
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 143 Madness

As Wang Lei's realm improved rapidly, Lin Yuan's expression became more and more solemn.

"Little ghost, you deserved to die under my Netherworld Soul-Suppressing Spear."

Feeling the extremely powerful force in his body, Wang Lei's face showed a hint of satisfaction.

Now he was fully confident that he could easily kill Lin Yuan here.

"Using such a terrible weapon, I'm sure the price you paid was not small, right?"

Although he felt quite solemn in his heart, Lin Yuan's face remained casual, as if he didn't take Wang Lei seriously at all.

"As long as I can kill you, it's worth it no matter how much it costs."

A cold light flashed in Wang Lei's eyes, and then he waved the black spear in his hand, rushed out and stabbed at Lin Yuan.

It was just an ordinary stab, but Lin Yuan knew how terrifying the power contained in the gun was, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.


Lin Yuan circulated his energy and slashed out three sword lights in succession. Each sword was enough to kill a powerful man with great fortune.

"Hehehe..." Wang Lei laughed strangely, but his speed did not slow down, but became even faster. The three sword lights slashed past without even producing a spark, and then disappeared.

"A sword of spiritual resonance."

The Yuan force surged, Lin Yuan stabbed with his sword, and the violent sword energy turned into a green dragon and rushed forward.


Spears and swords collided, black light and green light collided with each other, and the huge aura caused the space within a radius of dozens of miles to vibrate.

The two men did not hold back at all, and continuously injected the energy in their bodies into their respective weapons, as if the outcome would be decided with just one move.

"Hehehe..., boy, you've picked the wrong person to compete with me in energy."

Wang Lei laughed strangely again, and saw the spear in his hand flashing with black light, and the vitality of heaven and earth began to gather on the tip of the spear.

With the infusion of this huge amount of energy, Lin Yuan gradually lost the upper hand and his body couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Hey, go to hell."

Wang Lei's eyes turned a strange blood red, as if he had fallen into a state of madness. He gathered all his strength and exerted it suddenly, instantly knocking Lin Yuan away for dozens of miles, and finally crashing him into a cliff before he stopped.


Unable to hold back his anger, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lin Yuan's face turned pale.

"Has this old guy lost his mind?

That's crazy."

After a moment, Lin Yuan jumped up and came to the top of the cliff. He looked at the blurry figure in the distance with some doubt in his eyes.

The black energy emanating from the spear gave him a familiar feeling, but he was sure that he had never seen this spear before.

Unconsciously, a figure broke into Lin Yuan's mind, and his eyes became brighter.

There is no doubt that there is no so-called Netherworld Soul-Calming Spear in the entire story line, and it is impossible for the Wang family to possess such an almost perverted weapon.

"It seems that the bastard has more or less affected the entire story line without knowing it."

At this moment, he was sure.

That fellow named Evil God would definitely not be so kind as to give this extremely terrifying weapon to the Wang family for nothing. He must have some unknown purpose.

"Hehehe..., what's wrong with you?

Are you afraid of my power and don't dare to fight anymore?"

On the other side, Wang Lei saw that Lin Yuan had not moved for a long time, and the madness in his eyes became more and more intense, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

Lin Yuan did not respond, but his expression was serious, his hands clenched, and an indescribable determination flashed in his eyes.

"No matter why that guy gave you this weapon, and no matter what her purpose is, as long as your Wang family is completely destroyed, then whatever her purpose is, it will be in vain."

"The Great Wilderness Sword Intention, arise."

With a whisper, khaki-colored sword energy slowly flowed out from the ancient sword and spread in all directions.

This ochre-colored sword energy carried an ancient aura. Wherever it passed, no grass grew. Even the earth turned into a desert.

"Hehe, you are just being mysterious. Let me show you how I can defeat you."

Wang Lei looked at the ancient sword energy lingering around Lin Yuan, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he waved the spear in his hand and rushed forward violently.

The distance of dozens of miles was too short for Wang Lei, who had already entered the realm of Three Yuan Nirvana. In an instant, he arrived in front of Lin Yuan.


Without much prelude, Wang Lei stabbed Lin Yuan straight in the vitals.

However, when he stepped into the understanding of the Great Wilderness Sword Intention, he suddenly felt that his energy was rapidly dissipating and his body was gradually aging, as if he was about to die at any time.

Sensing this abnormality, Wang Lei did not dare to be careless. He suddenly retreated dozens of miles before stopping with a look of horror on his face.

"That feeling just now...what was going on..." Wang Lei frowned, with a hint of uneasiness in his heart.

As soon as he stepped into the realm of enlightenment formed by the ochre-colored sword energy, he felt that time was passing quickly and he was getting older quickly, as if he would turn into a corpse at any time.

"Under the sword of the Great Wilderness, everything is nothing but floating clouds."

Lin Yuan was suspended in the air with an indifferent expression. The Great Wilderness sword intent lingering beside him slowly rose and slowly gathered, forming dozens of short swords ten feet in size.


Lin Yuan moved his fingers slightly, and dozens of daggers shot out.

The fast-moving dagger left dozens of ochre-colored tracks in the air, which gradually spread out without any sign of dissipating.

Wang Lei looked at the dozens of daggers shooting towards him and did not dare to be careless. The Yuan force in his body suddenly burst out, and the black gas in the spear emerged again, and the Yuan force of heaven and earth was madly sucked into it.

"Black Dragon Break."

The vast amount of Yuanli gathered at the tip of the gun, emitting a dazzling black light.

In the black light, a black dragon appeared faintly, emitting a terrifying aura.

After a few seconds, Wang Lei quickly swung his spear horizontally, then stabbed straight towards Lin Yuan through the air.


In an instant, Wang Lei's figure changed into a huge black dragon, carrying the terrifying energy of destroying the world, as fast as lightning, crossing the sky above the royal city and stabbing Lin Yuan fiercely.

Lin Yuan didn't care at all. He moved his hands slightly, and dozens of daggers quickly turned around and stabbed at the black dragon.


In just a few dozen seconds, explosions continued, and the huge black dragon kept getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared... "Next, it's my turn."

After taking Wang Lei's move, Lin Yuan took advantage of the situation and swung out three swords in succession. Three sword lights emitting ochre-colored light quickly flew towards the one in front.

"Dang dang dang..." Wang Lei rotated the spear in his hand to form a protective shield, and the sword light hit it fiercely, causing a huge impact force, forcing him to retreat several steps.

"This little brat..." This result made Wang Lei furious and he lost his mind.

The Netherworld Soul-Calming Spear seemed to sense Wang Lei's anger and burst out with dazzling black light again. The energy of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles was instantly absorbed by the black light.

"Ah..." For some reason, Wang Lei's breath suddenly stopped surging, and a look of pain appeared on his face. The absorption speed of the spear in his hand stopped abruptly and gradually became violent.

"Is this guy completely crazy?"

Looking at this scene, Lin Yuan was secretly guessing in his heart.