
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 145 Return

Above the royal city, a spear with a size of one hundred feet came from above and pressed directly towards Lin Yuan.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's internal energy had been exhausted. Not only could he not fight back, he didn't even have the strength to protect himself.

Helplessly, he had to put the ancient sword in front of him to resist.

"Dang..." A crisp collision sound was heard, and Lin Yuan only felt that a mountain was crashing towards him at high speed, and then flew backwards, directly smashing a large hole of several feet in the ground.


After a successful attack, Wang Yan did not stop. Instead, he poured the energy in his body into the spear frantically, and then threw it out, pointing directly at the pit where Lin Yuan fell.

"Boom..." Another explosion sounded, the earth shook violently, and for a moment the scene was filled with smoke and became blurred.

"Roar..." Suddenly, a dragon roar resounded through the sky, and a huge figure slowly emerged from the smoke.

"Devil Flame Emperor Dragon!"

Looking at this huge figure, Wang Yan's face was filled with horror.

The Demon Flame Emperor Dragon is a very rare demon beast, let alone an adult Demon Flame Emperor Dragon.

And now, in front of Wang Yan was exactly an adult Earth Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, and it was also an Earth Demon Flame Emperor Dragon with awakened bloodline.

An adult Earth Demon Flame Emperor Dragon possesses terrifying strength that is enough to rival a Nirvana warrior. Wang Yan's face gradually darkened, and a strong sense of unwillingness surged in his heart.

The enemy is right in front of him, but he cannot take revenge. How can he accept this?

"Are you unwilling?"

An indifferent voice sounded, and a young man stood above the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon's head, looking down at him calmly.

"Lin Yuan!"

Looking at the familiar figure, Wang Yan's eyes were almost spitting out flames, but he still held back, because even if he took action, it would be difficult for him to hurt the former.

"Even if I'm unwilling, what can I do?

Some things are already destined."

Lin Yuan sighed slightly and looked at Wang Yan with a hint of pity.

It is tragic to be a member of the Wang family and watch your family being destroyed but be unable to do anything about it.

"Xiao Zi, kill him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zi began to move his huge body, and a dark purple flame spewed out, covering the sky and rushing towards Wang Yan.

"No, I can't die, I want to live!"

As death approached, Wang Yan's heart was roaring wildly.

He cannot die. How can he die if his enemies have not been killed?

Thinking of this, Wang Yan's aura suddenly surged, and then turned into a stream of light, trying to escape from here.

"Want to escape?


Seeing this, Lin Yuan smiled faintly, and seemed not to be anxious at all.

Below him, Xiao Zi looked at the escaping Earth King Yan and roared. The heaven and earth seemed to sense something and began to vibrate violently. Invisible pressure spread at the speed of light.

At this moment, Wang Yan also stopped and was unable to move.

"what happened?

Even an adult Demon Flame Emperor Dragon shouldn't have such a powerful aura."

Wang Yan looked at the huge figure in the distance in horror, with confusion in his eyes.

"After refining that drop of demon blood, shouldn't I have this kind of power?"

Lin Yuan grinned and said casually.


You gave that drop of demon blood to this demon beast?"

When Wang Yan heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue, and he found it hard to accept.

That drop of demon blood was formed from the corpse of an ancient mythical beast over thousands of years, and the power it contained was beyond imagination.

Such a treasure was actually given by Lin Yuan to a monster. This was beyond his imagination.

"We are in different realms. You are too narrow-minded, so you will die here."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly and said no more.

"No…" Wang Yan's face looked very ugly, with strong desire in his eyes.

But it was too late.

Xiao Zi slowly opened his bloody mouth, and huge energy gathered in his mouth, forming a ball of purple-black flame.

After a few seconds, a fireball shot out. Wang Yan, who was unable to move, could only watch the purple-black flame approaching.

"No…" Like Wang Lei, Wang Yan was also unwilling to give in. He turned into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this point, the entire Wang family was completely destroyed.

In the span of a day and a night, the Wang clan, which had stood in the Great Yan Dynasty for hundreds of years, was destroyed by Lin Yuan alone.

"Let's go, it's time to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War."

After staring at the royal city for a long time, Lin Yuan finally turned around and left.

He didn't notice that a ball of black gas was hidden in the royal city, and it expanded rapidly shortly after Lin Yuan left.

After a moment, the black gas actually enveloped the entire royal city. All life in the royal city was devoured, and even some spiritual treasures and spiritual herbs were not left, as they were all devoured completely.

...The Imperial City.

Mo Jingtian and others stood on the wall, looking towards the direction of the royal city, their eyes full of anticipation.

"Your Majesty, can he really defeat Wang Lei and destroy the Wang family?"

Lin Fan frowned, his mind in confusion. He couldn't help but look at Mo Jingtian beside him and asked.

Mo Jingtian narrowed his eyes and stared quietly into the distance, his mind churning rapidly.

After a few seconds, he responded: "Based on the strength he has shown, even I am no match for him."

"If the Wang family doesn't have any other trump cards, then Lin Yuan will definitely be able to do it.

But if…" Mo Jingtian did not say the next words, but Lin Fan and Lin Dong had already understood what he meant, and their expressions became more serious.

"Little Mink, do you think Lin Yuan can do it?"

Mo Jingtian's words made Lin Dong a little worried, and he subconsciously asked about Xiao Diao.

"Don't worry, I think the Wang family is no match for that kid."

The little mink lay in the stone talisman and replied lazily.


Xiao Diao answered so quickly that Lin Dong was caught off guard and was filled with confusion.

"He dares to do this, are you still afraid of his strength?"

"That guy is much more cunning than you."

Little Mink curled his lips and said.

"came back!"

Lin Dong was about to reply when he suddenly heard Mo Jingtian's words. He quickly looked up and saw a bright light flickering. He breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few seconds, Lin Yuan's figure completely appeared in front of the three people.

"This is... the Demonic Flame Emperor Dragon?"

Looking at the monster emitting a terrifying aura under Lin Yuan's feet, the three of them had extremely solemn expressions, and even had a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Don't worry, this is my brother. He won't do anything to you."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and didn't care about the reactions of the three people.

"Wow, he's actually the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon who has awakened his bloodline power. This kid is really lucky."

As the king among monsters, although Xiao Diao's strength has not recovered, his vision is still there. He recognized at a glance that Xiao Zi had awakened the power of his bloodline.

"How is the Wang family?"

Without paying too much attention to the Demon Flame Emperor Dragon, Mo Jingtian asked directly.

This is also the question that Lin Dong and Lin Fan wanted to ask.

Seeing Mo Jingtian asking, the two of them immediately pricked up their ears and listened quietly.

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and said casually: "The Wang family is already dead."