
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 151 Black Dragon City

The next morning.

"Hmm…" Lin Dong slowly opened his eyes, a feeling of soreness sweeping across his body.

"Hey, you awake?"

Xiao Diao came up to Lin Dong and teased.

"It seems that the boy really wanted to kill you. He actually made you sleep for a whole day."

Hearing this, Lin Dong recalled the battle with Lin Yuan last night, and his expression froze slightly.

"Where are Lin Yuan's people?"

"You mean him? He left and went to the Southern Region."

Little Marten said.

"Southern Region?

What is he doing in the South Region?"

Lin Dong asked doubtfully.

"What else can you do? You must want to become stronger."

Xiao Diao glanced at Lin Dong and said lazily.

"Uh, he's not participating in the Hundred Kingdoms War?"

Lin Dong still didn't understand and asked with a bewildered look on his face.

"The Southern Territory Sword Sect is more suitable for him."

"Southern Territory Sword Sect?"

Lin Dong showed a puzzled expression, still a little confused.

"I'll explain this to you later. For now, you should just focus on yourself."

Xiao Diao didn't want to say more about the Southern Region, and said lightly.

"Yesterday, that guy didn't even try his best, but you were defeated. This shows that the gap between you and him is still huge."

Upon hearing this, Lin Dong nodded without refutation.

"Try hard. This Hundred Kingdoms War is your chance…" Lin Dong nodded silently and said with a determined look: "I will try my best. Next time, I will definitely be able to force out his full strength."

Xiao Diao was also quite confident about this. With the mysterious stone talisman, Lin Dong's strength increased at a speed far beyond what others could imagine.

Although Lin Yuan is extremely talented, some things depend not only on talent but also on opportunity.

It is undeniable that Lin Dong's opportunities are definitely the best in the world.

…Time went by. In order to reach Black Dragon City as quickly as possible, Lin Yuan traveled day and night without slacking off. After spending half a year, passing through dozens of countries and thousands of sects, he finally arrived at the Death Forest that Xiao Diao mentioned.

"Is this the Forest of Death?

It's really extraordinary."

Looking at the endless forest of death, Lin Yuan showed a smile on his face.

For half a year, he worked day and night, and after going through untold hardships, he finally arrived here.

He was not worried about the situation in the Hundred Dynasties War because he knew that Lin Dong would be the champion in the end.

"Next, we have to cross this forest of death."

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and looked towards the end of the forest.

The next second, he flew on his sword, turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed forward.


And the moment he entered the Forest of Death, a roar filled with murderous intent rang out.

Then, a huge figure that seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun appeared in front of Lin Yuan, with a strange red light in his eyes.


The sudden appearance of the huge monster and the powerful aura it exuded surprised Lin Yuan a little.

This gigantic monster was similar to a giant ape, mighty and tall, but lacked wisdom and only knew how to mindlessly kill and destroy.

But this was not what surprised Lin Yuan. What surprised him most was that the powerful aura exuded by this giant ape had reached the state of Nirvana!

"It lives up to the name of death. As soon as I came in here, I encountered a monster in the Nirvana realm. I wonder if I will encounter a monster in the Life and Death realm as I go further inside…" For a moment, Lin Yuan's face gradually became solemn.

With his current strength, he is no match for the monsters at the level of life and death. Once he encounters a monster of this level, his fate can be imagined.


Without giving Lin Yuan time to think, the giant ape raised its giant hand and launched a fierce attack.

Lin Yuan dodged calmly, sword intent gathering at his fingertips.

A few seconds later, he seized an opportunity and rushed towards the giant ape without any hesitation!

The giant ape's reaction was not difficult. He raised both hands and slapped Lin Yuan hard!

However, it was all too late. The sword energy appeared out of nowhere and slashed towards the giant ape's eyes!


The giant ape's body was extremely hard, and even Lin Yuan's slashing blow could not break his defense, but it still caused him unbearable pain and he let out bursts of mournful roars.

Before Lin Yuan could finish him off, he saw a flash of lightning passing by not far away.

In an instant, the giant ape's head was separated from its body!

Lin Yuan's body trembled slightly, and he looked at the culprit, his expression suddenly becoming solemn.

What came into view was a short monster, similar to a pterosaur, with fangs and wings.

What made Lin Yuan solemn was the feathers all over his body that looked like sharp blades.

The giant ape's head was cut off in an instant, all because of the feather.

"whispering sound!"

The pterosaur monster squeaked, then spread its wings, turned into a flash of lightning again, and disappeared in front of Lin Yuan.

Compared to the giant ape, his intelligence is undoubtedly much higher. Although he has not fought with Lin Yuan, he already knows that Lin Yuan is an extremely dangerous guy.

Therefore, the pterosaur monster wisely did not fight it, but chose to leave.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and did not dare to be careless.

What happened just now made him realize that the law of the jungle was fully demonstrated in this forest of death.

If you are not careful, you may be killed by the monsters hiding in the dark.

In order to ensure safe arrival at Black Dragon City, Lin Yuan stayed where he was, took a short rest, and then flew forward again on his sword.

On the way, he encountered dozens of attacks from monsters, but most of them were monsters at the Creation Realm level, and he only encountered monsters at the Nirvana Realm three times.

An hour later, Lin Yuan finally crossed the Death Forest, and a magnificent city appeared in his sight.

"Is this Black Dragon City?

It's really extraordinary."

Gazing at the city not far away, Lin Yuan couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

Compared to the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty, Black Dragon City is obviously much smaller, but its solidity is several times stronger than that of the imperial capital.

At this moment, on the wall of Black Dragon City, hundreds of soldiers in black armor stood in unison, holding black spears in their hands, looking at the sudden outsiders with cold expressions.

"Who are you?

Why did you come to Black Dragon City?"

In the middle of the wall, the man with a sword at his waist drew out his sword, looked at Lin Yuan with a murderous look on his face, and shouted.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of soldiers on the wall attacked together, pointing their spears at Lin Yuan.

In an instant, the powerful aura of hundreds of soldiers, with a biting chill, rushed towards Lin Yuan.

This is a well-trained and powerful army.

Lin Yuan looked at the group of soldiers with a calm expression and said, "My name is Lin Yuan. I hope you can be lenient and let me enter the Southern Territory."

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the Southern Territory. Go back."

The man replied indifferently.

"Sorry, I have to go into the South Territory."

Lin Yuan shook his head and said with a firm look on his face.

"Do you want to force your way in?"

When the man heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful aura burst out of his body.

"The Creation Realm is complete!"