
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 150: Southern Sword Sect

Returning to reality, Lin Yuan glanced at Lin Dong who was still lying on the ground, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Although the negotiations with the Heavenly Dao failed to eliminate the backlash, I got what I wanted, so it can be considered a success.

"Come out."

Lin Yuan looked at the stone talisman on Lin Dong's waist and smiled faintly.

As Lin Yuan finished speaking, the stone talisman glowed slightly and the little mink flew out from the stone talisman.

"You already knew about my existence?"

The little mink stared at him and asked in confusion.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

"How did you find me?"

Xiao Diao was a little bit unconvinced. He thought he was hiding very well. Even the strong ones from the supreme sects would find it difficult to find him, let alone a little kid.

"You are indeed hiding very well. If it weren't for my strong mental power, I might not be able to find you..." Of course, Lin Yuan would not say that he knew all the secrets of the protagonist, so he found a reason to explain.

"Impossible. Even with the spiritual power of a Heavenly Talisman Master, it is impossible to find me. How can a little brat like you find me with your spiritual power?"

The little mink curled his lips and said with great disdain.

Lin Yuan did not respond, but asked a question, "Do you know the Southern Territory Sword Sect?"


How did you know about this sect?"

Xiao Diao was slightly surprised when he heard this.

The Southern Domain Sword Sect is a powerful sect isolated from the world. They ignore worldly disputes and devote themselves to practicing the way of the sword. They can be described as a true hidden sect.

The Sword Sect has existed for thousands of years, but it is little known to the world. Even Xiao Diao has only heard of it by chance.

Lin Yuan was a little kid in his teens, born in the impoverished Great Yan Dynasty. It was impossible for him to have heard of this sect.

"It seems that you really know, then do you know how to enter the Sword Sect?"

Lin Yuan still did not answer Xiao Diao's doubts and continued to ask.

"You want to join the Southern Territory Sword Sect?"

"That's right, you are practicing the way of the sword, so it's understandable that you want to join the Sword Sect."

Xiao Diao thought for a moment and said, "But kid, I advise you to give up. The Southern Domain Sword Sect never recruits disciples from outside the Southern Domain. Even if you are a genius like you, they won't want you."


Lin Yuan was puzzled. Which sect would not want to accept a genius, let alone a peerless genius like him?

"Hey, do you know what's going on in the Southern Region?"

"I don't know."

Lin Yuan shook his head and said.

"The Southern Region is a very special place, with vast land and a large population."

"The most surprising thing is that there is only one country and five sects there!"

"Only one country and five sects?"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised. Even in a poor place like the Great Yan Dynasty, there were tens of thousands of sects. It was really puzzling that there were only five sects in such a vast land as the Southern Region.

Facing Lin Yuan's surprise, Xiao Diao nodded affirmatively and said, "When I first heard the news, I was also shocked like you.

But it is a real phenomenon."

"The South Territory was also like the Great Yan Dynasty at the beginning, with numerous sects and countries."

"But all of this was broken by a certain man. He united the five major sects, destroyed other sects and countries, and unified the entire southern region. He was the first emperor of the Great Zhou Empire and the first emperor of the Sword Sect, the Void Emperor!"


Lin Yuan took a deep breath. To unify the entire Southern Region, what kind of terrifying level of power did this Void Emperor have?

But why are there so few people on the mainland who know about such a powerful figure?

Xiao Diao was also very confused about this and said, "I don't know about this. I only heard that closing off the South Region was the first order of this emperor after he ascended the throne. Many people opposed it at the time, but they all gave up when faced with the Void Emperor."

"So, it's almost impossible to enter the Southern Region?"

"It's not impossible. The Void Emperor has been dead for tens of thousands of years. Although the rules he established still exist, they are not as strict as they were before."

Xiao Diao shook his head, as if recalling something, and said, "Back then, I entered the Southern Region and killed people everywhere.

If it weren't for an old bald donkey, maybe I could still live happily there for a while."

Thinking of that old bald donkey, Xiao Diao's face suddenly became very solemn.

It was obvious that even with Xiao Diao's peak strength, he would find it difficult to defeat that old bald donkey.

"How did you get in?"

Lin Yuan didn't care about Xiao Diao's past at all, he just wanted to know how to enter the South Territory, so he asked urgently.

"Hey, I can't tell you that. You need to find it yourself..." Xiao Diao smiled and said teasingly.

"..." Lin Yuan was speechless. He really didn't expect that the king of the demon clan would have such a side.

"But I can tell you the approximate direction."

Xiao Diao suddenly changed his tone and said, "Go south, tens of millions of miles away from here, there is a forest that stretches for thousands of miles, known as the Death Forest.

At the end of the Death Forest, there is a city called Black Dragon City.

Once you enter Black Dragon City, I believe you will know how to enter the Southern Region."

"Several...tens of millions of miles?"

Lin Yuan showed an expression of disbelief. He really didn't expect the journey would be so long.

"if not?

Do you think he is next door to the Great Yan Dynasty?"

The little mink rolled his eyes and pouted.

"..." Lin Yuan was speechless. Although he thought it would be far away, he didn't expect it to be so far.

Tens of millions of miles away, at Lin Yuan's current speed, even without eating or drinking, it would probably take him more than half a year to get there.

"Boy, if you're going to the Southern Region, does that mean you don't plan to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War?"

Xiao Diao remembered that Lin Yuan seemed to be one of the candidates to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War, and couldn't help but ask.

For some reason, Xiao Diao seemed very casual in front of Lin Yuan, without any intention of hiding anything.

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I practice swordsmanship. Even if I join the supreme sect, it is not the best choice for me."

Xiao Diao agreed with this point very much and couldn't help but say, "Yes, each of those sects suits you. Perhaps the Southern Domain Sword Sect is more suitable for you, but it is much more difficult than the Hundred Dynasties War."

"Have you... thought it through?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I have an enemy that is almost impossible to defeat, so I must give it my all, even if it is difficult, I must rush forward."

"This way, my chances of winning will be better."


who is it?

How could it make you feel like it's impossible to win?"

Little Mink asked curiously.

There is no need to say much about Lin Yuan's talent. Even from Xiao Diao's perspective, he is definitely one of the top people.

But such a talented person said that he had an enemy that was almost impossible to defeat, which made him very curious.

"Well, I can't tell you, sorry."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and did not mention Loki's existence.

"Tsk, forget it."

Xiao Diao sneered, but didn't ask any further questions.

Everyone has their own little secrets, and he is no exception. Pursuing answers too much will only cause embarrassment to both of them.

"Well, it's time for me to go and pursue my own path!

Nice to meet you, bye."

As soon as he finished speaking, a long sword broke through the air, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the south.

The next moment, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from the spot...