
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 146 Cause and Effect

The deepest part of the Great Wilderness Plain.

Inside the ancient monument, Lin Yuan was squatting there, his eyes closed, a look of pain on his face.

It had been three days since the last war. In order to prepare for the upcoming Hundred Dynasties War, he returned to this ancient monument to practice, intending to improve his strength as much as possible before the war.

However, three days of meditation and practice not only did not bring about an increase in strength, on the contrary, Lin Yuan's strength was constantly being lost!


Why exactly?

Lin Yuan was confused and felt even more irritated. Even in his deepest thoughts, there was a chilling murderous intent quietly spreading.

The imbalance of his mind made it difficult for him to maintain his state of cultivation. His qi and blood began to surge, and finally, he spat out a mouthful of blood, completely ending his cultivation.


Lin Yuan clenched his fists, anger surged in his heart, and the murderous intent in his heart spread out without being stopped.

"What did you do out there?

It actually caused a backlash of cause and effect?"

At this moment, a white light appeared in front of Lin Yuan, and an old man in white appeared in front of him. He was the old man who taught Lin Yuan the Great Wilderness Sword Intent.

"Karma backlash?

What does it mean?

Lin Yuan stood up and looked at the old man in white with a puzzled look on his face.

The old man looked at Lin Yuan with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Practice is to go against the will of heaven. In the process of practice, killing is inevitable. People who kill too much will bear the karma. The greater the karma, the more they will suffer backlash, and eventually they will die."


Is there such a thing?"

Lin Yuan's face was filled with horror, and he seemed to find it hard to believe.

This world is not a world of cultivating immortals, so how can there be cause and effect?

"You seem to have misunderstood one thing. No matter which world you are in or what kind of cultivation system you have, the bottom line is to channel the power of heaven and earth into your body, making yourself stronger and thus achieving your goals."

The old man in white glanced at Lin Yuan and explained calmly.

"But no matter what your purpose is, whether it's to seek immortality or to rule the world, you are plundering the power of heaven and earth, aren't you?"

Hearing this, the surprise on Lin Yuan's face slowly disappeared, replaced by silence.

After a pause, the old man in white continued, "Once you have power, you will lose your restraints and do whatever you want, killing people for treasures, slaughtering innocent mortals, and even destroying the world."

"In order to prevent the collapse of the entire world, the chain of cause and effect was born!" At this point, the old man's expression became particularly solemn: "No matter what level of power, no one wants to be contaminated by cause and effect, because it is difficult to eliminate, or even impossible to eliminate."

"If that's the case, then what does karma backlash mean?

It's not possible that the karma will backfire on me just because I destroyed a city, right?

If this is true, then there are probably hundreds or thousands of people in this world who have been harmed.

Lin Yuan asked, frowning.

The old man in white nodded slightly and said, "The survival of the fittest is the law of the world.

Killing will indeed cause karma, but this karma will not cause backlash. Only actions that cause great changes in the world, or lead to the destruction of the world, will cause backlash. "

"Great changes in heaven and earth..." Lin Yuan suddenly thought of a possibility and his face suddenly became solemn.

According to the plot, the Wang clan was not destroyed at this time, but because of him, the Wang clan was destroyed ahead of time.

Is this the reason why the world has changed so much?


Do you know the reason?"

Seeing the change in Lin Yuan's expression, the old man in white asked.

"How can we eliminate this cause and effect?"

Without explaining the reason, Lin Yuan looked up and asked.

The old man in white shook his head slightly and said, "I have said before that cause and effect cannot be eliminated, even if you are a strong man in the realm of reincarnation."

"So, I can only wait to die?"

The old man in white frowned and thought hard for a moment, as if he had thought of something, and said, "Maybe there is another way..." "What method?"

Lin Yuan looked at the old man eagerly and asked.

He still has some things to finish, and before that, he can't die.

At least, I have to get rid of that guy before I die.

The old man in white vaguely knew what Lin Yuan was thinking and sighed, "Why are you doing this?

Even if you are not affected by karma, your chances of defeating that person are slim... "Even if it is slim, I will do it. "

The plain voice contained an irreversible determination.

The old man in white looked at Lin Yuan with a hint of appreciation and said, "It is rumored that all the causes and effects in this world are controlled by the Way of Heaven. If you want to eliminate the backlash of cause and effect, you can only seek the gift of the Way of Heaven."

"Seeking a gift from heaven?"

Lin Yuan looked at the old man in white in astonishment and frowned, "How to do it?"

In response to Lin Yuan's question, the old man shook his head and sighed, "I don't know either. Heaven has its own will, otherwise there wouldn't be a so-called Son of Destiny."

"But if you want to receive the blessing of Heaven, you must get the recognition of Heaven…" "For practitioners, this is difficult, but not impossible.

But for you, this is almost impossible... " "Is it because I don't belong to this world?"

The old man in white nodded and continued, "You have already been rejected by the Heavenly Dao, but now you want it to eliminate this cause and effect for you. You can imagine the result."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan clenched his hands tightly, a look of determination appeared in his eyes, and he said, "No matter what, I will give it a try."

After saying that, Lin Yuan stood up and prepared to leave.

"Have you figured out how to do it?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Although I don't know if this method is feasible, I have to give it a try."

"In that case, I will not say any more. I hope you can succeed."

After the old man in white finished speaking, he disappeared.

Lin Yuan looked into the distance, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the exit of the stone tablet...

Forest City.

Lin Dong sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, and the energy flowed rapidly on his skin.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Finally, I have achieved a breakthrough to the Great Creation Realm!"

In a few days, the Hundred Dynasties War will begin. Countless powerful geniuses will gather there, and the level of cruelty will be far greater than that of the Lin Family.

If he wants to stand out among these geniuses, he must improve his strength and increase his trump cards as much as possible.

"Lin Langtian, I will definitely kill you this time!"

Lin Langtian's figure appeared in his mind. A cold light flashed across Lin Dong's eyes, and his words revealed a murderous intent.

Lin Langtian, this man is someone he cannot let go no matter what.

His father being deposed, the humiliation in the ancient tomb, and all the past events were deeply imprinted in Lin Dong's mind.

This hatred that has penetrated deep into the bone marrow has turned into an obsession. If this obsession is not eliminated soon, it will become a hidden danger in the future.

For Lin Dong, the best way is naturally to kill Lin Langtian to vent his hatred.

"Lin Dong, come to the Sishui River in Lincheng. I have something to discuss with you."

Just as he was lost in his memories, Lin Yuan's voice came.

Lin Dong was a little confused. What did Lin Yuan want to talk to him about at this time?

With doubts, Lin Dong stood up, turned into a meteor, and flew towards the Sishui River.