
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 14 Hunting Begins

Time flies, and the New Year is approaching.

As the New Year approaches, Qingyang Town welcomes the busiest moment of the year.

Within a radius of 100 miles, many forces and people who come here to admire the fame flock to

the hunting competition. In addition to the major forces in Qingyang Town, there are many other forces participating, but their desire to win is not strong. They just want to watch the excitement and improve the popularity of their families. That's all.

But no matter what the purpose is, the hunting activities in Qingyang Town are already the most lively and largest activities in the nearby 100 miles. No matter who wins, the fame of their family or individual will be greatly improved.

The time of the hunting competition is set on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the location is set in the Beast Horn Field outside Qingyang Town. This is the most magnificent building in Qingyang Town, covering an extremely large area, and even directly encompasses a jungle of dozens of miles. In the center of the jungle, there is a huge platform transformed from a small mountain. There will be countless eyes, and the hunting champion will also be born there.

As the hands of time slowly pointed to the day of the hunting competition, countless people walked towards the Beast Horn Factory in a mighty procession.

"Is this the Beast Horn Factory?"

Lin Yuan stood on the high platform, overlooking the entire Beast Horn Factory, looking at the dense jungle, and was slightly surprised.


Behind Lin Yuan, stood the people of the Lin family, including Lin Zhentian, Lin Xiao, Lin Dong and others.

"The jungle below is directly connected to the deep mountains, so there are many ferocious beasts in it. Those who participate in the hunting competition will each receive a card that indicates their identity, and then be thrown into it. In that jungle, you need to rely on your own abilities to escape from the claws of those beasts.

Lin Zhentian said with a smile: "In addition, when you survive under the claws of these beasts, you have to find a way to get ten identity cards from others, so that you can have the qualifications to step into the giant platform in the center of the jungle. Hunting, hunting, hunting is not just hunting beasts, in fact, more of it is hunting people. "

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually narrowed. This hunting competition was indeed not easy. One had to get ten identity cards to be qualified to step onto the giant stage, which meant that one had to defeat ten people. However, all the participants in the hunting competition were geniuses from various families. How could they be so easy to defeat?

Lin Yuan could imagine how fierce the competition would be in the jungle.

"There are more than one hundred identity cards in total, which means that in the end, only a dozen people at most can step onto the giant stage. Many contestants in the hunt will end up in failure. This competition is considered fierce." Lin Zhentian said with his hands behind his back.

"Ten out of one hundred? Interesting."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Haha, with Lin Yuan's current strength, it will be easy for him to step onto the stage smoothly." Lincoln said with a smile on his face.

"Is it just stepping onto the stage? "

Lin Yuan smiled and said nothing, but there was a gleam in his eyes, as if he was planning something.

Lin Dong stood beside Lin Yuan and naturally saw the smile on Lin Yuan's face. He frowned slightly. He always felt that Lin Yuan's smile was a little malicious.

"Haha, Lin Zhentian, long time no see, it seems that your old bones are still so tough. "

Just as everyone in the Lin family was laughing and talking, a discordant voice came from a distance, and hearing this voice, everyone in the Lin family felt a little uncomfortable and frowned.

Lin Yuan glanced sideways, and saw a large group of people walking towards them from a distance, and during this time, the crowd blocking them also quickly dispersed, looking at them with fear in their eyes.

In the front of that group of people, there were two people standing side by side, one of them was wearing a light gray satin robe, and his age looked about the same as Lin Zhentian, with deep sunken eyes, looking quite cold, and the other one was a middle-aged man, his face was always full of smiles, and he looked very kind, but only those who were familiar with him knew that this guy was actually a smiling tiger.

"Lei Bao, Xie Qian. "

Although he didn't remember the hunting very clearly, Lin Yuan was still clear about the leaders of the Lei and Xie families in Qingyang Town. After all, they were one of the few Tianyuan Realm masters in Qingyang Town.

"Old Lei, don't worry. My old bones will enter the coffin later than you." Lin Zhentian looked at the people from the Lei and Xie families approaching, and his smile was very bright. If you didn't listen to the voices, just looking at the expressions on the surface of the two people, everyone would think that the two would be close friends.

"There are too many things to worry about. It's not easy to live long." Lei Bao said indifferently, and then looked at Lin Yuan with a slightly condensed expression.

The name of the first genius in Qingyang Town has long been spread all over the world, and Lei Bao knows it.

"Is he the rumored first genius in Qingyang Town? He is indeed a handsome man. "

"It's just a nickname, how can it be compared with your Lei family."

Lin Zhentian said very modestly, but anyone can see the pride and pride in his eyes.

"I hope you can really give me a little surprise at that time. "

Xie Qian said with a smile, but a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, the seniors will see it soon." Lin Yuan smiled slightly and said calmly.

Lin Yuan had a rough understanding of the personalities of Xie Qian and Lei Bao. He knew that they would definitely let the people from the Lei and Xie families target him together, but he was not afraid, and even looked forward to it.

Lin Yuan's sudden voice surprised the two of them, and they were also a little annoyed, but he concealed it well and no one else noticed.

"Really? I'll have to take a good look at your performance later."

After saying this, the two of them left with everyone, and everyone in the Lin family fell into silence.

"It looks like they are targeting Lin Yuan. Father..." Lincoln whispered.

"Now that things have come to this, we can only leave it to fate." Lin Zhentian also understood, but there was no solution. He just sighed and comforted.

Lin Yuan was not as worried as they were. Instead, he was very calm. He turned around and glanced at Lin Dong, and laughed softly: "A pack of wolves fighting a lion, who do you think has a better chance of winning?"

Hearing this, Lin Dong's eyelids twitched slightly, and he said calmly: "Under normal circumstances, the pack of wolves wins, but now, the lion wins."

Lin Yuan seemed to have expected Lin Dong to say this a long time ago. He laughed happily and said: "Ants trying to shake a tree, it's time to let those ants know what genius and strength are!"

Lin Yuan's voice was very low, and only Lin Dong could hear it clearly, but because of this, he became more solemn.

"Lin Yuan is ready to fight all the geniuses of the Lei and Xie families by himself!"