
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 141: Fierce Battle 

The night was covered with dark clouds.

Inside the royal city, all the elders of the Wang family gathered together with serious expressions.

"Chief, are you okay?"

Wang Lan came to the pit and looked at the man lying in the center of the pit. He couldn't see Wang Lei's specific condition for a moment, so he had to ask loudly.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was hanging high in the sky, standing upright with a cold and arrogant look, like an invincible sword god in the world, with a hint of loneliness.

"Is this all you have?"

Lin Yuan held the ancient sword with green light in his hand, with sword energy flying between heaven and earth. He looked indifferently at Wang Lei lying in the pit with a hint of sarcasm.

As a strong man in the Nirvana realm, Lin Yuan naturally understood that Wang Lei could not be killed so easily. The attack just now only caused him some minor injuries.

"Zi~" After a few seconds, the power of thunder surged up from Wang Lei's body again. Then he slowly stood up, his face gloomy, and endless murderous intent surged from his body. Even the earth seemed to sense his anger and began to vibrate slightly.

"Are you finally going to use all your strength?

Let me see you giving it your all."

High in the sky, Lin Yuan's sword intent was exerted to the extreme. The terrifying sword intent was all attached to his body, forming an indestructible aura barrier.

"Little brat from the Lin family, I have indeed underestimated you. Next, show me my true strength..." Lightning flashed on Wang Lei's body, and an astonishing pressure actually cracked the ground beneath his feet.

However, all this is far from over. The azure light covers Wang Lei's body and gradually expands.

After a few seconds, Wang Lei stood on the earth like a thunder god, with terrifying power of thunder and lightning all around him.


With a light shout, Wang Lei disappeared from the spot in an instant, like a flash of lightning. In an instant, he crossed several miles and came in front of Lin Yuan. His right fist, which contained endless lightning power and revealed an indescribable terrifying murderous intent, slammed towards Lin Yuan's head.

Just when he was about to touch the leader's head, an ancient sword appeared in front of him, and Wang Lei's fist hit the blade.


A huge thunder and lightning exploded, and in an instant, the space shook violently, and Lin Yuan was directly blown away by the force of the explosion.

"What a powerful force!"

The energy in his body was running wildly, and he only stopped after flying dozens of miles.


Just as he stopped, a murderous intent came again. Before Lin Yuan could look up, he slashed forward with a fierce sword light.


There was another earth-shattering bang, and the elders of the Wang family looked up at each other, their eyes full of tension.

"The clan leader's Crazy Thunder Seven Killing Fist was actually blocked twice by punches in the crotch. What Wang Zhong said is right. This young man is indeed quite capable."

The great elder of the Wang family said with a somewhat grim expression.

The Crazy Thunder Seven Killing Fist is the Wang Zhen clan's unique skill. It is incredibly powerful. It is said that when practiced to the extreme, it has the ability to destroy the heavens and the earth. Even Nirvana masters of the same level can be easily killed.

Of course, with such power, the price it requires is even greater. Even for him who is at the half-step Nirvana stage, he can only use the third punch using this move.

"Humph, that kid can't take this third punch."

The third elder of the Wang family snorted coldly, his words full of confidence.

"I hope so."

Unlike the confident Third Elder, the First Elder was filled with worry. He vaguely felt that even with the last punch of the Wild Thunder Seven Killing Fist, it would be difficult to defeat Lin Yuan.

While the two were talking, Wang Lei's third punch had already arrived.

Facing the increasingly powerful third punch, Lin Yuan raised the ancient sword in his hand, injected his energy madly, and then stabbed fiercely.


The huge collision and the resulting energy fluctuations directly pushed the two people away for several miles.

"You should be proud of yourself for being able to take three of my punches and two of my kicks. I will definitely kill you with the fourth punch."

As soon as he finished speaking, brilliant lightning quickly gathered in his right fist, and the dazzling light seemed to illuminate the night sky.

"Is it?"

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, the sword energy gathered at the tip of the sword, and the energy in his body was continuously injected into it.

Wang Lei didn't say anything, he rushed out and rushed towards Lin Yuan head-on.

This punch is Wang Lei's strongest punch. Even if Mo Jingtian is here, he is confident that he can kill him!

The ancient sword "Lingxi Yijian" spun rapidly, then accumulated power and turned into a green dragon, carrying a tremendous sword intent, and collided with Wang Lei's fist.


The vast force spread over hundreds of miles, and the terrifying airflow instantly destroyed the thousands of defenses of the royal city. A beam of light with terrifying power rushed straight into the sky and actually broke through the dark clouds, revealing a crack hundreds of feet in size.

"So... is the little ghost dead?"

The great elder of the Wang family stared closely at the sky covered by smoke, with a hint of expectation and desire in his eyes.

Not only him, but the other elders of the Wang family beside him felt the same way. Some were even worse and couldn't help but tremble.

After a while, the smoke finally dissipated, and two figures appeared.

At this moment, the power of thunder on Wang Lei's body had disappeared, his clothes were torn, his face was pale, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries.

In comparison, although Lin Yuan's face was slightly pale, his breath was steady and the sword intent on his body was even sharper.

"It looks like I won."

Seeing Wang Lei who looked a little embarrassed, Lin Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a calm voice.

When Wang Lei heard this, he felt extremely unhappy, his eyes turned red, and he seemed like he was about to lose his mind.

He never thought that his Crazy Thunder Seven Killing Fist, which he was so proud of, would be blocked.

Not only that, he also suffered serious injuries.

He wanted to use the fifth punch of the Crazy Thunder Seven Killing Fist, but unfortunately he did not have enough energy in his body.

"This game should be over."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuan decided to wipe out the Wang family from this world. The energy in his body began to circulate frantically. Endless sword energy poured into the sky and merged together. A sword blade a hundred feet long gradually took shape, carrying an indescribable terrifying pressure.

"This... is your true strength?"

Looking at the huge sword blade in front of him, even Wang Lei couldn't help but take a breath.

He could feel the enormous energy contained in this hundred-foot-long sword blade, which was enough to destroy the entire royal city!

"Damn it!

My Wang family will not disappear like this, no way."

Wang Lei roared with all his might, and all the remaining earth energy in his body was ejected. He had already fallen into madness.