
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 147: Lin Yuan vs Lin Dong

Ten miles away from Lincheng there is a river called Sishui River. The water is crystal clear and the surrounding trees are lush.

Lin Yuan stood alone by the river, looking at the bright moon reflected on the river, a little absent-minded.

A light sound of footsteps was heard, and Lin Dong's figure appeared by the river.

"What do you want from me so late at night?"

Looking at Lin Yuan who was staring at the river in a trance, Lin Dong became more and more confused and asked out loud.

Lin Yuan slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Dong indifferently. Before the latter could speak, a light flashed and the ancient green sword was in his hand.

The next moment, Lin Yuan swung the ancient sword in his hand, and the sword energy, carrying the rolling river water, rushed towards Lin Dongzhan.

Lin Dong's face changed slightly. Without time to think, he dodged hurriedly. The sword energy passed by him and slashed towards the jungle behind him.


There was only a loud bang, and a huge gully appeared out of nowhere, which was caused by the previous slash.

"Lin Yuan, what are you doing?"

Lin Dong's face darkened and he asked loudly.

Lin Yuan said nothing, jumped up, and swung at Lin Dong again.

Lin Dong was unable to dodge, so he had to take out the Sky Crocodile Ancient Spear and hold it horizontally in front of him to block it.


"A sharp collision sound was heard, and the two huge forces collided violently. The ground beneath Lin Dong's feet could not withstand the aftershocks caused by the collision and shattered directly!

"Lin Yuan, what do you want to do?"

Being attacked for no reason, Lin Dong was already a little angry and continued to shout.

"Isn't that obvious enough?"

Lin Yuan spoke indifferently, and the energy in his body rushed into the ancient sword frantically. The force as heavy as a thousand pounds made it difficult for Lin Dong to resist, and cold sweat broke out.


In the face of the crisis, Lin Dong roared angrily, and powerful force burst out from his body, forcing Lin Yuan to retreat!

Lin Yuan was a little surprised. He knew that Lin Dong would definitely be able to get rid of his sword, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"It seems that you have grown a lot in the past two years. You are no longer the useless boy who couldn't even block my sword."

Lin Yuan raised the ancient sword in his hand, and an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Dong took a deep breath, tightened his grip on the bone spear, and looked calm.

At this point, there is no point in trying to find out the reason.

If you want to fight, then fight!

Lin Dong waved the bone spear in his hand, without any unnecessary movements, and rushed straight towards Lin Yuan!

"Crocodile Roar!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bone spear in Lin Dong's hand vibrated, and a piercing roar sounded from the bone spear.

The roar seemed to contain some strange power, which actually slowed down Lin Yuan's movements a little.


There was another sound of metal collision, and an irresistible and terrifying force surged out of the bone spear, directly knocking the slow-moving Lin Yuan back several miles!

"Is this the power of the Sky Crocodile Bone Spear?

It's really amazing."

Lin Yuan glanced at the slightly trembling arm and praised it generously.

"Although you are a strong man in the Nirvana realm, I have the strength to fight you."

Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged, without any joy at all, because he knew that Lin Yuan had not used his full strength, and it was just a test before.

"Is it?"

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, his eyes flashed, and a powerful pressure flowed out from his body and pressed towards Lin Dong.


Lin Dong felt this terrifying pressure and groaned, leaving a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth and his face turned pale.

"I have to admit that you have become much stronger in the past two years. Even Lin Langtian is no longer your opponent, but I, Lin Yuan, am not Lin Langtian!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan slashed through the air, and the lightning-fast sword energy carried a sharp aura and slashed towards Lin Dong.

This sword is not ordinary, it is several times more powerful than the previous one.

Looking at the oncoming sword energy, Lin Dong was not afraid and was full of fighting spirit.

He knew that he was no match for Lin Yuan, but he still wanted to try and see how long his two years of hard work could last against Lin Yuan.

"Fish-scale halberd!"

Lin Dong took a deep breath, his Yuan Power surged, and a red light condensed. As the red light surged, it turned into a giant red-scaled fish with a hideous face!


A huge explosion shot up into the sky, the ground shook, the river surged, and smoke filled the air.

Lin Yuan raised his hand and threw the ancient sword in his hand into the sky. The Yuan Qi of the world around him merged into the ancient sword. Amidst the green light, a huge long sword formed by Yuan Li gradually took shape.

The sword was about three meters high, wrapping the ancient sword. The sword energy covered the whole body, faintly emitting a suffocating and terrifying power.

Lin Yuan squinted and looked forward. Although there was smoke everywhere, he could still see Lin Dong's position clearly.


With a whisper, he stretched out his finger, pointing his fingertips towards Lin Dong, and the long sword in the sky made a sharp sword sound.

The next moment, the long sword whistled, cutting through the night sky and piercing into the thick fog.

With the crisis in his heart, Lin Dong did not dare to be careless. He took out a black stone tower shaped like a pyramid from his Qiankun bag. The black tower was engraved with dense runes, and each rune contained endless terrifying power.

Lin Dong used his mental power to control the black tower and flew it into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the black tower quickly grew larger, and a terrifying suction force absorbed the surrounding fog along with the vital energy of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the long sword broke through the air and collided with the black tower.

"Swish, swish, swish~" The sound of metal friction resounded through the sky, and two unimaginable terrifying waves swept around.


A series of explosions instantly engulfed the entire Sishui Riverside, and the ground collapsed rapidly, forming a huge pit!

After a moment, the explosion stopped, and Lin Yuan jumped up. The vast sword energy rushed straight into the sky and turned into countless tiny sword blades, covering the entire sky.

"Meteor Sword Rain!"

The next moment, countless sword blades suspended in the sky fell down quickly, and the brilliant green light illuminated the entire Sishui River.


Another series of explosions sounded, and the terrible aftermath spread out, covering the area within dozens of miles and turning it into ruins.

Lin Yuan landed beside a huge pit and looked calmly down at the bottom of the pit. The place was already covered by thick fog and nothing could be seen clearly.

After a long time, the thick fog dissipated and Lin Dong's figure appeared.

At this moment, his clothes were tattered, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, his face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were unusually bright.

"I have a finger that can break the heavens and the earth. Let me give you a taste of its power."

Lin Dong laughed loudly, his vast Yuan Power surged wildly, and then he leaped into the sky, with a terrifying aura sweeping over him.

"Why not?"

Lin Yuan smiled calmly, raised his right hand, a green light flashed in the pit, and the ancient sword was in his hand.

"Then I will show you my most powerful skill!"

"Great Wilderness Prisoner Sky Finger!"

Lin Dong's eyes were sharp, and he pointed his finger into the air. Then, a giant finger filled with an ancient and vicissitudes of life suddenly broke out from behind him!