
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 135: Thrilling Seizure

"You have no hope at all, just give up."

Above the Holy Spirit Pond, an extremely huge monster was staring coldly at the young man in front of it and said in a calm voice.

Lin Yuan had actually guessed what the crocodile monster would say a long time ago, so he didn't take it to heart. Instead, he asked calmly, "Why are you so sure?"

The crocodile monster was a little surprised by Lin Yuan's reaction. He really didn't expect that the young man could remain so calm in the face of ridicule, which made the crocodile monster very appreciative.

However, despite his appreciation, the crocodile demon still felt that Lin Yuan's wish was doomed to fail, because he could not imagine how terrifying the enemy he was facing was.

"Little ghost, the evil spirits have incomparable talents. Even if I am at my peak state, I cannot guarantee that I can win against them. Do you think you can do it?"

The crocodile demon glanced at the young man in front of him with disdain, with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

After hearing this, Lin Yuan was not angry, but smiled and said calmly: "May I ask, Senior, how strong are you in your life?"

Hearing this question, a glimmer of confidence flashed across the crocodile demon's eyes, and he said proudly: "When I was at my peak, I could have already escaped from life and death and traveled through the three thousand worlds."

"If that's the case, then why did the senior die here?"

After hearing this, Lin Yuan continued to ask without any emotion.

"Uh..." The crocodile demon was choked for a moment, and then a surge of anger rose in his heart. He felt that the young man was looking down on him, and the pressure in his body could not help but press towards Lin Yuan again.

"Little devil, how dare you despise me?"

The sudden terrifying pressure made Lin Yuan spit out blood and he was unable to move, but he did not choose to surrender. He gritted his teeth and persisted silently, with determination in his eyes.

The crocodile demon looked at Lin Yuan who was so unyielding, with doubts flashing in his eyes. Suddenly, he had some ideas in his mind, and said indifferently: "Little devil, as long as you kneel down and admit your mistakes, I will not only let you go, but also give you an opportunity. How about it?"

Lin Yuan did not reply, still stubbornly resisting the terrifying pressure from the crocodile monster, the determination in his eyes increasing instead of decreasing.

"I really want to see how long you can hold on."

The crocodile demon sneered, and the pressure gradually increased. Lin Yuan's face became paler and paler, and blood came out of his nostrils, ears, and even the corners of his eyes. He was almost killed by the pressure of the crocodile demon.

"Roar..." Inside the Qiankun bag, Xiao Zi looked at Lin Yuan's appearance and was extremely angry. He ran out of the Qiankun bag directly, making a dragon roar that resounded through the sky.

"Well, this little demon has actually awakened the dragon bloodline!"

A hint of surprise flashed across the crocodile monster's eyes, and then disappeared.

Even if a real dragon came here, the crocodile monster would not be afraid at all, let alone just a little monster with a trace of dragon blood.

"Little demon, if your strength could reach the realm of reincarnation, I might be a little afraid of you, but you are only in the realm of creation, it will be useless at all."

The crocodile demon said indifferently, ignoring Xiao Zi's roar and turning his gaze to Lin Yuan.


At this moment, Lin Yuan had disappeared. The crocodile demon narrowed his eyes slightly and released pressure in all directions.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a long sword, emitting an ochre-colored light and carrying a desolate aura, shot fiercely towards the crocodile monster's eyes.

"It's just a trick."

The crocodile demon was disdainful and let out a low roar. The long sword collapsed in an instant and dissipated in the air.

"call out!

call out!

call out!"

Three more long swords, also carrying the aura of desolation, shot towards the crocodile monster's eyes and ears respectively.

"Roar..." The crocodile demon showed disdain again, and then with a low roar, the three long swords disappeared again.

"If you are only this level, there is no way you can defeat me. Give up."

The crocodile demon sneered, and its huge aura quickly surged in all directions, searching for Lin Yuan's specific location.


Just at this moment, Xiao Zi burst out a purple-black flame and shot towards the crocodile monster.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in the crocodile monster's eyes. He raised his right claw, and with a whistling sound, he easily put out the purple-black fireball and grabbed Xiao Zi directly.


Several sword lights flashed quickly and hit the crocodile monster's back hard, but still failed to cause any damage.

"Little devil, you are courting death!"

Being teased by a little ghost repeatedly drove the crocodile demon into a frenzy. He roared angrily, and with countless terrifying energy forces, he went in all directions, turning everything in his path into dust.

The powerful force directly knocked Xiao Zi away. He fell to the ground, creating a huge crater. He bled from his mouth and could no longer stand.


Seeing Xiao Zi's appearance, the crocodile demon snorted coldly and scanned the entire space, trying to find Lin Yuan's figure, but he couldn't find it.

"Impossible! A little devil in the Nirvana realm cannot possibly escape my divine sense. Damn it!"

The crocodile demon's momentum continued to rise. This space could not withstand this terrible force and became shaky, but Lin Yuan's figure still did not appear.

"Where are you!"

The crocodile demon roared continuously and became extremely violent as it couldn't find Lin Yuan. It was obvious that it had fallen into madness.

At this moment, deep underground, an ancient sword revealed its tip, then turned into a stream of light and stabbed fiercely into the crocodile monster's abdomen!

The ancient sword was extremely fast, but the crocodile demon had already noticed it and grabbed the stream of light with its left claw.

Just when he was about to grab the ancient sword, a figure appeared in front of the ancient sword. It was the disappeared Lin Yuan!

"Senior, you are indeed powerful, but at this moment, you are nothing more than a corpse that has been dead for who knows how many tens of thousands of years."

There was some blood at the corners of Lin Yuan's mouth, but he still had a smile on his face because he knew that he had won the battle.

Lin Yuan used the ancient sword to suddenly rise up, easily passed the crocodile monster's left claw, and punched the crocodile monster's abdomen.


It seemed like an ordinary punch, but it contained terrifying sword intent, which directly blasted a big hole in the crocodile monster's abdomen!


With a sense of unwillingness, the crocodile monster's figure became illusory and finally disappeared. A drop of blood appeared out of thin air in the air and fell rapidly.

Lin Yuan moved, took out a jade bottle from his Qiankun bag, and caught the drop of blood safely.

"Huh...it's finally over."

After getting what he wanted, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He then looked at Xiao Zi who was lying on the ground. Without hesitation, he took out a dark green pill and stuffed it into Xiao Zi's mouth.

Just a few seconds after taking the pill, Xiao Zi's injuries gradually recovered and he soon returned to normal.

Seeing Xiao Zi like this, Lin Yuan felt relieved and looked at the jade bottle again.

"Next, it's time to take this ancient demon blood!"