. At first glance, there was no one except a few soldiers.

It is puzzling that such a magnificent city is so sparsely populated.

After a while, they came to a wide square. The floor of the square was made of some unknown material and looked very hard.

In the center of the square, there are dozens of strange stone pillars, each of which is printed with countless tiny and complex runes. The runes are flickering with faint light, exuding a strong and long-lasting breath.

"This is the teleportation formation of my Southern Region. If you can open this formation, you can reach the Southern Region."

Ji Wuchen stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Lin Yuan carefully observed the runes on each stone pillar, his face slightly gloomy.

He knows nothing about runes, so how can he break this formation?

"Among these stone pillars, there is one that is the center of the formation. Once you touch it, you can activate the formation."

Ji Wuchen said, seeming to see Lin Yuan's difficulties.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is still difficult to activate the formation, it is much better than being helpless.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan concentrated again and looked at the dozens of stone pillars silently.

The pillars are not the same height, but are identical in other respects.

Lin Yuan searched for a long time but still couldn't find any breakthrough point, and his brows were furrowed.

Ji Wuchen stood aside, silent.

He really wanted to see whether this gifted young man could create a miracle like the monster.

In a blink of an eye, it was night time and Lin Yuan still hadn't made a move. He was still studying carefully.

Because there was only one chance, he was very cautious.

Suddenly, his gaze turned to a stone pillar on the right side. His eyes lit up slightly and he walked quickly to the stone pillar.

"Is it this stone pillar?"

Lin Yuan slowly stretched out his right hand, as if about to touch the stone pillar.

"Is it still not working?"

Ji Wuchen shook his head slightly, a hint of disappointment rising in his heart.

"Perhaps his entry into the Southern Region was just a coincidence."

With a silent sigh, Ji Wuchen turned around and was about to leave.

Just as Ji Wuchen was about to leave, a voice sounded in Lin Yuan's mind.

"Not this one, but the one on the left."

The sudden sound made Lin Yuan pause slightly, and then he decisively reached for the stone pillar on the left.


The bright light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky.

Ji Wuchen noticed something unusual, turned his head and looked, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"I actually chose the right one!"

Under the gaze of the two, all the stone pillars sank into the ground, and with a strong wave, a crack appeared in the center of the magic circle.

The crack was small, but large enough for Lin Yuan to pass through.

"Thank you. Goodbye."

Leaving these words behind, Lin Yuan jumped into the gap without hesitation and disappeared.

After a moment, the light disappeared and everything returned to calm again.

"It seems that this boy might really be God's chosen one."

In the dim square, Ji Wuchen chuckled, his tone revealing a sense of joy.