
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 15 Crazy Action

There are tens of thousands of stone seats around the Beast Horn Field. It is usually deserted, but today it is packed with people. The crowds of people extend all the way to the end.

The popularity is now worthy of being the most massive competition within a hundred miles.

Led by Lin Zhentian, the Lin family came directly to the center of the Beast Horn Field. This is the place with the best view of the entire Beast Horn Field, and you can see any part of the entire Beast Horn Field clearly.

Lin Zhentian led everyone to sit on a stone chair. Not far away from them were the people from the Lei and Xie families, but they only glanced at the Lin family and then looked back. No matter how calm they appeared on the surface, they still looked down on the outsiders like the Lin family in their hearts.

Of course, Lin Zhentian obviously didn't have the mood to put on a warm face for such a cold butt. If he hadn't had some tricks, the Lin family would have been forced to flee Qingyang Town like a stray dog ​​by the Lei and Xie families in the past few years of open and secret fighting. Therefore, although the Lei and Xie families were hostile to the Lin family, his hatred for the Lei and Xie families was even more intense.

With the top forces in Qingyang Town taking their seats, the atmosphere on the scene became even more heated.

Lin Yuan sat casually on the stone seat, looking at the dense jungle, and the roar of wild beasts could be heard faintly.

Lin Yuan didn't take these wild beasts to heart. With his current strength, he was not afraid of Lin Zhentian, let alone a group of wild beasts without intelligence.

After the clan competition, Lin Yuan had a vague understanding of his own strength. In today's hunting battle, he wanted to see where his limit was.

"After ten years of hard training, today is the time to verify the results."

He tightened the steel sword in his hand, and a sharp aura unconsciously dissipated from him, surprising everyone in the Lin family.

"What a sharp aura, compared to before the clan competition, his strength has probably improved a lot."

Lin Zhentian glanced at Lin Yuan with a hint of excitement in his eyes. The stronger Lin Yuan performed, the greater the hope of winning this hunt.

Even for the Lin family, the clan competition is more likely to enter the inner clan!

The sun gradually rose, Lei Bao stood up, and his deep eyes swept across the field. Under his cold eyes, the noise in the beast horn field also weakened slightly. The Lei family still had a lot of pressure within a hundred miles of Qingyang Town.

"Everyone, today is the busiest day in Qingyang Town. I won't say more about the rules of hunting. As long as you can get ten identity cards, you can step onto the giant stage. There, the real hunting champion will be born."

Lei Bao's deep voice, mixed with his Yuanli, echoed throughout the beast horn field, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

"The tokens have been issued to all contestants. Now, the hunting competition officially begins! All contestants enter!"


Lin Zhentian took out several tokens from his arms and handed them to the younger generations of the Lin family who were going to participate in the competition one by one, saying with expectation.

Lin Yuan held the black and yellow token. There was a big word "Lin" engraved on the wooden sign, and some unique and complex patterns were engraved around it, which looked mysterious.

Just as Lin Yuan was looking at the token in his hand, many figures had already jumped into the jungle, including people from the Lei and Xie families' own Kuangdao martial arts school.

"Let's go."

Lin Dong took the token and glanced at his father, then jumped into the jungle casually, accompanied by Lin Hong and Lin Xia.

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to enter the jungle, but glanced at the whole place and muttered to himself.

"With so many people watching, I am worthy of my famous battle."

Then he jumped up and jumped onto the branch of a big tree.

Just as Lin Yuan entered the jungle, several figures flashed around him, and looked around vigilantly, as if they thought Lin Yuan was not easy to deal with, and then they dispersed.

"Zizi, you are indeed the most outstanding disciples of each family. Your judgment is really amazing."

Lin Yuan was not in a hurry to chase these people who retreated. After identifying the direction, he quickly headed towards the mountain platform in the center of the jungle. Anyway, these contestants would go there in the end, so he didn't have to run around to look for them.

The jungle, which was originally a little quiet, was obviously agitated because of the sudden intrusion of a large number of people. The roar of beasts continued to sound, and there seemed to be some panicked cries. It seemed that some unlucky guys encountered beasts that they could not handle.

Lin Yuan moved very fast. It didn't take much effort for him to be less than ten miles away from the giant platform on the mountain.

"Stop, hand over the token!"

Just then, several figures appeared and blocked Lin Yuan's way.

These were three teenagers. The one who spoke was a dark-skinned teenager. He stared at Lin Yuan sharply. The other two companions slowly surrounded him, not giving Lin Yuan a chance to escape.

Facing the siege of the three, Lin Yuan couldn't help but chuckle. He could tell at a glance that the strength of these three people was only the seventh level of body tempering.

The seventh level of body tempering was indeed a genius at their age, but in this hunting competition, it was not enough. After all, all of them were the top geniuses of each family.

Seeing Lin Yuan's move, the three people's faces sank slightly, and a faint luster attached to their bodies. Then the Yuanli surged, and they attacked at the same time, with waves of fists, fierce and sharp. Facing

the fierce attack of the three seventh-level body tempering masters, Lin Yuan stood where he was, and even did not draw the long sword in his hand. He looked at the three people with disdain.

The three young men were the future of their families, and had never been humiliated like this before. Anger flashed in their eyes, and their punches became more fierce


Countless fists fell on Lin Yuan's body, but he did not show even a trace of pain, his face was full of scenes, and he did not even move his fingers.

"You guy..."

Lin Yuan's move completely angered the three boys, especially the dark-skinned boy, who had a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Kill you!"

The dark-skinned boy could not bear such humiliation, and took out a short blade from his arms, attached his energy, and stabbed Lin Yuan's heart fiercely!

Facing this fatal attack, Lin Yuan smiled, as if mocking the dark-skinned boy.


The short blade did not encounter any obstacles, and successfully pierced Lin Yuan's robe and touched his skin, but it could no longer penetrate a bit.

The dark-skinned boy used all his strength, but still could not get any further. He only felt that the short blade was not piercing a human body, but a huge rock, which was indestructible!